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Releases: voicegain/platform

Release 1.105.0

19 Jun 02:48
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Key changes related to the core APIs

  • Offline model (omega) trained on additional data from call center calls (health insurance, retail customer support)
  • Telephony Bot API now supports outbound calling and setting ANI caller id on transfer
  • Added a parameter that controls language detection in offline transcribe API
  • Added ability to send real-time transcription results to a websocket server (previously only supported websocket client)
  • Web Console now shows all login sessions and supports forced logout.

Key changes related to Transcribe APP

  • Added basic LLM Query over data stored in vector database
  • User-level time settings (previously time settings were only account-wide)
  • Korean transcription should now be less likely to shift to translation
  • Summary LLM prompts are customizable on Edge

New or changed functionality in the Transcribe App:

  • QA-1230 TA: Active login sessions now displayed and highlighted at the top by default.
  • BE-2276 TA: Add 3 more LLM prompts to LLM settings
  • BE-2224 TA: Add 'copy to clipboard' for action items
  • BE-2278 TA: Add time settings also on User Profile
  • QA-1237 TA: Added an option for Logout from all devices on My Login sessions.
  • BE-2217 TA: Added basic Vector LLM Query
  • BE-2284 TA: Apply MD formatting to the section summaries
  • BE-2314 TA: If a user clicks the LLM Query button on the home page - take them to the LLM settings if needed
  • BE-2240 TA: Implement page for Vector based querying - Edge Only
  • BE-2196 TA: Make sure that whenever we discard the login session in the browser we do call logout API
  • BE-2218 TA: Provide immediate feedback of the Start mic capture button being clicked
  • BE-2282 TA: Use the customer overrides (if specified) for the summary prompts

New or changed functionality in other platform components:

  • BE-2198 Web Console: Add login sessions view in Account Profile page
  • BE-2197 Web Console: Make sure that whenever we discard the login session in the browser we do call logout API
  • BE-2001 Web Console: Notify about inability to to microphone capture on HTTP urls
  • QA-1274 Web Console: Removed Prompt and TTS Settings
  • BE-2233 Web Console: Show the list of languages sorted
  • BE-2229 Web Console: Use the new change password API
  • BE-2199 SA: Added created date and UUID to the page with Project details
  • BE-2200 SA: Added name of the project to the Delete dialog
  • BE-2256 SA: Contact Support now opens in a new browser tab
  • BE-2290 SA: Implement AIVR Integration (configuration)
  • BE-2206 SA: Improve PII Redaction Config page
  • BE-2255 SA: Use the Account Time settings as the time defaults when creating a new Project
  • BE-2254 SA: Use the new change password API in SA App
  • BE-2252 SA: Hide (comment out) the setting for Age detection
  • BE-2299 Demo: Add a note about the models used in the Voicebot Demo
  • BE-2300 Demo: Copy to clipboard icons need tool-tip and there needs to be confirmation after copy
  • BE-2211 Admin Tool: Add tab/page to control SA activation
  • BE-2301 Add languageDetection parameter to asr settings in the transcribe API
  • BE-1749 Add Outbound Calling to AIVR API
  • BE-2277 Add to cluster API new LLM Settings for the Embeddings
  • BE-2177 Added support for 11labs voices in TTS
  • BE-2225 Added transfer to extension option in the AIVR transfer action
  • BE-2291 AIVR Transfer should give option to use DNIs or Original ANI for the caller id for the transferred call
  • BE-2312 Better handling of HTTP 502 from Fusebill
  • BE-2279 Changes on agent field in request to POST /sa/call
  • BE-2085 Do not return "user not found" from the forgot password API
  • BE-1972 Hide/Show features of the Speech Analytics App based on the settings on the account
  • BE-2239 Implement POST /asr/meeting/llm/query
  • BE-2286 Improve (speedup) lookup of AIVR App by DNIS
  • BE-2216 Improve diarization sentence boundary
  • BE-2209 Language detection for offline sessions using Omega model
  • BE-2273 LLM meeting section summary now returned raw
  • BE-2193 Modified GET /greg/experiment to return only the experiments that are from the specified Context
  • BE-673 Modify password change API to encrypt password parameters
  • BE-2081 Move caching of TTS prompts from memory to redis
  • BE-2185 Move mod_xml_curl service to fssk
  • BE-1791 Omega model trained on Health Insurance Call Center data
  • BE-2230 Speedup the response time of POST /asr/transcribe/async
  • BE-2191 Support 'external' websocket mode for /asr/transcribe/async and /asr/recognize/async
  • BE-2192 Support new returned Content type - metadata
  • BE-2261 Tie AIVR App and Context to form AIVR Integration (Context side)
  • BE-1680 Update jdk version to 17 in docker images

Changes related to Integrity of Processing (fixes):

  • QA-1185 TA Edge: Fix - Unable to recognize transcript's project on homepage.
  • QA-1252 TA Edge: Fix - Port Number is missing in invitation link
  • BE-2269 TA: Fix - Action Items are no longer included in the PDF and Docx
  • QA-1198 TA: Fix - Advanced Search View does not update after clicking ReRun.
  • QA-1263 TA: Fix - After deleting any share, it still shows in the table until the user performs a hard refresh of the page
  • QA-1240 TA: Fix - Downloaded pdf for Korean transcript does not open in Acrobat Reader
  • QA-1248 TA: Fix - Duplicate transcripts are showing in advance search.
  • BE-2275 TA: Fix - Korean sometimes being translated in addition to transcribed
  • BE-2274 TA: Fix - LLM Playground needs to be able to get transcript even if user is User role and has no Download permission
  • QA-1279 TA: Fix - Microphone recording and browser share menu should not be shown under actions for languages that do not have permissions for browser capture and microphone recording.
  • QA-1126 TA: Fix - Null projects displayed for some meetings.
  • QA-1199 TA: Fix - Some transcripts are missing a options under the 3-dot menu.
  • QA-1232 Ta: Fix - Sorting is not working on MY Login sessions page.
  • QA-1219 TA: Fix - The 'Incorrect Password' message should appear when a user tries to download the password recovery key with the wrong password.
  • BE-838 TA: Fix - Tracking of time used does not seem to work anymore
  • QA-1242 TA: Fix - User gets stuck on Upload page after submitting a file.
  • QA-912 TA: Fix - User is able to upload the audio file even when the allotted storage is fully used.
  • BE-2313 TA: Fix - User unable to move recording from one project to another
  • QA-1205 TA: Fix - Warning not showing for upload of large file.
  • BE-2169 Web Console: Fix - Clicking on the date range in Logs page triggers an error in the console
  • QA-1220 Web Console: Fix - New user Account getting error on log search
  • BE-2271 Web Console: Fix - Output AIVR prompts are not expanding
  • BE-2219 Web Console: Fix - recorded audio chart should start from 0:00
  • QA-1243 Web Console: Fix - Unable to edit 'App Name'
  • QA-1273 Web Console: Fix - When user click on the No. of node of 'No edge deployments loaded' table getting blank page
  • QA-1258 SA: Fix - Audio forward/backward buttons are not working as expected.
  • BE-2316 SA: Fix - Avatar not getting saved
  • BE-2250 SA: Fix - Back Button should take us back to Settings overview and not to main page
  • QA-1226 SA: Fix - Fails to show the new project wizard if there are not Projects on account
  • BE-2260 SA: Fix - Missing parameters for uploaded Call
  • QA-1159 SA: Fix - User is unable to select the time and time dropdown text is overlap.
  • QA-1068 SA: Fix - User unable to update location , Company Position, and Name, as save button disabled.
  • QA-1133 SA: Fix - Weird behavior on the configurations page.
  • BE-2288 Fix - AIVR stopped listening in the middle of a my answer
  • BE-2208 Fix - asr-api fails to submit DEL callback request after disconnect is processed
  • BE-2181 Fix - ml-svc performance degradation since release 103 after we upgrade to python 3.11
  • BE-2214 Demo: Fix - Getting 401 error when trying to send a link from the demo app
  • QA-1213 Admin Tool: Fix - Showing a blank page when the admin user tries to check the API usage.

