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Releases: voicegain/platform

Release 1.85.1

29 Jun 22:24
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Changes related to Integrity of Processing (fixes)

  • BE-548 Do not send multipart/form-data parameters as files in audio.callback. Only audio data should be sent as file.

All changes affecting Security, Availability, Integrity of Processing, Confidentiality, Privacy are reported as such above. If nothing is reported in the specific category, then it means there were no such relevant changes in this release.

Release 1.85.0

29 Jun 02:12
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New functionality in this release in the Transcribe App:

  • BE-45 Add Sharing of transcripts from Transcribe App
  • BE-422 In Transcribe App add Custom behavior for Help->Submit a Support Ticket option
  • BE-423 In Transcribe App: Support sharing from the Transcript Detail Page
  • BE-424 In Transcribe App: Add Page where the user can see all the meetings that they have shared
  • BE-426 In Transcribe App added Page that shows a single shared transcript to a not logged-in user
  • BE-427 In Transcribe App added Page that shows a single shared transcript to a logged-in user
  • BE-449 In Transcribe App: add ability to recompute Meeting Minutes for all Meeting withing Project

New functionality in other platform components:

  • BE-225 Modify the Admin Tool to show "Last Used" time
  • BE-233 In Admin tool: add PCI-DSS column to the main account table display
  • BE-326 In Web Console: Show SHA sum of the Edge Cluster configuration
  • BE-387 In Web Console: If account is PCI compliant then show CHD Rate Limits
  • BE-417 Implemented Share APIs
  • BE-418 Implemented GET api for meeting data that uses shareId
  • BE-425 Add sharedBy and sharedWith parameters to GET /asr/meeting query
  • BE-447 Add PUT /asr/meeting/context/{contextId}/recompute method to recompute all the meetings on a context
  • BE-474 In Admin Tool: Show the number of Phones
  • BE-475 In Admin Tool: Add sorting by balance
  • BE-476 In Admin Tool: On the Usage chart make it possible to deselect one or more lines
  • BE-484 In Admin Tool: Add a "view password" feature to the login dialog
  • BE-485 In Admin Tool: Add "Suspend Selected" account functionality
  • BE-487 In Web Console Signup: Add confirmation of the values being submitted
  • BE-489 When creating new buckets enable versioning and set lifecycle rules
  • BE-514 Add Matomo to App Selector
  • BE-515 In App Selector: Add support for selectable Spanish/English language in the UI
  • BE-528 In Admin Tool: Add filtering on null value for Last Login and Last Used fields
  • BE-539 Support a new property: minio.server.region
  • BE-541 Add Region to Object Store settings for Edge Cluster

Changes related to Integrity of Processing (fixes):

  • QA-183 In Transcribe App fix the link from "Manage Users"
  • BE-197 Add Kubeadm API update to
  • BE-411 In Web Console: Add splash loading screen
  • BE-446 In Transcribe App improve prompt in the URL entry box
  • BE-453 In Transcribe App fixed the "missing voice signature speaker" error
  • BE-454 Configured brotli for Cloud ACP and Transcribe App
  • BE-456 Fixed new-billing-utility fail to store an instance of Account in Redis due to oidcSettings
  • BE-462 Fixed new-billing-utility fail to send alerts due to a missing environment variable
  • BE-463 Fixed new-billing-utility fail to process storage and phone number usage periodically
  • BE-466 Fixed multiple records of storage usage of an account are written to postgres
  • BE-467 new-billing-utility submits the usage of a phone number to Billing System
  • BE-477 In Web Console in Add User dialog fixed the User option showing twice
  • BE-478 new-billing-utility fails to group the same type of ASR usage into one single record for a given interval
  • BE-479 new-billing-utility derives billing_to_process from only asr usages and ignores other types of usages
  • BE-480 Fixed: Account query API does not return correct values for pciDss field
  • BE-483 In Admin Tool: Better names for tabs
  • BE-492 new-billing-utility to ensure each quantity has up to 6 decimal places before it's sent to Fusebill
  • BE-493 In Web Console: fixed issue with New User Wizard (Joyride)
  • BE-505 In Admin Tool: Make login safer by using pre-login feature
  • BE-512 GET /config-cluster fails to include clusterConfigShaSum in the response
  • BE-517 Fixed: EZINit issues with home directory and autossh for auto generated voicegain user.
  • BE-518 rex fails to invoke SessionMeasurementUtility.commit() for some realtime ASR sessions
  • BE-521 Fixed in Web Console: Transcribe+ table does not span full available width
  • BE-525 Fixed Polling URL returned from POST /sa
  • BE-527 Fix in Transcribe App: Download no longer downloads TXT and Audio
  • BE-529 In Admin Tool: Change filtering values on Contexts, Edge, Websockets, Phone #, and Users columns
  • BE-537 In Web Console: Fix user gets duplicated when adding roles
  • BE-538 Fixed in Transcribe App: the request for meetings on the home page should retrieve only 20 meetings
  • BE-540 Fixed in EDGE Web Console: Fallback Login is shown incorrectly
  • BE-542 Fix RedisTimeoutException: Unable to acquire connection!
  • BE-544 Fixed: Cloud function cannot add task to redis

