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Typescript OData queries in a fluent way like linq.

How to install

npm install --save-dev @babel/core @babel/cli
npm install ts2odata
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-ts2odata


module.exports = {
    plugins: [
                odataNamespace: 'OdataToEntity.Test.Model'

For odatanamespace option see Enumeration types section.

Create data model

Create Json schema from OData EDMX.
To do this, you can use the library OdataToEntity.

IEdmModel edmModel;
using (var reader = XmlReader.Create("edmx_schema.xml"))
    edmModel = CsdlReader.Parse(reader);

var generator = new OeJsonSchemaGenerator(edmModel);
using (var utf8Json = new MemoryStream())
    utf8Json.Position = 0;
    File.WriteAllBytes("json_schema.json", utf8Json.ToArray());

Create TypeScript classes from Json schema. To do this, you can use the library quicktype.
The result is a data model, which I will use in below mentioned examples.

Create data access context

import { EntitySet, OdataContext } from 'ts2odata';
import * as oe from './order';

export class OrderContext extends OdataContext<OrderContext> {
    Categories = EntitySet.default<oe.Category>();
    Customers = EntitySet.default<oe.Customer>();
    OrderItems = EntitySet.default<oe.OrderItem>();
    OrderItemsView = EntitySet.default<oe.OrderItemsView>();
    Orders = EntitySet.default<oe.Order>();
let context: OrderContext = OdataContext.create(OrderContext, 'http://localhost:5000/api');

Query examples

Get all entities


Selects a subset of properties => { return { p: o.Name } });

Sort ascending

context.Orders.orderby(i => i.Id);

Sort descending

context.Orders.orderbyDescending(i => i.Id);
//http://localhost:5000/api/Orders?$orderby=Id desc

Filter expressions

context.Orders.filter(o => o.Date.getFullYear() == 2016);
//http://localhost:5000/api/Orders?$filter=year(Date) eq 2016

Get related entities

context.Orders.expand(o => o.Items);

Get related entities nested levels

context.Customers.expand(c => c.Orders).thenExpand(o => o.Items);

Skip a subset of the entities

context.Orders.orderby(i => i.Id).skip(2);

Take a subset of the entities

context.Orders.orderby(i => i.Id).top(3);

Groups of entities

context.OrderItems.groupby(i => { return { Product: i.Product } });

Aggregate functions

context.OrderItems.groupby(i => { return { OrderId: i.OrderId, Status: i.Order.Status } })
    .select(g => {
        return {
            orderId: g.key.OrderId,
            avg: g.average(i => i.Price),
            dcnt: g.countdistinct(i => i.Product),
            max: g.max(i => i.Price),
            max_status: g.max(_ => g.key.Status),
            min: g.min(i => i.Price),
            sum: g.sum(i => i.Price),
            cnt: g.count()
//http://localhost:5000/api/OrderItems?$apply=groupby((OrderId,Order/Status),aggregate(Price with average as avg,Product with countdistinct as dcnt,Price with max as max,Order/Status with max as max_status,Price with min as min,Price with sum as sum,$count as cnt))

Get entity by key properties

context.Customers.key({ Country: 'RU', Id: 1 });

Get entity by key properties to another related entity

context.OrderItems.key(1, i => i.Order.Customer);

Compute properties

    .select(i => {
        return {
            product: i.Product,
            Total: i.Count * i.Price,
            SumId: i.Id + i.OrderId
//http://localhost:5000/api/OrderItems?$select=Product&$compute=Count mul Price as Total,Id add OrderId as SumId

Lambda operators

context.Orders.filter(o => o.Items.every(i => i.Price >= 2.1));
//http://localhost:5000/api/Orders?$filter=Items/all(d:d/Price ge 2.1)
context.Orders.filter(o => o.Items.some(i => i.Count > 2));
//http://localhost:5000/api/Orders?$filter=Items/any(d:d/Count gt 2)

IN operator

let items = [1.1, 1.2, 1.3];
context.OrderItems.filter(i => items.includes(i.Price), { items: items });
//http://localhost:5000/api/OrderItems?$filter=Price in (1.1,1.2,1.3)

Count of entities


Revert context to entity set
Apply asEntitySet method when must to sort by properties missing in the selection set

context.Orders(o => o.AltCustomer).thenSelect(o => {{
    p1: o.Address,
    : o.Country,
    : o.Id,
    : o.Name,
    : o.Sex
}}).asEntitySet().orderby(o => o.Id)

Other examples are on the GitHub.

It should be noted that the methods select, expand, groupby change context, their result is a new type and to continue execution in this new context, you need to use methods with prefix then: thenFilter, thenExpand, thenOrderby, thenOrderbyDescending, thenSkip, thenTop. The select and thenSelect methods irreversibly change the context, and to continue execution in parent context, you need to use the asEntitySet method.