All changes affecting Security, Availability, Integrity of Processing, Confidentiality, Privacy are reported as such above. If nothing is reported in the specific category then it means there were no such relevant changes in this release.

Release 1.104.0

30 May 00:55
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Key changes related to the core APIs

  • Add diarization to Whisper model in offline task
  • Autoscale real-time REX on GCP
  • Automatically detect agent channel in offline SA API
  • Improved Kappa (real-time) model trained on additional call-center data (health insurance domain)
  • Switch Analytics App from /sa API to /sa/offline APIs
  • Extend the use of allowSignupsFromDomain to allowed user invites

Key changes related to Transcribe APP

  • Add Korean Language option for Edge
  • Enhanced LLM Playground to support temperature setting and markdown rendering
  • Added "Automatic" setting for number of speakers in diarization
  • In Advanced Search added Relative Time filter
  • Add pages with list of login sessions (for user and for all account)

New or changed functionality in the Transcribe App:

  • BE-2133 TA: Add "Go to Home" button on "Something Went Wrong" page
  • BE-2202 TA: Add a 3 second timeout on the request to ipfy
  • BE-2134 TA: Add Korean Language option for Edge
  • BE-2078 TA: Add page with list of all logged-in sessions on the account
  • BE-2182 TA: Add support for m4a files in file upload
  • BE-2155 TA: Add temperature to LLM Settings
  • QA-680 TA: Better reporting of Recompute in progress on Advanced Search page
  • BE-2125 TA: LLM playground able to render markdown format in LLM responses
  • BE-2190 TA: Modify message template used LLM Playground to work with Mixtral
  • BE-2141 TA: Modify the number of speakers selector for diarization on Upload
  • BE-2184 TA: Remove diarization from Live Microphone recording preview
  • BE-2118 TA: Remove previous error message from the login screen as soon as the user clicks the login button
  • QA-848 TA: Show all login sessions of the current user
  • BE-2136 TA: Show PC Name when hovering over Installed-Connected
  • BE-2164 TA: Support Relative Time search filter on Start Time in Advanced Search
  • BE-1885 TA: Use Mixtral for Summarization on Edge

New or changed functionality in other platform components:

  • BE-2142 Add ability to save Meeting Search queries
  • BE-1698 Add diarization to Whisper model in offline task
  • BE-2062 Add percolatorThreshold to the output response in AIVR callback
  • BE-2139 Add regex syntax and group references to the url prefix matching in grammar fetcher
  • BE-2137 Add RelTimeTerm query term to Advanced Meeting Search API
  • BE-2138 Add RelTimeTerm query term to Call Search API
  • BE-2144 Add temperature parameter to llmSettings in the /cluster API
  • BE-2092 Admin Tool: Show login error messages to user
  • BE-1601 API to email link to the results of Voicebot Demo session - make the link url configurable
  • BE-2127 Autoscale real-time REX on GCP
  • BE-2120 Demo Voicebot: Show the page with trancript/audio/sidepanel immediately after the end of the call
  • BE-2158 Demo Voicebot: Support Spanish version of Casey demo
  • BE-2187 Demo: Use the new urlLink parameter in the API used to send the link
  • BE-2089 Detect agent channel in offline SA API
  • BE-2175 Extend the use of allowSignupsFromDomain to user invites
  • BE-2135 Improve /llm/chat API to handle transcript longer than the token limit
  • BE-1792 Improved Kappa (real-time) model trained on additional call-center data (health insurance domain)
  • BE-2041 Limit maximum number of nonces that can be active for a login session at any time
  • BE-1678 Migrate Java Applications from Java 11 to Java 17
  • BE-2172 Modify the GET method for the Business Config API which takes Auth Token
  • BE-2108 Monitor and restart asr container if it loses GPU
  • BE-2126 Retire old billing-utility
  • BE-2117 Return a specific http error response if we get ResourceLimitExceededException when creating new Voice Connector.
  • BE-2149 SA: Add filter on User Role
  • BE-2129 SA: Add JWT token generation to SA
  • BE-2157 SA: Add option to Delete a user
  • BE-2156 SA: Add option to Edit the User
  • BE-2057 SA: Invoke correct new APIs when uploading single file on SA App
  • BE-1712 SA: New Advanced Search Page
  • BE-1794 Switch Analytics App from /sa API to /sa/offline APIs
  • BE-1997 Tie collecting storage information to activity on account
  • BE-2109 Upgrade openai package to version 1.*
  • QA-1165 Web Console: Add a filter for the 2FA enabled on the user management page.
  • QA-1188 Web Console: Add Calendar to date selection in Business Config
  • BE-2080 Web Console: Add sorting on columns showing available Edge configurations
  • BE-2121 Web Console: Edge deployment filter - bring the search box in focus as soon as I open the filter
  • BE-2075 Web Console: Show telcoData.fsUUID on the AIVR session details page
  • BE-2176 Web Console: Show value of allowSignupsFromDomain in account profile

Changes related to Integrity of Processing (fixes):

