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Visual Embedded Rust extension for Visual Studio Code

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TODO: visual-embedded-rust

  • Create and edit Embedded Rust programs visually by dragging and dropping blocks

  • Work In Progress: Generates Embedded Rust code for PineTime Smart Watch with Apache Mynewt realtime operating system

  • Also generates Embedded Rust code for STM32 Blue Pill with Apache Mynewt realtime operating system

TODO: Features

Watch the demo...


YouTube Video

Read the articles...

  1. "Visual Embedded Rust Programming with Visual Studio Code"

  2. "Advanced Topics for Visual Embedded Rust Programming"

  3. "Rust Rocks NB-IoT! STM32 Blue Pill with Quectel BC95-G on Apache Mynewt"

  4. "Visual Programming with Embedded Rust? Yes we can with Apache Mynewt and Google Blockly!"

Visual Embedded Rust

TODO: Document Contents

  1. Usage

  2. Build The Firmware

  3. Connect The Hardware

  4. Flash The Firmware To Blue Pill

  5. Run The Program

  6. Function 1: On Start

  7. Function 2: Start Sensor Listener

  8. Function 3: Handle Sensor Data

  9. Function 4: Send Sensor Data

  10. Rust Source Files

  11. Program Settings

  12. CoAP: Constrained Application Protocol

  13. Quectel NB-IoT AT Commands

  14. Configuring the CoAP Server at

  15. Typeless Rust

  16. How Small Is Rust?

  17. Why Blue Pill? Power vs Price Compromise

  18. Why Apache Mynewt? Evolution of Rust on Bare Metal

  19. How Safe Is Rust? Safe Wrappers for Mynewt

  20. Inside The Visual Embedded Rust Extension for Visual Studio Code

  21. Building The Visual Embedded Rust Extension

  22. References

  23. Release Notes


  1. In Visual Studio Code, Click File → Open to open any folder

    Click File → Open

  2. In the Explorer → (Folder Name) pane at top left, create a new Rust source file, like

    Create a new Rust source file

  3. Edit the Rust source file. Click Visual Editor at top right

    Click Visual Editor

  4. When prompted to populate the visual program into the Rust source file, click OK

    Click OK

  5. Click the Rust source file to see the generated Rust code. Save the file to save the visual program. Don't edit the Rust source file manually, always use the visual editor.

Sample Rust source file containing generated Rust code and XML blocks

Visual Embedded Rust editor with generated Rust code

Build The Firmware

To compile the generated Rust program into Blue Pill firmware...

  1. Click here to install Build Tools For Visual Studio 2019:

  2. Click the Individual Components tab

    Select the following components:
    Windows 10 SDK (10.0.18362.0)
    C++ CMake Tools for Windows
    (This should be automatically selected) MSVC v142 — VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 Build Tools

    Components for Build Tools For Visual Studio 2019

  3. Install rustup according to the instructions here:

    Click the link provided to download rustup‑init.exe
    Launch the downloaded file rustup‑init.exe

    If you see the message Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognised app from starting
    Click More Info
    Click Run Anyway

    At the Welcome to Rust! prompt, press Enter to select the default option:
    1) Proceed with installation (default)

  4. Open the Windows Command Prompt. Enter into the command prompt:

    rustup default nightly
    rustup update
    rustup target add thumbv7m-none-eabi
    rustc -V

    The reported version of rustc should be 1.38.0 or later:
    rustc 1.38.0-nightly (435236b88 2019–08–01)

  5. Download the stm32bluepill-mynewt-sensor.7z file attached below…

    Expand the .7z file with 7zip…

  6. Install Arm Cross-Compiler and Linker for Windows from Arm Developer Website…,32-bit,,Windows,8-2019-q3-update

    Select this option at the last install step:
    Add path to environment variable

  7. Download the ST-Link USB driver from ST-Link Driver Website (email registration required)…

    Click Get Software
    Unzip the downloaded file. Double-click the driver installer:

  8. Launch Visual Studio Code
    Install the extension “Cortex-Debug”…

  9. Click File → Open Folder

    Select the downloaded folder stm32bluepill-mynewt-sensor

    When prompted to open the workspace, click Open Workspace

    Open Workspace

  10. Copy your Visual Program source file to stm32bluepill-mynewt-sensor/rust/app/src/ Overwrite the existing file.

  11. Delete the files and in that folder

  12. If you have a Quectel NB-IoT module…

    Open the following file and configure the program settings:
    Change the NB-IoT band setting NBIOT_BAND. Check with your NB-IoT operator for the band to use.

  13. Click Terminal → Run Task → [1] Build bluepill_boot

    This builds the bootloader, which starts the Apache Mynewt operating system upon startup. If it shows errors, compare with this build log.

  14. Click Terminal → Run Task → [2] Build bluepill_my_sensor

    This builds the firmware containing our Rust program. Compare with this build log.

