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vlabs-ledger-js - Columns and their card count

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A javascript client library for Volentix Ledger

This client allows full access for Javascript applications to the contracts provided by the Volentix ledger. In summary, those are:

  • Transfer funds from one account / wallet to another
  • Get the balance of an account / wallet
  • Get a list of transactions from / to any account / wallet

The ledger is a record of the amount of funds a user holds. Before tokens are created, the record consists of entries in a database. After tokens are created, the record is a quantity of actual tokens. This javascript API conceals the differences between the two, providing a single interface for applications like Verto to obtain balance information.

Throughout this document, usage of the word "tokens" can mean either actual tokens, or a record of tokens which are owed after they are created. A user of this package sees no difference between either of these.

Some terminology:

  • Account: Accounts are defined by EOS and identified by a 1-12 character name.
  • Distribution account: The account which holds tokens to be distributed. For VTX, this is vtxdistrib
  • Trust account A specific account which holds funds in trust for a user. By holding funds, users can earn VTX without requiring them to open an EOS account (at a cost of ~$10 each). For VTX, this is vtxtrust.
  • Wallet: Users create EOS wallets (for example Verto) to uniquely identify the tokens that they are owed

Table of Contents


First add the ledger client to your application:

npm add volentix-ledger

You must have access to an EOS instance with the Volentix Ledger contracts deployed. Please see that project for deployment of the contracts.


import Ledger from "volentix-ledger";

// Point to a specific instance of the Ledger
const ledger = new Ledger({
  httpEndpoint: "https://url-of-eos-node", // URL of EOS node
  chainId: "cf057bbfb72640471ff8a%90ba539c22df9f92470936cddc1ade0e2f2e7dc4f", // ID of a chain containing Volentix ledger
  keyProvider: "EOS8TJpbWeQEoaMZMZzmo4SqC7DUucEUHRQJs1x7cXLcTqRhiJ7VF" // EOS account with the ledger contracts

// Retrieve the balance
const balance = await ledger.retrieveBalance({
  account: "vtxtrust", // the ID of an account
  wallet: "EOS5vBqi8YSzFCeTv4weRTwBzVkGCY5PN5Hm1Gp3133m8g9MtHTbW" // the public key of an EOS wallet

console.log(`You have ${balance.amount} ${balance.currency}`);

Also available in the test directory is a mock-ledger.js which can be used for basic testing without needing to connect to a remote instance.



The constructor parameters are the same as those described in eosjs configuration.

You should pass at least these fields:

  • httpEndpoint: http or https location of a nodeosd server providing a chain API.
  • chainId: Unique ID for the blockchain you're connecting to.
  • keyProvider: The EOS account which contains the Ledger contracts.


Retrieve the balance of an account or wallet.


To retrieve a user's balance held in the trust account:

const balance = await ledger.retrieveBalance({
  account: "vtxtrust", // the ID of an account
  wallet: "EOS5vBqi8YSzFCeTv4weRTwBzVkGCY5PN5Hm1Gp3133m8g9MtHTbW" // the public key of an EOS wallet

console.log(`You have ${balance.amount} ${balance.currency}`);

or to retrieve the balance of the entire distribution account:

const balance = await ledger.retrieveBalance({
  account: "vtxdistrib" // the ID of an account

console.log(`You have ${balance.amount} ${balance.currency}`);


Retrieve all transactions associated with this account / wallet. Because we only support funds transfers at the moment, the list will only include transfers, but in the future there may be other types of transactions

  • transactions: A list of the transactions found
    • id: The ID of a transaction
    • blockNum: The block number where the transaction was recorded
    • from: Where funds were transferred from
      • account: The 1-12 character name of the EOS account to transfer funds FROM
      • wallet (optional): The owner public key of the user's wallet
    • to: Where funds were transferred to
      • account: The 1-12 character name of the EOS account to transfer funds TO
      • wallet (optional): The owner public key of the user's wallet
    • amount: The amount of funds transferred
    • currency: The currency used in this account / wallet
    • submittedAt: The date and time that the transaction was submitted, in ISO 8601 format
    • comment: Text supplied when transaction was performed


To retrieve all the transactions associated with a user's wallet

const transactions = await ledger.retrieveTransactions({
  account: "vtxtrust", // the ID of an account
  wallet: "EOS5vBqi8YSzFCeTv4weRTwBzVkGCY5PN5Hm1Gp3133m8g9MtHTbW" // the public key of an EOS wallet

transactions.transactions.forEach(tx => {
    `[ID: ${}] Found ${tx.type} from ${tx.from.account} to ${
  if (tx.from.wallet) console.log(`From wallet ${tx.from.wallet}`);
  if ( console.log(`To wallet ${}`);


Add a transfer from one account / wallet to another.

Data to pass in:

  • from: The location to transfer funds from
    • account: The 1-12 character name of the EOS account to transfer funds FROM
    • wallet (optional): The owner public key of the user's wallet
  • to: The location to transfer funds from
    • account: The 1-12 character name of the EOS account to transfer funds TO
    • wallet (optional): The owner public key of the user's wallet
  • amount: The amount of funds to transfer
  • comment: (optional) Text for details about the transfer

Returns all of the given data, plus:

  • id: The unique ID of the transfer
  • currency: The currency used in this account / wallet
  • submittedAt: The date and time that the transaction was submitted, in ISO 8601 format


For this example, record a transfer from the distribution account to a user's wallet held in the trust account:

const transfer = await recordTransfer({
  from: {
    account: "vtxdistrib"
  to: {
    account: "vtxtrust",
    wallet: "EOS5vBqi8YSzFCeTv4weRTwBzVkGCY5PN5Hm1Gp3133m8g9MtHTb"
  amount: 123.45

  `Transfer of ${transfer.balance} ${transfer.currency} completed; ID: ${




Create a .env file in the root directory and set these variables:

# The chain id of your running instance

# The EOS account which contains the Ledger contracts.

# http or https location of a nodeosd server providing a chain API.

http or https location of a nodeosd server providing the wallet API.

The test framework will read these values and pass them to the ledger client


Install the dependencies.

npm install

Run The Tests

You can run the tests with the following command.

npm run test



See the contribute file!

PRs accepted.

Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the standard-readme specification.


MIT © 2018 Volentix Labs Inc.


A javascript client library for Volentix Ledger







No releases published



Contributors 4