Third-Party vulnerability (security) related fixes:

  • BE-464 Admin Tool: Update to yarn and update packages to newer versions
  • VM-79 Unimrcp docker vulnerability
  • VM-81 freeswitch docker image vulnerability
  • VM-133 Python package protobuf==3.20.1
  • VM-135 offline-main docker image vulnerability (ffmpeg)
  • VM-136 ml-svc-grpc docker image vulnerability
  • VM-149 (SSO) nth-check Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
  • VM-150 (SSO) async-validator Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
  • VM-151 (SSO) word-wrap Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
  • VM-152 (SSO) css-what Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
  • VM-153 filebeat docker image vulnerability
  • VM-154 elasticsearch-master docker image vulnerability
  • VM-155 Triton docker image vulnerability
  • VM-156 Java services Docker image vulnerability
  • VM-157 httpd docker image httpd:2.4.57-alpine3.17 vulnerability
  • VM-158 redocly/redoc:v2.0.0-rc.50 docker image vulnerability
  • VM-159 transmogrifier ssh and web docker container vulnerability
  • VM-160 ingress-nginx==4.6.0 helm chart vulnerability
  • VM-161 freeswitch 2.3.10 docker image vulnerability
  • VM-162 python:3.9.16-slim@sha256:78740d6c888f2e6cb466760b3373eb35bb3f1059cf1f1b5ab0fbec9a0331a03d docker image vulnerability
  • VM-163 nats:2.9.16-debian-11-r1 docker vulnerability
  • VM-164 telegraf:1.26.1 docker image vulnerability
  • VM-165 mysql:5.7.30 docker image vulnerability
  • VM-166 Pod container allows privilege escalation on exec
  • VM-167 Pod container is allowed to run as root
  • VM-168 grafana 6.6.0 docker image vulnerability
  • VM-169 single-tensorflow-serving:2.11.1 Docker image vulnerability

All changes affecting Security, Availability, Integrity of Processing, Confidentiality, Privacy are reported as such above. If nothing is reported in the specific category then it means there were no such relevant changes in this release.

Release 1.84.3

19 Jun 17:21
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Changes related to Integrity of Processing (fixes):

  • Fix several UI glitches that were introduced when updating AntD version.

Changes related to Security:

  • BE-220 requires Content Security Policy and related Headers

All changes affecting Security, Availability, Integrity of Processing, Confidentiality, Privacy are reported as such above. If nothing is reported in the specific category then it means there were no such relevant changes in this release.

Release 1.84.2

08 Jun 19:01
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Changes related to Integrity of Processing (fixes)

  • BE-448 Project transcript view shows also Home Page transcripts directly after switch from Home to Project view

All changes affecting Security, Availability, Integrity of Processing, Confidentiality, Privacy are reported as such above. If nothing is reported in the specific category then it means there were no such relevant changes in this release.