  • BE-98 Fix - Bug in telco service with Apps that are sip-only and we try add a phone number
  • BE-2170 Fix - Float overflow issue in rex RNNT search
  • BE-2166 Fix - Incorrect column count: expected 1, actual 38 in getCallCount in /sa/call API
  • BE-1971 Fix - NoSuchFieldError: LUCENE_7_7_3
  • BE-2167 Fix - Speakers merged into streaks of other speaker utterances in /sa/offline API
  • QA-1133 SA: Fix - Weird behavior on the configurations page.
  • QA-1200 TA Edge: Fix - Invitation email is not coming to the provided email address.
  • QA-1236 TA: Fix - After editing any expired shared transcript to Never Expire, the save button is not working.
  • QA-1223 TA: Fix - Back button is not working on Walkthrough Wizard
  • QA-1153 TA: Fix - Blank page is showing for the login for one account.
  • QA-1211 TA: Fix - Hover msg over Never share Expiry status is wrong.
  • BE-1989 TA: Fix - Inconsistent Project membership as shown in the UI
  • QA-1076 TA: Fix - Personal projects are not showing in the destination projects while moving any transcript.
  • QA-1122 TA: Fix - Resend invites to bad email address throwing the something went wrong issue.
  • BE-2146 TA: Fix - Right-click not working on Edge
  • QA-1227 TA: Fix - Showing the American flag for all project language projects.
  • QA-1197 TA: Fix - Specific No. of Speakers field is accepting blank inputs.
  • BE-1987 TA: Fix - Stuck on Import/Upload page after Submit
  • QA-1231 TA: Fix - There is no limit given for the Time range in advanced search.
  • QA-1209 TA: Fix - Walkthrough wizards not working properly on 90% page zoom.
  • QA-586 TA: Fix - When a user clicks on “edit” of a Share it automatically increases its “Expires in” time by a day.
  • QA-1174 Web Console: Fix - On Experiment Browser section- ‘Apply filter' button is not working, user getting ‘e.preventDefault’ is not a function.
  • QA-1191 Web Console: Fix - Only one success message should be displayed when adding a 'Business Configuration'.
  • QA-1186 Web Console: Fix - Past date entry should not allowed in adding Business Config records.
  • BE-2148 Web Console: Fix - Unable to save the URL of the outbound AIVR logic
  • QA-1176 Web Console: Fix - User getting blank page, either clicked on True text or ascending- descending filter or when searching something.
  • QA-1177 Web Console: Fix - When a user click on copy icon under A of Utterance, he does not get any copied data but getting Type Error
  • QA-1179 Web Console: Fix - When users try to delete ID’s under Interpretation column by clicking on delete icon, it’ s not getting deleted.
  • QA-1175 Web Console: Fix - When users try to edit any ID under True column, since at the time of editing Reset and Save button is disable but still it is clickable.

All changes affecting Security, Availability, Integrity of Processing, Confidentiality, Privacy are reported as such above. If nothing is reported in the specific category then it means there were no such relevant changes in this release.

Release 1.103.1

16 May 21:29
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New or changed functionality in the Transcribe App:

  • BE-2143: (TA) Show Recompute option also if status Error under certain conditions

Changes related to Integrity of Processing (fixes):

  • BE-2163: Fix - Incorrect nginx routing for auth-svc from admin app

All changes affecting Security, Availability, Integrity of Processing, Confidentiality, Privacy are reported as such above. If nothing is reported in the specific category then it means there were no such relevant changes in this release.

Release 1.103.0

08 May 04:03
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Key changes related to the core APIs

  • Support for url rewrite and HTTP proxy for grammar fetching for /asr/recognize API and for MRCP ASR.
  • Switch Speech Analytics App from old /sa api to new /sa/offline API
  • New APIs to manage user login sessions
  • New API to define business specific settings for a Voicebot

Key changes related to Transcribe APP

  • LLM Playground for Edge Deployments - ask a LLM any questions about the transcript.
  • Fix for negative duration of words which was impacting recomputing data from transcripts.

New or changed functionality in the Transcribe App:

  • BE-2068 TA: Add LLM Playground page to Transcribe App (on Edge only)
  • QA-1054 TA: Add validator for keyword group names
  • BE-2060 TA: Option to set share within account to not expire

New or changed functionality in other platform components:

  • BE-2101 /sa/offline API - generate talk and overtalk data for each speaker
  • BE-2076 Add AIVR API method to reserve rex for already started outbound aivr session
  • BE-1953 Add AIVR Business Config API with opening-hours information and other info
  • BE-2036 Add aivrAppId to the initial callback for the AIVR session (also the websocket version)
  • QA-1071 Add API to logout user from some/all login sessions
  • QA-1070 Add API to show User's all login sessions
  • BE-2061 Add audioOffset option to audio in /sa/offline
  • BE-1878 Add localization in llm-svc
  • BE-2044 Add parent AIVR session to POST /aivr/dial/{destination}
  • BE-1917 Add to Account a read-only field to store customization settings for SA App
  • BE-1974 Add to Account API saAppHiddenFeatures
  • BE-2020 Add version field to /sa/call
  • BE-2033 Associate Business Config with AIVR App
  • BE-1850 Casey Demo Voicebot in Spanish
  • BE-2058 Configure demoPhoneNumber for demo app on dev qa and prod environments
  • BE-2011 Convert auth-svc from tomcat+war to SpringBoot
  • BE-1985 Enhancements to grammar fetcher (http proxy, url rewrite)
  • BE-1972 Hide/Show features of the Speech Analytics App based on the settings on the account
  • BE-1909 Hook up Speech Analytics App to Sentry
  • BE-1954 Implement API to query existing login sessions
  • BE-2035 Implement GET /aivr-app/{aivrAppId}/business
  • BE-1992 Implement GET and DELETE /auth/login/{sessionId}
  • BE-1497 Implement getContextStats method on SearchableMeetingDao that returns statistics for contexts
  • BE-2074 Implement POST /llm/chat API
  • BE-1598 Implement proper queue priority for transcription
  • BE-2003 Implement safe shutdown for freeswitch/fssk pod
  • BE-2031 Improve nonce handling in Customer Management Portal (Admin Tool)
  • BE-2030 Improve nonce handling in Customer Portal
  • BE-2032 Improve nonce handling in Speech Analytics App
  • BE-2116 In Share APIs -- make expires value of 0 mean that the share never expires
  • BE-2052 Modify REX to stop storing usages in Redis
  • BE-2051 Move sentryEnvironment to global setting in onprem-cluster-deployment task
  • BE-1073 New API: POST /asr/meeting/{meetingId}/rerun
  • BE-1520 Stop storing usages in Redis after billing-utility is no longer needed on production
  • BE-1981 Support cluster specific service account key in onprem-cluster-deployment task
  • BE-1794 Switch Analytics App from /sa API to /sa/offline APIs
  • BE-1966 Update k8sNodes in firestore automatically when changing cluster setup
  • BE-2069 Web Console: add "outbound" option to pull-down for logic
  • BE-1994 Web Console: Add audio download button to AIVR call audio page
  • BE-2038 Web Console: Add page to configure Business settings for use in AIVR
  • BE-2006 Web Console: include ;transport=tcp in the sip URI shown in Telephony Bot App
  • BE-2002 Web Console: Place cursor and focus on the highlighted textbox right after the context dialog is shown
  • BE-1492 Web Console: Show Edge configuration in the table that shows all Edge deployments
  • BE-1951 Web Console: Telephony Bot mode in Call Session table - make it remember previous state when returning from the detailed session view

Changes related to Integrity of Processing (fixes):