    When our Rust program has been successfully compiled as Blue Pill ROM firmware, we should see this…

    Build Firmware

  15. Click Terminal → Run Task → [3] Image bluepill_my_sensor

    This creates the Blue Pill flash image from the firmware. Compare with this image log

    If any source files or configuration files are changed, rebuild the application by clicking
    Terminal → Run Task → [2] Build bluepill_my_sensor

Connect The Hardware

From top to bottom: STM32 Blue Pill, ST-Link V2, Quectel BC95-G breakout board with antenna, NB-IoT SIM
We’ll need the following hardware…

[1] STM32 Blue Pill: Under $2, search AliExpress for stm32f103c8t6 development board

[2] ST-Link V2 USB Adapter: Under $2, search AliExpress for st-link v2

Optional: To transmit data to the NB-IoT network, we’ll also need…

[3] Quectel BC95-G Global NB-IoT Module (breakout board with antenna)

I ordered mine from Taobao. The manual in Chinese is here.

BC95-G works in all NB-IoT frequency bands worldwide. If you’re buying a different NB-IoT module, check that it supports your local NB-IoT Frequency Band. (For example: In Singapore I’m using NB-IoT Frequency Band 8 with StarHub)

[4] NB-IoT SIM from your local NB-IoT network operator

Many thanks to StarHub for sponsoring the NB-IoT SIM that I used for this tutorial!



Connect Blue Pill to Quectel BC95-G and ST-Link as follows…

Blue Pill Quectel BC95-G ST-Link V2 Wire Colour
PA2 (UART2 TX2) RXD (Pin 4) Green
PA3 (UART2 RX2) TXD (Pin 3) Blue
GND GND (Pin 1) Black
VCC (Pin 2) 5.0V (Pin 10) Yellow
3V3 3.3V (Pin 8) Red
DIO SWDIO (Pin 4) Orange
DCLK SWDCLK (Pin 2) Brown
GND GND (Pin 6) Black

Both yellow jumpers on Blue Pill should be set to the 0 position, as shown in the above photo.

SIM partially exposed to show the unusual orientation
SIM partially exposed to show the unusual orientation
Note that we are powering the Quectel module with 5V from ST-Link instead of 3.3V from Blue Pill. That’s because the module requires more power than Blue Pill can provide. (How did I find out? Because the module kept restarting when I powered it from Blue Pill.)

Check the documentation for your Quectel breakout board to confirm that it supports 5V. (Mine does)

Insert the NB-IoT SIM according to the orientation shown in the photo. (Yes the SIM notch faces outward, not inward).

Remember: Always connect the antenna before powering up the NB-IoT module!

If you’re using Windows: Make sure that the ST-Link Driver has been installed before connecting ST-Link to your computer


Flash The Firmware To Blue Pill

Blue Pill and ST-Link connected to USB port

  1. Check that the Blue Pill is connected to ST-Link…
    And that the ST-Link is connected to your computer’s USB port.
    Now let’s head back to Visual Studio Code…

  2. Click Terminal → Run Task → [4] Load bluepill_boot

    This flashes the bootloader to Blue Pill, to start the Apache Mynewt operating system upon startup. If it shows errors, compare with this flash log.

  3. Click Terminal → Run Task → [5] Load bluepill_my_sensor

    This flashes the firmware (containing our Visual Program) to Blue Pill. If it shows errors, compare with this flash log.

Run The Program

  1. Click Debug → Start Debugging

  2. Click View → Output

    Select Adapter Output to see the Blue Pill log

    Select Adapter Output

  3. The debugger pauses at the line with LoopCopyDataInit

    Click Continue or press F5


  4. The debugger pauses next at the main() function.

    Click Continue or press F5

    main() function

Our Blue Pill should now poll its internal temperature sensor every 10 seconds. It should also transmit the temperature data to the CoAP server hosted at

The Blue Pill log should look like this. The log is explained below in the "Quectel NB-IoT AT Commands" section.


YouTube Video

Upon clicking the URL… that’s shown in the Blue Pill log, we’ll see a web page that displays the temperature received by the server at

The server has converted the raw temperature into degrees Celsius. We convert the temperature at the server to conserve RAM and ROM on Blue Pill.

Display of sensor data received from our Blue Pill
Display of sensor data received from our Blue Pill

Function 1: On Start

On Start

On Start marks the start of the program. Here we define some constants — values used by the program that won’t change as the program runs…

  1. SENSOR_DEVICE is the name of the sensor that the program will poll (check periodically). We’ll be polling Blue Pill’s Internal Temperature Sensor, which is named temp_stm32_0

  2. SENSOR_POLL_TIME is the time interval (in milliseconds) for polling the sensor. We’ll set this to 10 seconds (or 10,000 milliseconds)

  3. TEMP_SENSOR_KEY is the name of the sensor data field that our program will send to the server. We’ll call it t to tell the server we’re sending a temperature value.

  4. TEMP_SENSOR_TYPE is the type of sensor data that our program will send: Raw ambient temperature in whole numbers (integers from 0 to 4095), hence SENSOR_TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE_RAW

Why do we send the temperature in raw form instead of the usual decimal (floating-point) form like 28.9 degrees Celsius? That’s because Blue Pill has very limited RAM and ROM. Sending the raw temperature without conversion will save us from reserving RAM and ROM that would be needed for the floating-point conversion. We’ll let the server convert instead.

