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Upload blood pressure measurements via Wemos D1 mini.

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Plan: Add a Wemos D1 mini to my Beurer blood pressure monitor to publish results via MQTT.

Block 1: DI: 100 11xxxxxx = Write enable
Block 2: DI: 110... = Read address 0 -> DO: 0x101 = 5 (start of next free memory slot)
Block 3: Write address 5, bin: 0000100000000100, hex: 08 04, ints: 8 (month) 4 (?, constant)
Block 4: Write address 6, bin: 0000101000010101, hex: 0A 15, ints: 10 (hour) 21 (day)
Block 5: Write address 7, bin: 0111010100100000, hex: 75 20, ints: 117 (high BP - 20) 32 (minutes)
Block 6: Write address 8, bin: 0011110001010111, hex: 3C 57, ints: 60 (HR) 87 (low BP)
Block 7: Write address 0, bin: 0000001000000010, hex: 02 02, ints: 2 2 (number of occupied memory slots)
Block 8: DI: 100 00xxxxxx = Write disable
  • Did not find working SPI slave example for ESP8266. Tried: Arduino SPI (ESP8266 SPI.h does not expose SPI registers SPSR SPDR), SPISlave_Test (did not receive anything, maybe SS inverted?). Not tried: ESP8266_Microwire_EEPROM.
  • Power:
    • AS: #58 ESP8266 Sensor runs 17 days on a coin cell/transmits data
    • Wemos D1 mini draws ~0.3mA in deep sleep which is too much. Could switch to ESP32 (10uA?).
    • For now just power it by holding a push-button (connected to 5.5V from its 4xAA batteries) while turning the blood pressure monitor off (LED on once it has connected to MQTT (~4s) and LED off once published).


Upload blood pressure measurements via Wemos D1 mini.






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