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Releases: voidpointer0x00/VoidWhitelist

Fix expiresAt nullability for JSON storage

13 Jun 12:55
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Automatic whitelisting

18 Apr 00:28
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Finally after a few weeks of development and a huge chunk of codebase changed this feature is ready :)

New features:

  • Now you can enable automatic whitelisting for new players on your server! Check your configuration file for more details.
  • 12 new commands to control the feature under main /auto-whitelist command.
  • A system that will automatically migrate your configuration files and database table schema if needed.
  • Full description for all permissions to make it easier to use in conjunction with plugins like LuckPerms. b21ff51 f673ed9

Compatibility note:

  • WhitelistImportEvent was deleted. c4d4f89 7ba1fe9
    This change improves overall ram consumption, the event should've not existed in the first place.
  • whitelist database table schema was changed b04245d:
    • uniqueId -> unique_id
    • expiresAt -> expires_at
      You will not need to update your table schema manually, I built an integrated migration module that will handle it and possible further updates to the schema. Although, you might need to update your backend applications if they used this table.
  • Permission for on/off commands were changed to match command names d7d0f93:
    • voidwhitelist.whitelist.enable -> voidwhitelist.whitelist.on
    • voidwhitelist.whitelist.disable ->


  • Fixed Whitelistable entity update not being save with JSON storage. 61986d2
  • LoginListener now ignores cancelled events (it's funny how long it wasn't a thing and literally noone noticed :D) 917cfd7

Full changelog

Auto whitelist preview, database support

12 Apr 16:06
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With this release comes the database storage type support for automatic whitelisting.

Here we introduce migrations module and the very first migration will change your whitelist tables schema, resulting in two column name changes:

  • whitelist.uniqueId -> whitelist.unique_id;
  • whitelist.expiresAt -> whitelist.expires_at.

If you use some backend service to update the database, you will need to update your data access layer.

Other than that, this release introduces two new tables:

  • migrations that stores finished migrations;
  • auto_whitelist that stores the number players were automatically whitelisted.

Full Changelog: v0.9.5...v1.0.0a2

Auto whitelist preview release

08 Apr 16:48
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I strongly recommend that you make a backup before installing this update.

Follow the updates in PR #16. Commands & database are planned.

This preview features automatic whitelisting system that currently works only with JSON storage.
When a player joins the server, the plugin will check whether they have been automatically whitelisted before and if not they will be whitelisted for a configured duration. This can only happen max-repeat times. Recommended strategy to use is all, but if you only want actually new players you should choose newcomers. If you drop-in the plugin, it will automatically update your config.yml with recommended settings, otherwise default config.yml will be copied, which will be changed in the future.

With auto-whitelist system disabled, it will still work just fine with database storage, though if you enable it you'll only get errors when plugin adds a player to the whitelist.

Although unlikey, current configuration and/or the JSON storage format for auto-whitelist may change in the course of further development.

I would install this update if:

  • I wanted to improve overall performace and stability of the plugin and can test this release;
  • I only used JSON as the only storage and desperately needed this feature.

Full Changelog: v0.9.5...v1.0.0-unstable

PAPI support for Java 8 branch 🤡

03 Apr 04:51
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Merge branch 'papi' into dev-j8

# Conflicts:
#	pom.xml
#	src/main/java/voidpointer/spigot/voidwhitelist/
#	src/main/java/voidpointer/spigot/voidwhitelist/command/
#	src/main/resources/plugin.yml

Backwards compatibility fixes 0.9.4-stable

03 Apr 04:37
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  • Support for MC 1.13-1.17 with 02ad0c3
  • Fixed JsonParser issue that wouldn't allow player skulls to properly load in GUI on MC < 1.18 e88b8fa

0.9.3-stable GUI fix

27 Mar 21:14
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  • Fixed #17 GUI 1.19.x support in PR #18

Full Changelog: v0.9.2-stable...v0.9.3-stable

0.9.2-stable auto reconnect

23 Mar 23:17
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Now the plugin will reconnect automatically on find/add/remove/update actions when the connection to database gets lost due to restart or wait_timeout reach.

Full Changelog: v0.9.1-stable...v0.9.2-stable

Bugfix, automatic database reconnection

22 Mar 15:25
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Related issue #14, PR #15
Only partially solves the problem by adding autoReconnect=true to the JDBC url, so that the database connection system will reconnect after failing the first request, though the plugin will not retry the request, player will have to join the server again — it is fixed in the stable release.

0.9.1-stable bugfixes

14 Mar 10:50
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Fixed two bugs issued in #13

  • /whitelist info would fail when issued on yourself;
  • /whlitelist import-json tab completition algorithm would try to parse non-option arguments.

Since 0.8.2 update this version also introduced Bedrock (Geyser/Floodgate) support via -xuid command option, e.g. /whitelist add [GameTag] -xuid
Full Changelog: v0.8.2-stable...v0.9.1-stable