By Rust convention, constants are named in uppercase. Hence we name the constants as SENSOR_DEVICE instead of sensor_device

Next we call the function start_sensor_listener to begin polling the temperature sensor every 10 seconds. More about this in the next section.

Finally we call start_server_transport, which is a system function defined in the sensor_network library. This function starts a background task to establish a connection to the NB-IoT network. For this tutorial, we’ll be transmitting sensor data over the NB-IoT network, which is available worldwide.

It may take a few seconds to complete, but the function executes in the background so it won’t hold up other tasks, like polling the temperature sensor.

Take note of the Rust convention… sensor_network::start_server_transport refers to the function start_server_transport that’s found inside the Rust Library sensor_network. Rust Libraries are also known as “Crates”.

How was the On Start function created? By dragging and dropping the blocks from the Blocks Bar at the left of the Visual Program. That’s how we create a Visual Program… By arranging the blocks to compose a program!


YouTube Video

Visual Embedded Rust

Function 2: Start Sensor Listener

Start Sensor Listener

To start_sensor_listener With ... is the way that we define functions in the Visual Program. Here we define start_sensor_listener as a function that accepts 4 parameters (or inputs), whose values we have seen from the previous section…

  1. sensor_name: Name of the sensor to be polled. Set to SENSOR_DEVICE (i.e. temp_stm32_0)

  2. sensor_key: Name of the sensor data field to be sent to the server. Set to TEMP_SENSOR_KEY (i.e. t)

  3. sensor_type: Type of sensor data that will be sent to the server. Set to SENSOR_TYPE_AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE_RAW

  4. poll_time: Time interval (in milliseconds) for polling the sensor. Set to SENSOR_POLL_TIME (i.e. 10,000 milliseconds or 10 seconds)

Next we call the system function set_poll_rate_ms, defined in the sensor library. The sensor library comes from the Apache Mynewt operating system, which manages all sensors on Blue Pill.

By calling the function set_poll_rate_ms with sensor_name set to temp_stm32_0 and poll_time set to 10000 (milliseconds), we are asking the system to poll the temperature sensor every 10 seconds. And the system will happily fetch the temperature value on our behalf every 10 seconds.

What shall we do with the temperature value? We’ll define a Listener Function to transmit the data. But first…

We call function mgr_find_next_bydevname (also from the sensor library) to fetch the sensor driver from the system and store it in the variable sensor_driver. By passing the sensor_name as temp_stm32_0, the function returns the driver responsible for managing the temperature sensor. The driver will be used for setting the Listener Function in a while.

Before that, we check the sensor driver was actually found. If we had misspelt the name of the sensor, the sensor driver would not be found and it would be set to null, a special Rust value that means “nothing”. Hence we check to ensure that sensor_driver is not null.

We create a sensor listener (stored as listener) by calling the system function new_sensor_listener, passing in the sensor_key (set to t) and the sensor_type (raw ambient temperature). func is the name of the Listener Function that will be called after reading the sensor data: handle_sensor_data. Which we’ll cover in the next section.

To register the Listener Function in the system, we call the system function register_listener, passing in the sensor_driver and the sensor listener that we have just created.

After that, the operating system will automatically read the temperature sensor every 10 seconds and call our function handle_sensor_data with the temperature value.


YouTube Video

Function 3: Handle Sensor Data

Handle Sensor Data

How shall we handle the temperature data that has been read? handle_sensor_data passes the sensor data to another function send_sensor_data that transmits the sensor data to the server. More about send_sensor_data in a while.

The function handle_sensor_data doesn’t seem to do much… why did we design the program this way? It’s meant for future expansion — when we need more complicated logic for handling sensor data, we’ll put the logic into handle_sensor_data

handle_sensor_data could be extended to handle multiple sensors, aggregating the sensor data before transmitting. Or it could check for certain conditions and decide whether it should transmit the data. This program structure gives us the most room to expand for the future.

Function 4: Send Sensor Data

Send Sensor Data

The final function in our program, send_sensor_data, is called by handle_sensor_data to transmit sensor data. The parameter sensor_data contains the field name t and the sensor value, like 1715. Remember that this is a raw temperature value. The server will convert the raw value to degrees Celsius later.

We call get_device_id from the sensor_network library to fetch the Device ID from the system. This is a long string of random letters and digits like a8b2c7d8e9b2... Each time we restart Blue Pill we’ll get a different Device ID. We’ll use this Device ID later to identify our Blue Pill uniquely and check whether the server has received the temperature sensor data from our Blue Pill.

Next we call init_server_post (also from sensor_network library) to prepare a sensor data message that will be sent to the server. Because Blue Pill has limited RAM, this function will ensure that only one task is allowed to compose messages at any time. The other tasks will have to wait for their turn.

init_server_post returns a true/false result (known as a boolean) that indicates whether the NB-IoT network connection has been established. This stored in the variable network_ready.

