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Using Authboss with Gorm and Postgresql

frederikhors edited this page Jan 5, 2019 · 1 revision

DRAFT for now (working on and


package main

import (
	_ ""

var (
	DB              *gorm.DB
	connectionError error

func init() {
	DB, connectionError = gorm.Open("postgres", os.Getenv("DATABASE_URL"))
	if connectionError != nil {
		log.Fatal("DB connection error", connectionError)
type User struct {
	ID int //but using Gorm you can use: gorm.Model (

	// Non-authboss related field
	Name string

	// Auth
	Email    string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);unique_index"`
	Password string

        // from here I need help; working here:

	// Confirm
	ConfirmSelector string
	ConfirmVerifier string
	Confirmed       bool

	// Lock
	AttemptCount int
	LastAttempt  time.Time
	Locked       time.Time

	// Recover
	RecoverSelector    string
	RecoverVerifier    string
	RecoverTokenExpiry time.Time

	// OAuth2
	OAuth2UID          string
	OAuth2Provider     string
	OAuth2AccessToken  string
	OAuth2RefreshToken string
	OAuth2Expiry       time.Time

	// 2fa
	TOTPSecretKey      string
	SMSPhoneNumber     string
	SMSSeedPhoneNumber string
	RecoveryCodes      string

	// Remember is in another table


package auth

import (

type DBStorer struct {

func NewDBStorer() *DBStorer {
	return &DBStorer{}

func (m DBStorer) Save(ctx context.Context, user authboss.User) error {
	// TODO, still don't know if it works
	u := user.(*models.User)
	if err := models.DB.Create(u).Error; err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

func (m DBStorer) Load(ctx context.Context, key string) (user authboss.User, err error) {
	var u models.User
	if err := models.DB.Where(&models.User{Email: key}).First(&u).Error; err != nil {
		return nil, authboss.ErrUserNotFound
	return &u, nil