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🎉 Initial release

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@dandevri dandevri released this 10 Feb 12:31

👋I've created a couple of landing pages for clients and some of my own projects. I always started from scratch so it was about time I created a more modular approach to creating one-pagers. That's exactly what micro-site does.

It's a opinionated micro front-end that can be used to create a one-pager. It uses the static site generator Eleventy (11ty) under the hood and sets common 11ty defaults.

Opinionated micro front-end that can be used to create a one-pager. Great for landing pages or sign-up pages. It uses the static site generator Eleventy (11ty) under the hood and sets common 11ty defaults.

This is a *skeleton project so it doesn't include any components or basic styling. It's a *bring your own front-end.

Features ✨

  • Inlines and minifies CSS using [clean-css][css]
  • Inlines and minifies JavaScript using [terser][terser]
  • Includes a metadata.json [global data file][data]
  • Includes a base.njk [layout template][layout]
  • Includes a assets folder for [static files][copy] (images, fonts etc.)


  1. Update the metadata.json file with your own site details
  2. Edit the index.njk file and start coding your website!
  3. Optional: [Deploy the site][deploy] to Netlify.