Release 1.84.1

07 Jun 19:38
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Changes related to Integrity of Processing (fixes)

  • BE-442 Fixed in Transcribe App: Voice Signature sample playback always plays from the beginning of audio
  • BE-443 Fixed in Transcribe App: Transcription fails because unable to find the speaker

All changes affecting Security, Availability, Integrity of Processing, Confidentiality, Privacy are reported as such above. If nothing is reported in the specific category, then it means there were no such relevant changes in this release.

Release 1.84.0

06 Jun 18:19
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This minor release includes a significantly more accurate Spanish real-time model.

Here is a list of fixes and changes:

  • BE-224 Track on each account the most recent access
  • BE-242 Finalized the new style of the Browser Capture pop-up in Transcribe App
  • BE-260 In Web Console: In File Transcribe Dialog add ability to enter hint misspellings and boost
  • BE-279 Allow only Audio files for upload to Clip Manager
  • BE-281 In Transcribe App: Added a page with Terms of Use that is reachable via the Help menu
  • BE-288 Fixed in Transcribe App: Asks to setup a payment method while payment method already setup on the account
  • BE-327 Show context id in the card with JWT token
  • BE-336 Improved English NER
  • BE-365 Voicegain SSO App updated to latest 3rd-party package versions, also switched from npm to yarn
  • BE-367 Make the User Management table sortable in the Web Console
  • BE-369 Generate JWT with userId and use it where needed
  • BE-370 Fixed in meeting minutes: Summaries truncated mid sentence
  • BE-371 Fixed: Save button not enabled on EDGE in user profile
  • BE-372 In Transcribe App left-hand menu - prevent overlapping scroll bars
  • BE-373 fixed in Transcribe App: Error when deleting last Device
  • BE-374 Fix in Transcribe App: asr-api doesn't allow users to move a meeting session to a different context in some case
  • BE-377 Library Vulnerability check for the SSO app
  • BE-378 Modify EZInit and EZUpdate script to correctly set directory permissions
  • BE-379 Modify /asr/transcribe/async API to support audio calbacks
  • BE-380 Add report of the audioCallback in the full /asr/transcribe/async results
  • BE-381 Add DMY to list of NERs that we support for redaction in asr/transcribe formatter
  • BE-382 Fixed in Transcribe App: incorrect speaker names found in exported meeting transcription
  • BE-384 Supports audioCallback with PI Redacted audio
  • BE-388 Fix in Web Console: Transcription from URL request is missing audio.capture parameter
  • BE-389 Improved Context selection dialog in the Web Console
  • BE-391 In Transcribe App: trim spaces from entered URL
  • BE-392 Disable Password Recovery Key page if user is logged in using SSO
  • BE-394 New API to return AuthConfig by name from Context
  • BE-396 Do not offer local password change to users logged in via SSO
  • BE-401 In Web Console: add 'S3 Compatible' type of auth config
  • BE-404 Support context.description in Context API
  • BE-407 Changes to authConfig to support S3 Compatible URI
  • BE-408 Fixed in Transcribe App: Wrong confirmation dialog show when deleting user from Account
  • BE-412 When syncing users, avoid copying a user to edge if the user's email is found on edge
  • BE-414 API for multipart/form-data for Audio Callback
  • BE-415 Add GET /asr/transcribe/status/queue API
  • BE-419 Add customValues to the OnPrem Cluster API
  • BE-421 Fixed bug: In regex-based redaction only the first regex is being used
  • BE-429 Fixed formatting anomaly: ok, let's try number 1
  • BE-431 Fixed in Transcribe App: Bad URL in Advisor
  • BE-435 In Web Console: When we are done creating new context - switch to the new context
  • BE-436 Fixed in Web Console: broken validation for area-code numbers
  • BE-439 In Web Console: fix formatting of the Transcribe Detail page

Release 1.83.0

22 May 21:59
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Key things that are new in the Transcribe App this minor release:

  • Meeting summaries are generated by GPT-3.5
  • Zoom Meeting Assistant now uses Device Pairing to authenticate with the Transcribe App. You will need to download and install Zoom Meeting Assistant ver 1.0.0+
  • On EDGE, Transcribe App now supports OIDC SSO.