  • QA-1111 TA: Fix - "ID to Clipboard" option is missing in Advanced Search.
  • QA-1125 TA: Fix - After deleting any transcript, success message not showing.
  • BE-2022 TA: Fix - bad http request URLs in Edge deployments
  • QA-1140 TA: Fix - Project numbers going blank after filtering role in Users under Account.
  • QA-1081 TA: Fix - Proper translation should be there for mouse hovering on error.
  • BE-2021 TA: Fix - running out of nonces in some scenarios
  • BE-2027 TA: Fix - Sentry errors when sending to Glitchtip
  • QA-1184 TA: Fix - Shared transcript page getting refresh continuously(Public share)
  • QA-1141 TA: Fix - Sorting in Users under Account section is not working properly.
  • QA-1143 TA: Fix - The duration filter is not working as intended, having issues setting it up manually, and also not showing the transcripts.
  • QA-1167 TA: Fix - The owner is unable to log in to below mentioned IP addresses and the "Failed to fetch" error is being received.
  • QA-786 TA: Fix - Transcripts with no duration are not available in advanced search.
  • QA-1117 TA: Fix - Unable to edit "Users" when creating a new project.
  • QA-685 TA: Fix - Updated User name is not showing on the admin Speaker screen
  • QA-1116 TA: Fix - Walkthrough wizard not working properly, back button not working when user tries to go back from the transcripts.
  • BE-2013 TA: Fix - When inviting the user to the account, if we provide an invalid email it throws a 500 error and goes to the "Something went wrong" page
  • QA-1114 TA: Fix back button from transcript opened from Advanced Search results
  • BE-2084 Web Console: Fix - Audio is fresh-uploaded GREG experiment not playing
  • BE-2119 Web Console: Fix - certain Edge Configurations showing blank page instead
  • QA-1142 Web Console: Fix - Context dash filter by status is not working properly.
  • BE-1955 Web Console: Fix - In user Profile show permissions and not the Role
  • BE-2007 Web Console: Fix - Narrow window does not render transcript text in telephony call detail view
  • BE-2077 Web Console: Fix - Requests for GREG audio stuck in "pending" and then failing
  • BE-2087 Web Console: Fix - Showing Training mode even though account does not have Training enabled
  • BE-2053 Fix - Glitchtip cannot handle larger headers (cookies)
  • BE-1982 Fix - NPE found in new-billing-utility logs on voicegain
  • BE-2103 Fix - Queue info is not getting saved and/or returned from /sa/call API
  • BE-2083 Fix for negative duration of words
  • BE-655 Fix for onprem-cluster-deployment task stuck when pods are in unexpected status

All changes affecting Security, Availability, Integrity of Processing, Confidentiality, Privacy are reported as such above. If nothing is reported in the specific category then it means there were no such relevant changes in this release.

Release 1.102.0

16 Apr 23:01
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Key changes related to the core APIs

  • MRCP ASR now supports GARBAGE grammars (Nuance syntax)
  • Removal of Prompt Manager in Web Console - not used due to popularity of TTS
  • /sa/offline API is now available in beta - this is for Offline Transcription and Speech Analytics
  • Telephony Bot API supports A/B testing using multiple logic URLs
  • Improvements to accuracy of the whisper model

Key changes related to Transcribe APP

  • Cloud version uses whisper:small for English (it already used whisper:medium for foreign languages)
  • Generating just one Action Items table per entire transcript instead of one per Section.
  • Fixed errors in PDF and DOCX generation for some meetings

New or changed functionality in the Transcribe App:

  • BE-1595 TA: Improve the User Edit Dialog - project selection
  • BE-1699 TA: Better message if there are no other users on the Project
  • BE-1870 TA: Improve the User Delete dialog
  • BE-1871 TA: Make the Avatar icons larger
  • BE-1881 TA: Display Release Version in the app.
  • BE-1893 TA: Upload Zoom files using POST/data/s3 API
  • BE-1913 TA: Add option to copy session id to Clipboard
  • BE-1936 TA: Add browser client info to login request
  • BE-1975 TA Cloud: Enable whisper:small on English language
  • QA-1036 TA: Show allowed characters when entering a tag
  • QA-1041 TA: Added 365 days time limit for expiry of shared transcript.
  • QA-1089 TA: Added sorting by email to Users table

New or changed functionality in other platform components:

  • BE-1842 Web Console: Changes to API Security setting
  • BE-1843 Web Console: Better text in Settings -> Speech Recognition
  • BE-1844 Web Console: Hide Tools-> Prompt Manager menu option
  • BE-1882 Web Console: Display Release Version in the app.
  • BE-1896 Web Console: Switch Telephony Bot Call Audio+Transcript view from old /sa to new /sa/offline style
  • BE-1928 Web Console: Add configuration for multiple URLs to AIVR App Settings
  • BE-1929 Web Console: Add support for logic event in AIVR session
  • BE-506 Support removing objects with multiple versions in Google Storage
  • BE-857 Add key-match option to Query Terms in Advanced Search
  • BE-858 Add key field to Query Term in Advanced Search
  • BE-1150 Implement Offline SA Task in offline task project (Python)
  • BE-1406 Improvements to prvention of SQL injection in the Advanced Meeting Search API
  • BE-1514 Add to each of our API methods optional X-Request-ID header
  • BE-1550 Freeswitch: discontinue using modified mod_shout file
  • BE-1560 Update Freeswitch to use latest Debian 12
  • BE-1579 Collect session_duration for realtime ASR sessions
  • BE-1718 Implement POST /sa/offline/call/{callId}
  • BE-1719 Implement POST /sa/call
  • BE-1742 Mobile: Add extra parameter to /asr/transcribe/async request used in Microphone transcription
  • BE-1788 Switch AIVR recording processing from /sa to /sa/offline
  • BE-1789 AIVR to create /sa/call records if requested
  • BE-1816 As of Redis version 6.2.0, ZRANGEBYSCORE is regarded as deprecated
  • BE-1828 Add roles parameter to GET /user API method
  • BE-1848 (Demo-Voicebot) Convert voicebot demo details view to use /sa/offline
  • BE-1861 MRCP ASR: Add support for GARBAGE rule
  • BE-1862 Add initialPrompt to POST /asr/transcribe/async
  • BE-1867 For some internal APIs - ignore unknown fields, and not return 400 error, instead return X-Warning header
  • BE-1883 SSO: Display Release Version in authentication-client app.
  • BE-1884 Demo: Display Release Version in the app.
  • BE-1888 Add X-Request-ID to all API requests from all Web Apps
  • BE-1891 Support llm-svc rolling deployment -- websocket sessions
  • BE-1903 Add version field to the AIVR session
  • BE-1904 Store the GCP service account key in edge cluster document in firestore
  • BE-1908 Add read-only offlineQueuePriority field to Account
  • BE-1910 Support POST /auth-svc/zendesk/jwt
  • BE-1912 Increase the size of concurrent websocket connections in asr-api
  • BE-1914 Add Client Params to the login API
  • BE-1919 Add numAudioChannels and numSpkChannels to POST /sa/call and GET
  • BE-1927 Add support for multiple call-back URL in AIVR App
  • BE-1940 Use default init prompt on Whisper if initPrompt is not set
  • BE-1942 In Meeting API, generate action items from entire meeting transcript
  • BE-1944 Add keySentencesByType to PUT /internal/asr/meeting/{meetingId}
  • BE-1956 Admin Tool: Add support for login using 2FA
  • BE-1959 Report license expiration time in edge-debugger
  • BE-1983 Improve the efficiency of relation extraction algorithm for IVR Prompt NLU to support long input
  • BE-2019 Modify sip settings of unimrcp server

