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This project is dedicated to providing clients with the ability to communicate with the volar iframe embeds. This enables them to do things like pause and play (as well as seek and recieve metadata events) through javascript.


Because the Volar player is enclosed in an iframe, this prevents people that embed the iframe on their pages from interacting with the player due to cross-domain limitations of modern browsers. However, modern browsers also enable developers to use something called postMessage (in most browsers, this is achieved with a MessageChannel object, although some browsers like firefox need to be handled differently, so there is a fallback.). By hooking in event callbacks on the embed-side, we can allow users of the embed to programmatically control the player themselves.

Example Code

<style type="text/css">
	#debug-progress-container {
		background: #ccc;
		height: 20px;
	#debug-progress {
		background: #000;
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="640" height="360" id="frame" scrolling="no"></iframe>
<div id="debug-progress-container">
	<div id="debug-progress"></div>
<div id="debug-info"></div>

With the above iframe (as well as including Volarvideo.js in my page), we can then do this:

var i = document.getElementById('frame'),
	debugdiv = document.getElementById('debug-info')
	debugprogress = document.getElementById('debug-progress'),
	v = new Volarvideo;
v.on('error', function(err){
	try {
		console.error("Error when attempting to connect to iframe:", err);
	} catch(ex) {
		//do something else if console.error fails
v.on('connected', function(){
	//perhaps setup something on the page, or initiate other related things that require a connection
v.on('onCurrentTimeChange', function(data) {
	var percent;
	debugdiv.innerHTML = "Current State: " + data.state + ", Total duration of video: " + data.duration + ", current position: " + data.position;
	percent = (data.position / data.duration) * 100; = percent + '%';
v.connect(i);;	//this will occur when the connection completes if the connection doesn't complete by the time this is run, as it is queued

Once the v.connect() call has completed, the v.on('event name') callback(s) will be bound and executed as events occur. Additionally, since postMessage can sometimes be delayed (usually by a few milliseconds), calls like, v.pause(), and are enqueued and called once the connection is established so that they aren't lost. In the example above, the connection is established, a listener for 'onCurrentTimeChange' is bound, and the player is instructed to play immediately. as it plays, a timeline will appear below the player (which is what the <div> elements below the <iframe> are for) with a progress indicated that updates while the player plays.


Function Arguments Effect
play() none Begins playback of the embedded video
pause() none Pauses the embedded video (if it is playing)
seek() position Immediately seek to the position (in seconds, floats are accepted) of the video
duration() callback Query the iframe for the duration of the video. callback should accept 1 argument - an object that looks like { 'state' : 'player state', 'position': position_in_playback_in_seconds, 'duration': length_of_video_in_seconds, 'volume' : current_volume_of_video }. Since this same object is passed to all callbacks, this is effectively a convenience function that may be renamed later on.
bitrate() callback Query the iframe for the bitrate of the currently playing rendition. callback should accept 1 argument - an object that looks similar to the duration() callback's argument, with the exception of an args array that contains the relevant information.
videoHeight() callback Query the iframe for the height of the currently playing rendition. callback should accept 1 argument - an object that looks similar to the duration() callback's argument, with the exception of an args array that contains the relevant information.
availableHeights() callback Query the iframe for all available heights of the currently playing video. callback should accept 1 argument - an object that looks similar to the duration() callback's argument, with the exception of an args array that contains the relevant information.
statsForNerds() callback Query the iframe for nerdy things about the currently playing video. callback should accept 1 argument - an object that looks similar to the duration() callback's argument, with the exception of an args array that contains the relevant information.
socialIconsVisible() none Tell the iframe to hide or show the social icons on the player. Behaves in a togglable manner, hiding the icons on the first call.
setEmbedURL() url Tell the iframe to change the url that should be used for the social icons. Useful when the permalink of the embed page isn't immediately obvious to the iframe.
playerVersion() callback Query the iframe for the version of the player in the frame. callback should accept 1 argument - an object that looks similar to the duration() callback's argument, with the exception of an args array that contains the relevant information.
on() eventName, callback Binds an event to the iframe so that when it receives a message with type eventName, it will call the callback function. Only accepts function pointers as a callback. Function names as strings are not accepted.
one() eventName, callback Like on(), but the callback only executes once. After that, the function should be unbound.
off() eventName, callback Unbinds an event callback from the iframe. The same function pointer that was passed in the on() function must be used for this to function properly
enableLogging() none Enables logging on volar object and iframe controller
disableLogging() none Disables logging on volar object and iframe controller
connect() iframe Connect to the given iframe dom element.


The following is a list of registered events in the Iframe bridge controller that the Volarvideo.js enables listening for:

Event Name Occurs when...
connected Embed is successfully connected to the player api
error Player api throws an error when attempting to connect to player api. Note that callbacks for this event recieve 1 argument, and that 1 argument should always be a javascript error object.
playerEventHover User places their mouse over the player
playerEventHoverOut User removes their mouse from over the player
onComplete Video finishes playing
onCurrentTimeChange Video time progresses. Fires every few milliseconds to seconds
onDurationChange Video duration changes. Not a frequent occurance
onLoadStateChange State of video loading progress changes (buffering, initializing, etc)
onMediaPlayerStateChange State of player changes (buffering, initializing, playing, paused, completed)
onMutedChange User mutes or unmutes the player
onPublishMetadata Metadata passes from video. Not fully supported on archived video at this time, but is being planned
onVolumeChange User changes volume of player
fullscreenChange User changes the full-screen state of the player