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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 3, 2023. It is now read-only.


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Has been moved to huge-pancake/.arch since I want to make commit messages look nice.



music neovim something waybar themes
image image image image

Quick Start


paru -S sway hyprland-git hyprpaper-git rofi-lbonn-wayland-git rofi-calc rofi-emoji\
        mako waybar-hyprland-git swayidle swaylock grimblast hyprpicker\
        light pamixer wlsunset network-manager-applet blueman\
        zsh zoxide ripgrep fd duf exa bat dog foot libsixel\
        mpd mpc ncmpcpp cava mpdscribble ranger nemo fastfetch
sudo chmod +s /bin/light
chsh -s /bin/zsh


paru -S qt6ct qt5-wayland qt6-wayland


paru -S fcitx5 fcitx5-chinese-addons fcitx5-anthy


~ name command
desktop Hyprland paru -S hyprland
Seay paru -S sway
wallpaper hyprpaper paru -S hyprpaper
launcher rofi paru -S rofi-lbonn-wayland-git rofi-calc rofi-emoji
notify mako paru -S mako
bar waybar paru -S waybar-hyprland-git
idle swayidle paru -S swayidle
locker swaylock paru -S swaylock
screenshot grimblast paru -S grimblast
color pkr hyprpicker paru -S hyprpicker
ctrlers light paru -S light && sudo chmod +s /bin/light
pamixer paru -S pamixer
qt6ct paru -S qt6ct
blue light sunset paru -S wlsunset
tray nm-applet paru -S network-manager-applet
blueman paru -S blueman

Core/Non Desktop

~ name command
shell zsh paru -S zsh && chsh -s /bin/zsh
units paru -S zoxide ripgrep fd duf exa bat dog
terminal foot paru -S foot libsixel
music mpd paru -S mpd mpc ncmpcpp cava mpdscribble
file mgr ranger paru -S ranger
nemo paru -S nemo
sys fetch fastfetch paru -S fastfetch


~ name command
editor NeoVim paru -S neovim-nightly-bin lazygit zoxide ripgrep sqlite fd yarn lldb make unzip
VSCode paru -S code code-features
NPM pnpm paru -S npm && sudo npm i -g pnpm && pnpm i -g pnpm && npm uninstall -g pnpm
music MPD paru -S mpd mpc ncmpcpp cava mpdscribble && systemctl enable --user --now mpdscribble.service mpd.service
yesplaymusic paru -S yesplaymusic


~ name command
cursor Catppuccin paru -S catppuccin-cursors-mocha
gtk Catppuccin paru -S catppuccin-gtk-theme-mocha
icons Papirus paru -S papirus-icon-theme
qt (not yet) paru -S ...


~ name command
dark mode gtk4 gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme prefer-dark