Changes related to Integrity of Processing (fixes):

  • BE-1585 TA: Inspect all cases of using "dangerouslySetInnerHTML"
  • BE-1724 TA: Fix - SyntaxError: The string did not match the expected pattern, during fetchVersion in AppReloadModal
  • BE-1725 TA: Fix - TypeError: Failed to fetch version.json
  • BE-1727 TA: Fix - TypeError: c is not a function at handleDelete in components/ProjectsList/DeleteMultiSelectDialog
  • BE-1835 TA: Fix - Try Again button has no effect after a failed upload
  • BE-1841 TA: Fix - Unable to select audio files for upload on iPad
  • BE-1857 TA: Fix - Generated Avatar not working ok for single user account where use has no avatar picture uploaded
  • BE-1932 TA: Fix - Bad content security policy for GlitchTip
  • BE-1937 TA: Fix - After logging in, the home page initially loads but then suddenly goes blank
  • BE-1941 TA: Fix - TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'includes')
  • BE-1945 TA: Fix - TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'value') on Settings page
  • QA-1027 TA: Fix - Close Icon is missing on "Pair Voicegain Phone App" pop up
  • QA-1031 TA: Fix - User is able to set value above 365 days on Archival Text Redaction.
  • QA-1039 TA: Fix - User is able to set blank or invalid names as external speakers names.
  • QA-1044 TA: Fix - bad link in the guide
  • QA-1069 TA: Fix - Errors in PDF and DOCX generation for some meetings
  • QA-1083 TA: Fix - Inconsistent Upload success message on upload page
  • QA-1088 TA: Fix - Sorting indicators are broken for the Owned Projects and Shared Projects
  • QA-1092 TA: Fix - Projects with same names getting automatically selected in Advanced Search project filter.
  • QA-1093 TA: Fix - Player disappear when user clicks on anywhere near to the play button.
  • QA-1100 TA: Fix - Assigning a role for invited user should be a must required filed.
  • QA-1113 TA: Fix - Do not allow a tag with only underscores
  • QA-1114 TA: Fix back button from transcript opened from Advanced Search results
  • QA-641 TA: Fix - Account Owner should be irremovable for any the project under Account Users.
  • QA-800 TA: Improve behavior of resize on browser-share pop-up window
  • BE-1703 Web Console: Fix - Wrong error message in GREG
  • BE-1869 Web Console Edge: Fix - failed to decode request body: organization name "api_test" not found"
  • BE-1872 Web Console: Fix - TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'ac')
  • BE-1920 Web Console: Fix - Loss of filtering info in AIVR view
  • BE-1943 Web Console: Fix - context switcher does not correctly support duplicate-named project
  • BE-1962 Web Console: Fix - Error on Edge management page (properties of undefined)
  • QA-997 Web Console: Fix - Transcript is not getting skip by specified seconds as expected and onClick function is also not a function as in console tab.
  • QA-1086 Web Console: Only CMP users may modify CMP permissions
  • QA-1063 App Selector: Fix - Language selector should not be transparent.
  • QA-1066 SA: Fix - User is unable to change profile photo
  • BE-1478 Fix - Failed to execute 'decodeAudioData' on 'BaseAudioContext': Unable to decode audio data
  • BE-1840 Fix - PUT /sa/call/review/answers/{crAnswersId} Spec and Implementation are different
  • BE-1854 Fix - AIVR - prompt playback of audio from http url not working
  • BE-1902 Fix - llm-svc does not handle SIGTERM properly
  • BE-1907 Fix - uuid_vg_tap_ws at CLI not showing UUIDs to be started
  • BE-1925 Fix - AIVR playback of audio from an HTTPs URL stops after 30 seconds
  • BE-1999 Fix - Exception in case of many failed logins
  • BE-926 Fix - EqTerm is not properly handled in meeting search for some fields

All changes affecting Security, Availability, Integrity of Processing, Confidentiality, Privacy are reported as such above. If nothing is reported in the specific category then it means there were no such relevant changes in this release.

Release 1.101.1

05 Apr 20:41
Choose a tag to compare

New or changed functionality:

  • BE-1877: Enable VAD on Whisper
  • BE-1886: Make node affinity configurable in offline-whisper
  • BE-1889: Deploy whisper model to the edge cluster without internet connection
  • BE-1938: Initial whisper prompt to ensure punctuation is generated

All changes affecting Security, Availability, Integrity of Processing, Confidentiality, Privacy are reported as such above. If nothing is reported in the specific category then it means there were no such relevant changes in this release.

Release 1.101.0

25 Mar 22:30
Choose a tag to compare

IMPORTANT Note for Edge users:
If you update from any prior release to 1.98.0 and you need to roll-back please contact Voicegain for support with the rollback process.
This is because the compatibility setting on the Mongo DB has been changed in 1.97.0 and influxDB version has changed in 1.98.0

Key changes related to the core APIs

  • Revised User deletion logic - will retain deleted User info so that any remaining references can be resolved.
  • Added ability to enforce 2FA account-wide via a Web Console setting
  • Connected Web Console to Sentry service for error tracking
  • Improved session logs
  • Websocket version of the Telephony Bot API
  • Improved NLU model for understanding IVR prompts

Key changes related to Transcribe APP

  • Improved User deletion logic functionality.
  • Added LLM Settings to Account profile
  • Action Items tables now correctly rendered in PDF and DOCX
  • Upload audio data directly to storage without sending data through data API service
  • Improved tables with lists of Shared transcripts (User and Admin view)

New or changed functionality in the Transcribe App:

  • BE-1189 TA: Add option for Admins to see what others have shared
  • BE-1271 TA: Support a workflow for the Admin to delete a user account and take over the user's project
  • BE-1536 TA: Improved Splash page after login which shows the different stages
  • BE-1646 TA: If there are no devices we show 2 options: download and phone app setup
  • BE-1708 TA: On All Shares table, added sorting and filter on the Creator column, and filters on the Scope and Expires columns
  • BE-1709 TA: In account users show Own Projects and Shared Projects columns in place of the current single Projects column
  • BE-1713 TA: Modify the PDF output to render markdown tables
  • BE-1714 TA: Modify the DOCX output to render markdown tables
  • BE-1721 TA: Improved error message on the Zoom directory upload
  • BE-1733 TA: Generate avatar based on user name if they have not uploaded a picture for avatar
  • BE-1741 TA: Add extra parameter to /asr/transcribe/async request used in Microphone transcription
  • BE-1744 TA: Upload files using the POST /data/s3 API
  • BE-1807 TA: Add LLM Settings to Account profile
  • BE-1810 TA: More functional user delete
  • BE-1818 TA: Show info of users that have been deleted
  • BE-1823 TA: Add Polish language transcription
  • BE-1834 TA: Remove "Sync From Cloud" button
  • QA-1009 TA: Increase max number of transcripts shown on home page from 100 to 250
  • QA-1010 TA: Show the Upgrade button only to the Owner role
  • QA-1017 TA: Better error message in case of an error resetting password
  • QA-1021 TA: When user is deleted all user sessions will be invalidated.