Only when network_ready is true, which means that the device has connected to the NB-IoT network, then we proceed to compose a CoAP Message.

What’s a CoAP Message? It’s a standard format for transmitting sensor data over NB-IoT. Here we are transmitting two data values in the CoAP Message...

  1. device_id: The randomly-generated Device ID that uniquely identifies our Blue Pill. This field shall be transmitted with the field name device

  2. sensor_data: Contains the field name t and the sensor value, like 1715

The CoAP Message is transmitted only when function do_server_post is called. Again this transmission takes place in a background task, so it won’t hold up our program from polling the sensor.

Notice that _payload is named differently… it begins with an underscore _. By Rust convention, variables that are set but not read should be named with an underscore _ as the first character. Because the Rust Compiler will warn us about unused variables.

This effectively tells the Rust Compiler: “Yes I’m setting the variable _payload and I’m not using the value… Please don’t warn me that I may have misspelt the name _payload"

At the end of the function, we display a URL in the Blue Pill log that contains the Device ID. The URL looks like this:… We’ll click this URL to verify that the server has received our sensor data.

Rust Source Files

The Rust source files are located in the rust folder…

rust/app: Rust application that polls the internal temperature sensor and transmits the sensor data over NB-IoT

If you’re using Visual Embedded Rust...

Overwrite the file src/ by your Visual Program source file

Delete and in the src folder.

Rebuild the application by clicking

Terminal → Run Task → [2] Build bluepill_my_sensor

rust/visual: Sample Visual Embedded Rust program

rust/mynewt: Rust Safe Wrappers for Mynewt OS and libraries

rust/macros: Rust Procedural Macros for generating Safe Wrappers, inferring types and other utility macros like strn!()


Program Settings

The program settings may be found in the file targets/bluepill_my_sensor/syscfg.yml

COAP_HOST, COAP_PORT: The program will send CoAP messages to this IP address and port number, which defaults to the CoAP server at Keep the default settings if you wish to view your sensor data at Change the setting to use your own CoAP server instead of

COAP_URI: The CoAP message will be delivered to this URI at the CoAP server (which defaults to

Keep the default settings if you wish to view your sensor data at

For, the last part IVRi… is the Thing Token. If you wish to send sensor data to your own Thing at, replace the last part of the URI with your Thing Token.

For the purpose of NB-IoT Education, I’ll allow you to transmit sensor data to the Thing Token IVRi… from my personal, paid account. Which will forward the sensor data to for viewing.

NBIOT_BAND: The program connects to this NB-IoT Frequency Band. The Frequency Band depends on your country and your NB-IoT network operator. Check with your NB-IoT network operator for the Frequency Band to use.

CoAP: Constrained Application Protocol

Note: The example below assumes that our device is transmiiting the temperature as a floaing-point value like tmp: 28.9. However our Visual Embedded Rust program transmits the temperature as a raw integer like t: 1879. Please do the necessary mental adjustments

Are You Connected? Or Connectionless?

How do we achieve “low cost, long battery life, and high connection density” with NB-IoT? Next time you attend a party, try this…

Mingle around as many people as you can. Listen to what EVERYONE has to say.

When a conversation gets boring, just move away without saying anything.

Don’t feel obligated to continue any conversation. It’s your right to listen as much or as little as you want. You’re NOT committed to stay CONNECTED to any person at the party.

Yes your friends will find you strangely anti-social. You will miss out on some great stories from your friends, but then again, they are probably repeating the same old stories.

BUT you will learn lots more, from more people. And feel less drained.

That’s the better way… the CONNECTIONLESS way!

We have been using TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) since the beginning of the internet to connect our gadgets (HTTP and MQTT are two popular protocols based on TCP). However TCP is Connection-Oriented — when two devices are connected via TCP, they need to stay connected… or they will be penalised.

If any packets are dropped (due to poor network coverage or congestion) or delayed, both devices will need to resynchronise their TCP windows by retransmitting their packets. Which may lead to severe problems like the MQTT Server congestion on Moon Base One!

The Connectionless Way: Change TCP to UDP

In a Connectionless Network there’s no commitment to stay connected to any device: Just transmit or receive a message. And move on. (Like our Connectionless Party!)

Instead of establishing a TCP connection, we transmit a UDP (User Datagram Protocol) packet without waiting for the acknowledgement.

But because they are Connectionless, UDP packets do not enjoy guaranteed delivery.

Most UDP packets are delivered properly, but if any packets are dropped (due to poor network coverage or congestion), UDP devices don’t attempt to resynchronise and retransmit the lost packets.

Isn’t it a serious problem when packets disappear in our IoT network? Well, do we really need to receive every single sensor reading? Instead of suffering a server failure or network congestion, could we compromise by dropping a couple of sensor messages? That’s how we achieve High Connection Density in NB-IoT!

When we go Connectionless, our gadgets become a lot simpler to build… no messy sliding window protocols and waiting forever! Thus our NB-IoT gadgets are Low Cost, and enjoy Long Battery Life!