Here is a list of fixes and changes

  • BE-164 Modifying Edge configuration is no longer supported - on change new configuration needs to be created
  • BE-211 In Web Console - do not accept characters not needed in field values
  • BE-228 Fixed Major 3rd-party vulnerabilities
  • BE-241 OIDC SSO functionality added to Transcribe App
  • BE-246 Page to configure the OIDC SSO parameters in Transcribe App
  • BE-247 New Login page for Transcribe App if SSO is enabled
  • BE-252 Zoom Meeting assistant ver. 1.0.0 with new Device Pairing functionality
  • BE-264 Invite User dialog now extended to handle SSO users
  • BE-266 New welcome to Transcribe App email for the SSO invite case
  • BE-267 If SSO is enabled for the Transcribe App then Forgot Password should direct to SSO
  • BE-273 Meeting transcription will complete even in presence of NATS messaging errors
  • BE-275 APIs to support device pairing
  • BE-282 Transcribe App now support device pairing - a new page for device management
  • BE-283 New Zoom Meeting App installer now supports properties needed for device pairing
  • BE-291 Fixed bug: Auth Configuration may overwrite good credential with a bad one
  • BE-292 Meeting Minutes summary now generated by LLM
  • BE-298 New Auth API methods to support SSO login
  • BE-305 New field in /cluster API to support Edge deployments with SSO
  • BE-311 CHD environment can submit measurements to local influxDB
  • BE-312 New Zoom Meeting Assistant installer supported on Edge
  • BE-316 Track CHD sessions for billing
  • BE-319 Rate-Limit measurements are now sent from CHD environment and tagged with chd=true
  • BE-324 Add CHD boolean tag to all measurements written to the influxDb
  • BE-325 New Rate Limits in the Account API for CHD environment
  • BE-330 Separate Rate-Limits for CHD environment
  • BE-332 Apply fetchTimeout to the ffmpeg -timeout option
  • BE-338 Automatically signup users from SSO if the email domain is allowed
  • BE-339 Support cases where an SSO user wants to login but the domain is not allowed
  • BE-340 In Transcribe App: support key sentences which are summaries as cannot be attributed to a single speaker.
  • BE-341 In Transcribe App Meeting Minutes: implement speaker substitution also for key sentences
  • BE-342 Fixed TTS (Google voices) fails on text like e.g. "7, 6, 2, 6, 2"
  • BE-345 If OIDC is enabled for a Cluster then do not show "Signup Code" in from Account Settings
  • BE-346 In Transcribe App, provide a pop-up alert if a device need pairing approval
  • BE-347 GET /confgroup now accepts JWT tokens
  • BE-348 Changes to how authConfig is updated using PUT/confgroup/uuid
  • BE-349 In POST /asr/meeting: do not override context to null if JWT has no context
  • BE-353 fixed: PUT /confgroup/uuid with languages=[null] causes NPE
  • BE-356 Modify PUT /user/uuid to accept JWT tokens for authentication
  • BE-357 Unable to delete values of "allow signup from domains"
  • BE-359 Support DMY NER in Transcribe App project configuration
  • BE-360 In Transcribe App: New user invited from SSO will set name auto populated

Release 1.82.4

22 May 16:27
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This release allows for use of the /confgroup API with JWT token.

Release 1.82.3

22 May 16:27
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This release upgrades Kubernetes to 1.25

Release 1.82.2

27 Apr 22:43
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This maintenance release has the following changes:

  • BE-256 Modified App Selector to properly render on mobile browsers
  • BE-257 Added notice to Login Screen on Transcribe App on mobile browsers