New or changed functionality in other platform components:

  • BE-1194 Advanced Search: Add new column bucket to the meeting_session table
  • BE-1579 Collect session_duration for realtime ASR sessions
  • BE-1663 Web Console: When deleting Users in the Cloud and if there are Edge deployments warn that also users on the Edge will be deleted
  • BE-1687 Websocket version of AIVR API: support question.audioResponse.streaming
  • BE-1693 Support Zoom Breakout Rooms in Meeting Join
  • BE-1695 New /sa/call/search API
  • BE-1697 New /sa/call/search/fields API
  • BE-1691 Web Console: Add internal refresh to the page with Edge Deployment details
  • BE-1705 Web Console: Add ability to enforce 2FA account-wide
  • BE-1706 Add to Account API a field that controls 2FA enforcement
  • BE-1707 Web Console: Better error message in case of creating a GREG experiment with duplicate name
  • BE-1715 Support model_name measurement for offline sessions (offline transcribe, offline meeting, offline SA)
  • BE-1716 Add session ID to all log messages in offline-task
  • BE-1722 Web Console: Improved inactivity timeout processing
  • BE-1728 Update code to use the latest Azure OpenAI Service preview API
  • BE-1732 Web Console: Connect to Sentry
  • BE-1739 Connect authentication-client to Sentry
  • BE-1743 Add llmSettings to /cluster/ API
  • BE-1809 Add deleteUserContexts parameter to DELETE /user
  • BE-1817 New inclDeleted parameter on GET /user API method
  • BE-1822 Support inclDeleted for GET /account/uuid/users
  • BE-814 Improved NLU model for IVR prompts
  • BE-978 Removed contextId and fromAllContexts parameters from the Advanced Meeting Search API method
  • QA-1046 Demo: Improved error message in case of internal issues.

Changes related to Integrity of Processing (fixes):

  • BE-1629 TA: Fix - It is impossible to share a project with an Owner of the account
  • BE-1734 TA: Fix - Sorting of devices by date broken if any device is deleted
  • BE-1802 TA: Fix - Search for creator by name in Advanced Search filter
  • QA-1012 TA: Fix - Project setting- Save button enabled when there is no change
  • QA-1022 TA: Fix - In some rare cases Voice Signature page is showing white page.
  • QA-887 TA: Fix - Walk through wizard should get automatically initiated when new user logs in for the first time.
  • QA-929 TA: Fix - Project (number) information is confusing
  • QA-967 TA: Fix - User is able to add invalid keywords under project setting.
  • BE-1672 Web Console: Fix - Sliders too small at
  • QA-992 Web Console: Fix - User is able to play the audio when no voice is selected while creating a phone app.
  • QA-993 Web Console: Fix - After clicking on view button of call session, it's showing blank page.
  • QA-997 Web Console: Fix - Transcript is not getting skip by specified seconds as expected and onClick function is also not a function as in console tab.
  • QA-999 Web Console: Fix - When User click on Cancel button of add context it should be close.
  • BE-1735 Mobile App: Fix - order of projects in the list
  • BE-1736 Mobile App: Fix - My project returns transcripts from other projects
  • BE-1812 AIVR: Fix - getting MATCH but no recognized utterance
  • BE-1831 ASR API: Fix - ValueError: Invalid value for type (), must be one of ['ner', 'regex']
  • QA-1005 SA App: Fix - use the correct time format enum values

All changes affecting Security, Availability, Integrity of Processing, Confidentiality, Privacy are reported as such above. If nothing is reported in the specific category then it means there were no such relevant changes in this release.

Release 1.100.0

05 Mar 03:30
Choose a tag to compare

IMPORTANT Note for Edge users:
If you update from any prior release to 1.98.0 and you need to roll-back please contact Voicegain for support with the rollback process.
This is because the compatibility setting on the Mongo DB has been changed in 1.97.0 and influxDB version has changed in 1.98.0

New functionality in the Transcribe App:

  • BE-1559 TA: Automatically update the currently installed Zoom App version
  • BE-1582 TA: Add "Mine | Shared | All" selector to the home page
  • BE-1625 TA: Add a logout confirmation dialog.
  • BE-1642 TA: Show avatars on Account Users table
  • BE-1659 TA: Support action items using GPT for cloud Transcribe App
  • BE-1665 TA: Support action items using custom LLM for Edge
  • BE-1669 TA: Advance Search - Type filters populated dynamically from audio_src in fields api.
  • BE-1671 TA: Hide the project settings for the Key Items

New functionality in other platform components:

  • BE-1315 Move rexConfig from xml to properties file in Rex
  • BE-1348 After password reset in AuthenticationClient provide link(s) to the correct App(s) for a given user
  • BE-1527 Switch to yaml rex configuration file on K8s
  • BE-1567 Web Console Edge: Add splash page after login and before home page shows up
  • BE-1578 Changes to get score A on
  • BE-1593 Web Console: Remove Clouds from ACP Header on Cloud
  • BE-1628 Meeting Join API - add parameter to control which js script is run (zoom, teams, etc)
  • BE-1638 Changes to the Voicebot Demo Instructions page
  • BE-1648 Web Console: Disable old MRCP Experiment Analyze - the new will become the only one

Changes related to Integrity of Processing (fixes):