💎 Many other things are switching to the simpler Connectionless way… 1️⃣ HTTP version 3 will switch from TCP to a UDP protocol named QUIC. Because it just works better on lossy mobile networks. 2️⃣ YouTube and many video streaming services are already running on RTSP based on UDP. It allows video quality to be negotiated in real time based on network conditions. 3️⃣ Most massively multiplayer games already use UDP to achieve lower latency.

Hello CoAP!

In the Connection-Oriented Universe, we have the MQTT protocol for transmitting TCP sensor messages to the IoT Server. What’s the equivalent for the Connectionless Universe that will allow us to transmit UDP sensor messages?

Answer: Constrained Application Protocol, or CoAP

Why “Constrained”? Because CoAP was designed for low-power microcontrollers that don’t have easy access to power (like the crop sensors on Moon Base One). And CoAP requires little bandwidth… 120 bytes is all we need to send a sensor message to a CoAP server (like… Perfect for NB-IoT!

Google Sheet for encoding CoAP messages

I have prepared a Google Sheet that shows how a CoAP message is encoded for sending sensor data.

Click the sheet and make your own copy.

Let’s look at the three parts of a CoAP message…

0️⃣ CoAP Preamble

1️⃣ CoAP Options

2️⃣ CoAP Payload

[0] CoAP Preamble

CoAP Preamble

The Preamble appears at the start of every CoAP message. The important parts are…

▶️ Message Type: NON is the recommended Message Type. NON messages don’t require any acknowledgement from the CoAP Server. So it’s highly efficient for transmitting sensor data and keeps the device firmware simple. If acknowledgement is desired (think very carefully!), select CON as the Message Type.

▶️ Method Code: POST will transmit sensor data to GET will fetch the last transmitted sensor value. Yes, CoAP follows the same conventions as HTTP and REST.

[1] CoAP Options

CoAP Options

After the Preamble, the Options section appears next. The Options will remind you of HTTP Headers…

▶️ URI Path: This is similar to the URL for HTTP requests. For, each Thing is identified by a URI like… v2/things/IVRiBCcR6HPp_CcZIFfOZFxz_izni5xc_KO-kgSA2Y8

The last gibberish part (IVRi…) is the Thing Token in More about that later.

▶️ Content Format: Here we tell the CoAP Server that our sensor data (the payload) is in JSON format

▶️ Accept: Here we tell the CoAP Server that the response from the server should also be in JSON format (if we’re expecting a response)

Note that Content Format and Accept fields each require only 1 byte 32 to specify the value application/json. Constrained and highly-efficient indeed!

[2] CoAP Payload

CoAP Payload

Finally we have the Payload, which contains the sensor data. Here we use a JSON document to encode the sensor values device=4BUXIW6W, tmp=28.1 requires the device to transmit sensor values in the above format: an array of values, with key and value in each entry. will look up the Thing that we have specified in the URI Options (IVRi…) and set the temperature tmp to 28.1.

What’s device? This the random Device ID that uniquely identifies our Blue Pill, so that we may view the sensor data received by the server.

How do we know where the Options end and where the Payload starts? Easy — just look for the End Of Options Marker FF. The CoAP format is so simple that it doesn’t need any fields to indicate the sizes of the Options and the Payload!

Encoded CoAP message

In under 150 bytes we have created a UDP message that our device may transmit over NB-IoT to update the sensor data for our Thing at We’ll learn next how to send this packet with a simple AT command.

For more details on CoAP, check the CoAP specifications (RFC7252)

Quectel NB-IoT AT Commands

We'll look at this Blue Pill log to understand the Quectel NB-IoT AT Commands sent by our Blue Pill to the Quectel BC95-G NB-IoT module...

Blue Pill connects to the Quectel module via the UART port at 9600 bps, 8 data bits, No parity bit, 1 stop bit.

For every AT command sent, Blue Pill sends CR (Ctrl-M or 0x0d) and LF (Ctrl-J or 0x0a) at the end of each AT command.

[0] Prepare to transmit

First we reboot the Quectel module to start from a fresh, clean state…

AT Commands (in bold) Remarks
Boot: Unsigned
Security B.. Verified
Protocol A.. Verified
Apps A...... Verified

When connected to our computer, the Quectel module shows REBOOT_CAUSE_SECURITY_RESET_PIN. This is normal.

Ignore the ERROR message that may appear at the beginning. The Blue Pill program attempts a few retries until it gets the OK response.
AT+NCONFIG=AUTOCONNECT,FALSE Disable auto-connecting to the NB-IoT network upon restarting
OK This enables us to specify which NB-IoT Band to search, which should be faster
AT+NRB Reboot the module
Module reboots

[1] Attach to network

After rebooting, we specify the network settings and attach to the NB-IoT network…

AT Commands (in bold) Remarks
AT+NBAND=8 Select NB-IoT Band 8
OK This is specific to your NB-IoT operator
AT+CFUN=1 Enable full functionality
OK Now we may start attaching to the network
AT+CGATT=1 Attach to the NB-IoT network
OK Attach operation begins
AT+CEREG? Are we registered to the NB-IoT network?
0,1 means we have been registered
0,2 means we should wait a few seconds then recheck via AT+CEREG?
AT+CGATT? Are we attached to the NB-IoT network?
1 means we are attached to the NB-IoT network. Ready to transmit.

