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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 5, 2022. It is now read-only.


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This is a WebGL foundation library that VoidRay uses in our visualizations.


Greenkeeper badge

This project is using the node version from package.json. At the time of writing this, that version is 7.10.1

Install dependencies

npm install
# or
yarn install

Then for development run

npm run dev

To do a quick build and lint check run

npm run build


  • Every task MUST begin with a JIRA ticket key. Locate the ticket and note the ticket number and the subject of the ticket. The key should look like WEBGL-14

  • Move the JIRA ticket to In Progress

  • Next create a new branch based off of the latest code (usually in master or dev)

  • The name of this branch will be as follows:

    <feature | hotfix | task>/<PROJECT-Ticket #>-<Ticket subject kabob case>

    hotfix is used for bugs, task is used for misc, feature is for features

    Eg - I have a ticket VOIDRAY-253 with the title Fix this stuff My branch name will be:


    Eg - I have another ticket for a feature VOIDRAY-2384 with the title Make me something!


  • You now have a branch to work in! Make your changes and commit your changes. Then push to the repo using the exact same name as the branch.

  • Now create a Pull Request from the UI or the CLI

  • Wait for someone to review your pull request, then you merge your own PR when it's approved.


Save multiple times for the linter to automatically correct many linting issues!

Our primary development environment is Visual Studio Code.

It is recommended to have the following plugins:

You can browse the plugins list for any other helpful features you would like, so long as the feature does not create conflicts with VoidRay's style guide.