  • BE-1596 TA: Fix - Zoom Device Approvals pop up on wrong accounts
  • BE-1629 TA: Fix - It is impossible to share a project with an Owner of the account
  • BE-1649 TA: Fix - When the delete button is clicked in advanced search, it triggers an incorrect API, leading to inaccurate transcript result, Furthermore, post-deletion, filtered and searched data fail to display accurately.
  • BE-1652 TA: Fix - Reload button does not work on Firefox
  • BE-1664 TA: Fix - deleting a project should also remove its meetings from databases
  • BE-1702 TA: Fix - Advanced Search page goes blank with TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')
  • QA-822 TA Edge: Fix - User (Role) is able to access Account settings.
  • QA-853 TA: Fix - No options to select under "creator" filter in advanced search.
  • QA-856 TA: Fix - Alert msg of "maximum allowed minutes exceeded" is not translating in other languages.
  • QA-888 TA: Fix - In Advanced search deleted transcript are not getting removed from list, unless we refresh the page.
  • QA-892 TA: Fix - partial Translation is there while uploading a file
  • QA-903 TA: Fix - There should be proper translation on the share pop-up page.
  • QA-913 TA: Fix - Walk through wizard gets hidden after few steps, when left menu is locked.
  • QA-920 TA: Fix - For a single project, the move should be disabled
  • QA-931 TA: Fix - User is able to de-select all filters on home page for shared.
  • QA-938 TA: Fix - Different loading screens when deleting a single share in compared to deleting multiple shares.
  • QA-940 TA: Fix - User is unable to "generate " the JWT token.
  • QA-944 TA: Fix - Owner should not be allowed to delete all of its project if any user have shared any project with him.
  • QA-946 TA: Fix - Unable to Invite user after we edit a user in account section.
  • QA-947 TA: Fix - Voicegain splash screen showing when project user adds other users to a project.
  • QA-949 TA: Fix - Unable to close the dialog pop-up for added phrase.
  • QA-950 TA: Fix - Project setting- save button overlaps with text when Spanish language is selected.
  • QA-953 TA: Fix - Account with only user access can invite other account.
  • QA-961 TA: Fix - While creating the first project(new project wizards) Word cloud toggle not showing properly.
  • QA-962 TA: Fix - User with Admin role is not able to update address in profile section
  • QA-963 TA: Fix - Language reminder- Close icon not showing properly cutting with boundary of the pop-up.
  • QA-964 TA: Fix - During Signup user given company name and title, after login title missing under profile section
  • QA-970 TA: Fix - Date filter is not working on advanced search page.
  • QA-972 TA: Fix - Invited User is able to change "May Download" setting in account.
  • QA-973 TA: Fix - Language filter under advanced search should show full language name
  • QA-985 TA: Fix - Save button not working properly under profile setting.
  • BE-1512 Fix - Occasionally k8s lost gpu and we need to restart nvidia-device-plugin-daemonset
  • BE-1591 Web Console: Fix - Audio display in Meeting Detail page messed up
  • BE-1641 Web Console: Fix - GREG is not showing recognition results
  • BE-1644 Fix - Something wrong with keyword advanced search
  • BE-1650 Fix - accounts are getting revoked on QA even though the setting is 0 which means do not revoke
  • BE-1654 Fix - Misleading error response of POST API asr/meeting/join
  • BE-1668 Fix - Zoom Meeting join api cannot handle a case where the waiting room is disabled
  • BE-1674 Fix - NullPointerException from JoinedMeetingEvent
  • BE-1675 Fix - NullPointerException is thrown from ascalon-cleanup
  • QA-748 Demo: Fix - Double confirmation is required to browse audio file in the upload demo file
  • QA-797 Web Console: Fix - On Websocket Details on live broadcasting getting the blank page
  • QA-894 Web Console: Fix - Page is not responsive enough for the 90% zoom, all the pop-up are vibrating.
  • QA-943 Web Console: Fix - Unable to set "Disable inactive users" as Not Enabled.
  • QA-983 Web Console: Fix - After reset password- Web console button is not clickable

All changes affecting Security, Availability, Integrity of Processing, Confidentiality, Privacy are reported as such above. If nothing is reported in the specific category then it means there were no such relevant changes in this release.

Release 1.99.0

14 Feb 02:54
Choose a tag to compare

IMPORTANT Note for Edge users:
If you update from any prior release to 1.98.0 and you need to roll-back please contact Voicegain for support with the rollback process.
This is because the compatibility setting on the Mongo DB has been changed in 1.97.0 and influxDB version has changed in 1.98.0

New functionality in the Transcribe App:

  • BE-1258 TA: Add a filter on creator in Advanced Search
  • BE-1472 TA: Better order of columns in the transcript table on home page
  • BE-1532 TA: Record in clientSideProperties when a user downloads Zoom Meeting Assistant
  • BE-1582 TA: Add "Mine | Shared | All" selector to the home page

New functionality in other platform components:

  • BE-1300 Meeting Search API: new ctxSelect parameter with values "mine", "mineAndShared", "all"
  • BE-1301 Meeting Search Fields API: new ctxSelect parameter with values "mine", "mineAndShared", "all"
  • BE-1361 Support tempCode in the AIVR API
  • BE-1408 Modify the Password Reset API to return login URLs for all the Apps for which the password works
  • BE-1446 Return 400 Bad Request rather than 500 Internal Server Error if the query parameters in Meeting Search API are missing or invalid
  • BE-1458 Web Console Edge: Add check for email relay and do not offer emailed OTP if that email relay is not configured
  • BE-1488 Configure Edge to have GlitchTip
  • BE-1499 Add API that Revokes a user and transfers all projects to the Admin or some other designated User
  • BE-1517 Convert /sa/call API to use Postgres instead of Firestore to store data
  • BE-1522 API to email link to the results of Voicebot Demo session
  • BE-1524 Deploy GlitchTip using onprem-cluster-deployment
  • BE-1526 Reduce silence padding of Azure TTS prompts to minimum
  • BE-1533 Add persist setting to AIVR app API
  • BE-1534 Web Console: Add persist setting for Telephony Bot App
  • BE-1538 Hookup Demo App to Sentry
  • BE-1541 Cache account data daily using the /recache api
  • BE-1544 Web Console: Do not allow smaller than 30 days values of "Disable inactive users after days"
  • BE-1545 Web Console: Add a close (x) to the notice about 2FA setup
  • BE-1546 Web Console: Add a spinner when saving account settings
  • BE-1565 For accounts that are INVOICE and do not have billingAccountId we should not submit anything to fusebill
  • BE-1572 AIVR Callback API method to interrupt prompt being played
  • BE-1575 Utility that copies all calls - reads using Firestore Calls DAO and writes using Postgres Calls DAO
  • BE-1580 Add jingleUrl field to the AIVR App
  • BE-1581 Web Console: Add ability to configure Jingle and percolator URLs in AIVR APP
  • BE-1588 Add percolatorUrl field to the AIVR App API
  • BE-1589 Use the AIVR App Jingle in Freeswitch script
  • BE-1592 Web Console: Make it possible to disable the "Disable inactive users after days" feature
  • BE-1594 Web Console: Make the Account Settings card pretty
  • BE-1599 Demo: Support copy paste of the Code
  • BE-1604 Demo: Change tooltips
  • BE-1615 When creating Users using POST /user, if we exceed max users on account, we should not return 500 code but 429
  • BE-1623 Replace misspellings with hints in the response of GET /asr/transcribe/uuid/transcript?format=json

Changes related to Integrity of Processing (fixes):