[2] Transmit message

We are now ready to transmit. For the specific AT command for transmitting our message, look in the CoAP Message Encoder Google Sheet.

AT Commands (in bold) Remarks
AT+QREGSWT=2 Don't use Huawei IoT Server. Note: This command has been moved to the above section
AT+NSOCR=DGRAM,17,0,1 Allocate a local network port. DGRAM,17 means UDP, 0 means allocate a new port, 1 means allow receiving of messages from server
1 is the local port allocated
AT+NSOST=1,,5683,147, (data omitted) ,100 Transmit the CoAP UDP packet using local port 1 to server IP address, server port 5683 with size 147 bytes and msg sequence 100. Use the AT command from the Google Sheet
1 is the local port
147 is the number of bytes being transmitted
=+NSOSTR:1,100,1 1,100,1 means port 1, msg sequence 100 was transmitted (1)

[3] Receive response

The CoAP Server at returns a response to our message…

AT Commands (in bold) Remarks
=+NSONMI:1,35 1,35 means port 1 has received a server response of 35 bytes
AT+NSORF=1,35 Read the server response for port 1, returning 35 bytes
Server response for port 1, server IP address, server port 5683
AT+NSOCL=1 Close port 1

We may use Wireshark to decode the above server response (which is another CoAP message)…

58 41 00 01 00 00 16 4A 27 2A E2 39 C1
32 FF 7B 22 73 74 61 74 75 73 22 3A 22
63 72 65 61 74 65 64 22 7D

See the section “Advanced Topic: What’s Inside The CoAP Message?” in Connect STM32 Blue Pill to ESP8266 with Apache Mynewt

Insert a space between each byte before decoding with Wireshark. The decoded response from should read…


Which means that the Thing State has been successfully updated in

[4] Diagnostics

Here are some AT commands useful for troubleshooting…

AT Commands (in bold) Remarks
AT+CGPADDR Display the IP address allocated by the network
=+CGPADDR:0, OK IP address of the module
AT+NUESTATS Display the network statistics
Signal power:-758
Total power:-706
TX power:230
TX time:438
RX time:16193
Cell ID:3535136
Network statistics of the module

Read more about Quectel NB-IoT AT Commands.

Configuring the CoAP Server at

Upon clicking the URL… that’s shown in the Blue Pill log, we’ll see a web page that displays the temperature received by the server at

The server has converted the raw temperature into degrees Celsius. We convert the temperature at the server to conserve RAM and ROM on Blue Pill.

The temperature data appears in a web page like this (it refreshes every 10 seconds)…

Display of sensor data received from our Blue Pill
Display of sensor data received from our Blue Pill

How did the sensor data get posted on a public website that’s outside

That’s my demo server hosted at Google Cloud running AppEngine Go. Here's what just happened…

  1. Recall that the Program Settings in targets/bluepill_my_sensor/syscfg.yml includes a COAP_URI setting

  2. The COAP_URI setting includes a Thing Token for IVRiBC...

  3. This Thing Token refers to a specific Thing in my account. What sensor data are we sending to the Thing?

  4. We are sending the temperature data plus a device field.

    device is a random Device ID generated by our program. When my CoAP Server at receives the device and t fields, it pushes the two values to my Google Cloud server, along with the computed floating-point temperature. (Yes it’s possible with Cloud Code!)

  5. Then when you click the URL in the Blue Pill log...…

    The Device ID appears inside the URL, so my Google Cloud server renders the computed temperature value associated with your Blue Pill. That’s the power of end-to-end IoT Integration with Quectel modules, NB-IoT, and Google Cloud!

    For the purpose of NB-IoT Education I’ll allow you to send CoAP messages to my (personal, paid, non-sponsored) account at… because there’s no better way to learn CoAP!

💎 If you wish to create your own free account for, check the section “Configuring the CoAP Server at” in this article. Copy your Thing Token to the COAP_URI setting.

Open the Developer’s Console in Updates to the Thing State triggered by CoAP messages will be shown here. You will not longer be able to view the sensor data on my Google Cloud server, but you may follow the instructions in the above article to view your sensor data in dashboards.

The integration code for and Google Cloud is available at... Dashboard with Raw Temperature t and Computed Temperature tmp

Typeless Rust

To making coding easier for beginners, the extension generates Typeless Rust code like this...

#[infer_type]  //  Infer the missing types
fn start_sensor_listener(sensor_name: _, sensor_key: _, sensor_type: _, poll_time: _) ...
    //  Call Mynewt API
    sensor::set_poll_rate_ms(sensor_name, poll_time) ? ;

When the typeless code is compiled, the infer_type Procedural Macro infers the types by matching the variables against the Mynewt API...

//  Call Mynewt API
sensor::set_poll_rate_ms(sensor_name, poll_time) ? ;  
//  `sensor_name` inferred as type `&Strn`
//  `poll_time`   inferred as type `u32`

The macro then injects the inferred types into the typeless code...

fn start_sensor_listener(sensor_name: &Strn, sensor_key: &'static Strn,
                         sensor_type: sensor_type_t, poll_time: u32) ...

The inferred types are stored in infer.json. The enables the infer_type macro to infer new types based on types already inferred for other functions...

    "start_sensor_listener": [
        [ "sensor_name", "&Strn" ],
        [ "sensor_key",  "&'static Strn" ],
        [ "sensor_type", "sensor_type_t" ],
        [ "poll_time",   "u32" ]
    "send_sensor_data": [
        [ "sensor_data", "&SensorValue" ]
    "handle_sensor_data": [
        [ "sensor_data", "&SensorValue" ]

This diagram illustrates the Type Inference…

How the infer_type macro infers missing types
How the infer_type macro infers missing types

Here’s an animation (done with Visual Studio Code) that explains how the types were inferred by the infer_type macro. At top left are the types to be inferred. At bottom left are the known type signatures from the Mynewt API.

The infer_type macro scans the Typeless Rust program recursively, hence we see the roving red highlight. When the macro finds a match with the Mynewt API, the code flashes green.

Green ticks at the top left mean that we have successfully inferred the types.

The recursive Rust code parsing was implemented with the excellent syn crate. The quote crate was used to emit the transformed Rust code.


YouTube Video

How the infer_type macro infers missing types, animated in Visual Studio Code with the Visual Embedded Rust Extension
How the infer_type macro infers missing types, animated in Visual Studio Code with the Visual Embedded Rust Extension

More details in the article "Advanced Topics for Visual Embedded Rust Programming"

How Small Is Rust?

Here’s the RAM and ROM usage of the Visual Embedded Rust firmware on Blue Pill. The left section shows Rust and Apache Mynewt functions sorted by size (largest on top). The right section shows the total RAM and ROM used by each library.

Our firmware occupies 55 KB of ROM and 13 KB of RAM, out of Blue Pill’s 64 KB ROM and 20 KB RAM. (That’s 86% of ROM and 65% of RAM used)

The spreadsheet below was generated based on the Linker Memory Map created during the firmware build. Read more about memory maps

RAM and ROM usage of the Visual Embedded Rust firmware
RAM and ROM usage of the Visual Embedded Rust firmware

Why Blue Pill? Power vs Price Compromise

STMicroelectronics STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller on Blue Pill
Blue Pill was chosen for the tutorial because it best represents a real-world, low-cost microcontroller with limited RAM and ROM.

The microcontroller is found in many off-the-shelf products, even flying drones!

To be clear what’s a “Blue Pill”… The heart of Blue Pill is an STMicroelectronics STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller.

That’s a tiny module surface-mounted on a Blue printed-circuit board (hence the name Blue Pill). Without the Blue (and Yellow) parts, it would be extremely difficult for us to experiment with the microcontroller. So we buy a Blue Pill and use it like an Arduino.
Thus Blue Pill is clearly a Developer Kit that marks up the cost of the microcontroller. Blue Pill retails for $2, but the STM32F103C8T6 microcontroller sells for only 40 cents! Perfect for creating millions and millions of IoT sensors!

(Actually a $2 dev kit is so affordable that it begs you to go ahead and do many many crazy things with it!)

At this price we get a 32-bit Arm processor with many goodies (GPIO, UART, I2C, SPI, USB, …) But the catch: It has only 64 KB of ROM and 20 KB of RAM. (Similar to the Apple II!)

With Blue Pill’s extremely limited RAM and ROM, we can’t code in decent programming languages like MicroPython and JavaScript (for MakeCode, which I tried and failed).

C was the only option… Until Rust came along! Rust is a systems programming language that’s as low level as C (i.e. no garbage collection). Yet it solves the painful pointer problem in C.

This research paper presents an excellent comparison of C with Rust

Read more about Blue Pill and the upgraded version, Super Blue Pill

Why Apache Mynewt? Evolution of Rust on Bare Metal

Why are we running the Apache Mynewt realtime operating system on Blue Pill together with Rust? Mynewt was built with C (and therefore susceptible to C defects)… Why not run Rust on Blue Pill without C?

This means we would be running Rust on “Bare Metal”, without any other operating system. In fact, Rust becomes the operating system. Rust would have to handle GPIO, UART, I2C, SPI, USB, … Plus multitasking and related functions like semaphores and messages queues.

Why reinvent the Rusty wheel when we already have realtime operating systems like Mynewt, FreeRTOS, Zephyr, …? It takes a lot of effort to build a new realtime operating system in Rust that supports all kinds of microcontrollers.

There’s a great team hard at work creating the Embedded Rust platform. In the meantime, I’m taking a shortcut and using Mynewt… But in a safe way, with Safe Wrappers.

I’m not solving the problem of devices crashing due to bugs in the operating system… Because I trust experienced C coders in the Mynewt community for creating high-quality kernel code. Instead I’m solving the problem of devices crashing due to bugs in the C application code… And experienced C application coders are really hard to find.