  • BE-1621 TA: Fix - User Profile Setting Save button stays permanently disabled after saving once
  • BE-1629 TA: Fix - It is impossible to share a project with an Owner of the account
  • BE-1645 TA: Fix - Error when trying to access old projects created before we supported multiple languages.
  • QA-641 TA: Fix - Project Owner should be irremovable for any the project under Account Users.
  • QA-760 TA: Fix - The re-upload menu again shows for the normal uploaded file, it should only show for the zoom uploaded file.
  • QA-822 TA Edge: Fix - User (Role) is able to access and edit Account settings.
  • QA-843 TA: Fix - When the user tries to share the transcript as a public share and delete the transcript from the owner account, something went wrong error is showing when login in from the sign-in link on the share.
  • QA-860 TA: Fix - Mouse hovering on error, message information should show
  • QA-863 TA: Fix - "May Download" checkbox getting automatically disable after adding/removing a project for user (role).
  • QA-875 TA: Fix - After processing URL upload blank space showing on home page.
  • QA-881 TA: Fix - Clicking on the filter button on advanced search page, showing blank page.
  • QA-885 TA: Fix - Voicegain splash screen showing even when deleting a transcript.
  • QA-890 TA: Fix - Due to new languages added, profanity maskimg menu not showing properly on 100% zoom screen.
  • QA-891 TA: Fix - In Profile deleted Shares are not getting removed, unless we refresh the page.
  • QA-899 TA: Fix - Expired shared transcripts showing expiry date in negative.
  • QA-906 TA: Fix - Various problems with saving edited user data from Account Settings
  • QA-917 TA: Fix - Text-redaction and Archival Text-redaction crashes the app
  • QA-922 TA: Fix - Blank page showing when user clicks in Profile on the "Archival text reduction".
  • QA-923 TA: Fix - If no Download permission selected on user invite, getting wrong permission error
  • QA-925 TA: Fix - Getting blank screen on Users page under account section.
  • QA-932 TA: Fix - Voicegain splash screen showing when user save the mic capture recording.
  • BE-1484 Web Console: Fix - On Live Transcribe: Websocket Delay resets to 0 upon page refresh
  • BE-1485 Web Console: Fix - Misaligned UI on the Live Transcribe Websockets
  • BE-1576 Web Console: Fix Content Security Policy to the cc app iFrame
  • BE-1577 Web Console: Fix - /restricted/page API returns 500 Internal Server Error
  • BE-1586 Web Console: Fix - Wrong request to retrieve AIVR sessions
  • BE-1603 Fix - Microphone demo needs to provide also completeTimeout
  • BE-1624 Fix - User REVOKE can be undone by a user by doing a simple Password Reset
  • BE-1636 Speech Analytics: Fix - New demo project no longer shows demo calls
  • QA-847 Web Console: Fix - After uploading a file, the label field should be automatically filled.
  • QA-889 Web Console: Fix - Walk through wizard should get automatically initiated when new user logs in for the first time.

All changes affecting Security, Availability, Integrity of Processing, Confidentiality, Privacy are reported as such above. If nothing is reported in the specific category, then it means there were no such relevant changes in this release.

Release 1.98.0

02 Feb 04:01
Choose a tag to compare

IMPORTANT Note for Edge users:
If you update from any prior release to 1.98.0 and you need to roll-back please contact Voicegain for support with the rollback process.
This is because the compatibility setting on the Mongo DB has been changed in 1.97.0 and influxDB version has changed in 1.98.0

New functionality in the Transcribe App:

  • BE-1395 TA: Improvements on the Share dialog
  • BE-1494 TA: Add Splash page on login
  • BE-1507 TA: Support French, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian languages using the whisper:medium model (Cloud only)
  • BE-1508 TA: Hide the Key-Items configuration in settings of Projects with language other than English

New functionality in other platform components:

  • BE-1006 Collect lastConnectedEpoch time for device
  • BE-1226 Send logs and errors from Voicegain Flutter app to Sentry
  • BE-1358 Web Console: Inactive Users are disabled after 90 days of inactivity - add ability to set disableInactiveUsersDays value
  • BE-1365 Remove default sort by meeting_id from the GET and POST /asr/meeting/search
  • BE-1371 Extend default persistence of Telephony Bot calls to 42 days
  • BE-1380 In the SSO UI add ability to mark the browser safe (i.e. no longer requiring TOTP)
  • BE-1404 Add new field to account API - disableInactiveUsersDays
  • BE-1431 Support Influxdb V2 on Edge
  • BE-1438 Edge: Write sizes of minio and mongo backups as influxDb measurements
  • BE-1457 Web Console: Show time in the deployment history in the time zone of the browser and in a nicer format
  • BE-1460 Add a 'generic' joined meeting event and annotate the zoom meeting with such events for various steps performed
  • BE-1461 Add joinedMeetingEvents to the Meeting API poll method response
  • BE-1462 Modify login API to return information if emailing OTP is possible
  • BE-1470 Add image to the url/QR that is used in TOTP setup
  • BE-1474 Modify the existing login API to take secureBrowserToken
  • BE-1475 Implement internal API to write sizes of backups to influxDB
  • BE-1481 Web Console: Turn the nagging 2FA dialog to a message that auto disappears
  • BE-1482 Web Console: Improvements to the 2FA setup dialog
  • BE-1483 Modify the share APIs to track usage of shares
  • BE-1493 Show number of currently open MRCP and RTSP sessions in the unimrcp log
  • BE-1506 Web Console: Allow for selection of multiple languages plus base, small, and medium whisper model
  • BE-1513 Deploy prometheus to edge cluster using onprem-cluster-deployment task
  • BE-1516 Autoscaling Offline transcription on Edge deployed on GCP
  • BE-1522 API to email link to the results of Voicebot Demo session
  • BE-1523 Disable returning meeting topic generation for languages other than English and Spanish
  • BE-1525 Change max value of poll.persist to an equivalent of 365 days
  • BE-1551 Increase Project limit to 1000 and change the corresponding error from 500 to 429
  • BE-502 Modify User PUT API and add ability to add secureBrowserToken
  • BE-776 Upgrade unimrcp to 1.8.0
  • QA-563 Admin Tool: Remove Register page

Changes related to Integrity of Processing (fixes):

  • BE-1440 TA: Fix - Different Users not able to create Projects with the same name.
  • BE-1549 TA: Fix - For Zoom dir upload the size check should be performed only on files that actually are going to be uploaded
  • QA-723 TA: Fix - First time Login- All the links should be hyperlinked.
  • QA-760 TA: Fix - The re-upload menu again shows for the normal uploaded file, it should only show for the zoom uploaded file.
  • QA-828 TA: Fix - New User First Login - Zoom App page is coming blank
  • QA-834 TA: Fix - Hint message is missing below Tag input field
  • QA-864 TA: Fix - Error after new login if the Project user used last has been deleted
  • QA-865 TA: Fixes in the speaker number range selection UI
  • QA-887 TA: Fix - Walk through wizard should get automatically initiated when new user logs in for the first time.
  • BE-1278 Fix - If no sort order in specified then the advanced text search results should be ordered by rank
  • BE-1334 Fix - results from the GET /asr/meeting/search API are not sorted by rank if no sorting is specified
  • BE-1436 Fix - Recognition doesn't work in AIVR sessions if influxDB is down
  • BE-1490 Fix - AIVR should start recognition only after the non-bargineable text prompt
  • BE-1563 Fix - Missing <instance> value in the result of builtin:speech/transcribe (and all lvoc "grammars")
  • QA-847 Web Console: Fix - After uploading a file, the label field should be automatically filled.

All changes affecting Security, Availability, Integrity of Processing, Confidentiality, Privacy are reported as such above. If nothing is reported in the specific category then it means there were no such relevant changes in this release.