Can we solve this problem with Rust?

How Safe Is Rust? Safe Wrappers for Mynewt

Rust won’t let us use pointers freely like in C (unless we explicitly write unsafe code). Mynewt however is written in C and it will blindly accept any pointer we pass, even bad ones. How shall we reconcile the two?

The solution: Create Safe Wrappers that validate all pointers passed from Rust to Mynewt and vice versa. A Safe Wrapper is a Rust function that wraps around the Mynewt API, converting the unsafe Mynewt API into a safe Rust API.

For example: When a Mynewt API accepts a string input (const char *), we wrap the API with a Rust function that accepts a Strn type instead.

Strn is a type I created that represents a null-terminated string. Unlike C, Rust strings are not expected to be terminated by the null byte. So when we pass strings to the Safe Wrapper as Strn, the wrapper verifies that the string is indeed terminated by a null.

When Mynewt returns a string, the Safe Wrapper also uses the Strn type to verify that the returned string is properly terminated by null.

Read more about Mynewt Safe Wrappers in the section Advanced Topic: Safe Wrappers for Mynewt

Read this excellent paper that compares Unsafe Coding in C with Safe Coding in Rust

What’s Wrong With Rust? Types!

In C we would manipulate a string as char *. In Rust it weirdly becomes &'static Strn… a reference to a static null-terminated string. (Strn is my own helper type for embedded platforms.) Yes Rust is 100% precise in describing types… perhaps too precise?

Many Rust learners struggle with Rust Types (I’m still struggling). The Rust Compiler helpfully suggests how to fix coding issues with types. If the Rust Compiler is really so smart, why not go all the way and fix the types for us?

Thus Visual Embedded Rust becomes an experiment in “Typeless Rust”. Visual Coding doesn’t give us much room to express precise types in our Visual Programs. (How would you visually represent a reference to a static null-terminated string?) And if Visual Rust is meant for beginners, maybe we shouldn’t even mention types, to flatten the Rust learning curve.

Rust Learners shall stroll up the Rust learning slope starting with…

  1. Visual Rust, devoid of types, followed by…

  2. Typeless Rust, the typeless code generated by Visual Rust, and finally…

  3. Fully-Typed Rust, a.k.a. Rust 2018

Inside The Visual Embedded Rust Extension for Visual Studio Code

The source code for the Visual Embedded Rust extension is located at

The extension is published in the Visual Studio Marketplace here

The extension wraps the web-based visual code editor from Google Blockly into a VSCode WebView. Blockly uses XML to represent a visual program.

The extension is activated when we edit a Rust source file (*.rs). Here’s a sample Rust source file containing a Visual Program

There are two parts of the file…

  1. Rust Source Code: Which is autogenerated by the Blockly Code Generator from the Blockly XML

  2. Blockly XML: The XML representation of the visual program. It’s located at the bottom of the source file, marked by BEGIN BLOCKS … END BLOCKS

Logic Flow in the Visual Embedded Rust Extension
Logic Flow in the Visual Embedded Rust Extension

  1. Main logic for the VSCode Extension is in extension.ts

    The extension contains two asset folders:

    resources: Contains a visual program template that will be used to populate empty Rust source files

    media: Contains the Blockly JavaScript code that will be embedded in the WebView to render the visual editor and generate Rust source code…

    media/blockly-mynewt-rust contains the Blockly JavaScript code with a custom Rust Code Generator

    media/closure-library is the Google Closure Library needed by Blockly

    media/vscode contains JavaScript code that enables VSCode Message Passing in the WebView to implement save/load functions and modal prompts

  2. The extension creates a WebView that embeds the HTML and JavaScript code from Google Blockly.

    HTML code for the WebView is here

  3. The VSCode Extension and the WebView are running in separate JavaScript sandboxes.

    Hence we’ll be using VSCode Message Passing to communicate between the VSCode Extension and WebView, as we shall soon see…

  4. When the WebView loads, it notifies the VSCode Extension to fetch the contents of the Rust source file.

    The VSCode Extension responds by passing the contents of the active Rust source file to the WebView via Message Passing.

    The WebView extracts the Blockly XML embedded in the file contents (at the bottom). The WebView refreshes the Blockly workspace with the Blockly XML.

    If the active Rust source file is empty, the VSCode Extension populates the file with a template containing Blockly XML

  5. When the visual program is updated, the WebView sends the updated Blockly XML and the generated Rust code (via Message Passing) to the VSCode Extension.

    The extension updates the Rust document in VSCode with the Blockly XML and generated Rust Code.

  6. The custom-built Rust Code Generator for Blockly is here…

    The Rust Code Generator for Blockly is explained in this article

Building The Visual Embedded Rust Extension

To build the extension, two repositories need to be cloned into the media folder: blockly-mynewt-rust and closure-library:

cd media
git clone
git clone


The following files may be useful for reference…

Read more about hosting Rust applications on Mynewt

Release Notes

For changelog refer to...





Visual Embedded Rust extension for Visual Studio Code


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  • TypeScript 95.3%
  • Rust 4.7%