Parameterized query

filter/thenFilter,select/thenSelect, groupby methods can be parameterized, the names of the properties of the parameterization object must match the names of the variables in the query.

let count: number | null = null;
context.OrderItems.filter(i => i.Count == count, { count: count });  
//http://localhost:5000/api/OrderItems?$filter=Count eq null
let s = {
    altCustomerId: 3,
    customerId: 4,
    dateYear: 2016,
    dateMonth: 11,
    dateDay: 20,
    date: null,
    name: 'unknown',
    status: "OdataToEntity.Test.Model.OrderStatus'Unknown'",
    count1: 0,
    count2: null,
    price1: 0,
    price2: null,
    product1: 'unknown',
    product2: 'null',
    orderId: -1,
    id: 1
context.Orders.filter(o => o.AltCustomerId == s.altCustomerId &&
	o.CustomerId == s.customerId &&
	(o.Date.getFullYear() == s.dateYear &&
		o.Date.getMonth() > s.dateMonth &&
		o.Date.getDay() < s.dateDay ||
		o.Date == &&
	o.Name.includes( &&
	o.Status == s.status, s)
	.expand(o => o.Items)
		.thenFilter(i => (i.Count == s.count1 ||
				i.Count == s.count2) &&
			(i.Price == s.price1 ||
				i.Price == s.price2) &&
			(i.Product.includes(s.product1) ||
				i.Product.includes(s.product2)) &&
			i.OrderId > s.orderId &&
			i.Id !=, s);
/*http://localhost:5000/api/Orders?$filter=AltCustomerId eq 3 and
	CustomerId eq 4 and
	(year(Date) eq 2016 and
		month(Date) gt 11 and
		day(Date) lt 20 or
		Date eq null) and
	contains(Name,'unknown') and
	Status eq OdataToEntity.Test.Model.OrderStatus'Unknown'&
		$filter=(Count eq 0 or
			Count eq null) and
		(Price eq 0 or
			Price eq null) and
		(contains(Product,'unknown') or
			contains(Product,'null')) and
		OrderId gt -1 and
		Id ne 1)*/

Functions mapping

JavaScript OData
Math.ceil ceiling
concat concat
includes contains
getDay day
endsWith endswith
Math.floor floor
getHours hour
indexOf indexof
stringLength length
getMinutes minute
getMonth month
Math.round round
getSeconds second
startsWith startswith
substring substring
toLowerCase tolower
toUpperCase toupper
trim trim
getFullYear year

To get the length of the string, you should use OdataFunctions.stringLength

context.Customers.filter(c => OdataFunctions.stringLength(c.Name) == 5);  
//http://localhost:5000/api/Customers?$filter=length(Name) eq 5

To get the length of the array, you should useOdataFunctions.arrayLength

context.Orders.filter(o => OdataFunctions.arrayLength(o.Items) > 2);  
//http://localhost:5000/api/Customers?$filter=Items/$count gt 2

Get URL and execute query

Query definition methods such as select, filter and other must be ended getQueryUrl or toArrayAsync. getQueryUrl return URL. Executing this TypeScript code:

let url: URL = context.Customers
    .expand(c => c.AltOrders).thenExpand(o => o.Items).thenOrderby(i => i.Price)
    .expand(c => c.AltOrders).thenExpand(o => o.ShippingAddresses).thenOrderby(s => s.Id)
    .expand(c => c.Orders).thenExpand(o => o.Items).thenOrderby(i => i.Price)
    .expand(c => c.Orders).thenExpand(o => o.ShippingAddresses).thenOrderby(s => s.Id)
    .orderby(c => c.Country).orderby(c => c.Id).getQueryUrl();

return OData query:


toArrayAsync returns query result as Json. Executing this TypeScript code:

    .expand(c => c.Orders).thenSelect(o => { return { Date: o.Date } }).orderby(o => o.Date)
    .asEntitySet().select(c => { return { Name: c.Name } }).orderby(c => c.Name).toArrayAsync();

return Json:

		"Name": "Ivan",
		"Orders": [{
				"Date": "2016-07-04T19:10:10.8237573+03:00"
			}, {
				"Date": "2020-02-20T20:20:20.000002+03:00"
	}, {
		"Name": "Natasha",
		"Orders": [{
				"Date": "2016-07-04T19:10:11+03:00"
	}, {
		"Name": "Sasha",
		"Orders": []
	}, {
		"Name": "Unknown",
		"Orders": [{
				"Date": null

If you want to get the property as a date, not a string, you can call toArrayAsync with an optional parameter OdataParser:

import { OdataParser } from 'ts2odata';
import schema from './schema.json';

let odataParser = new OdataParser(schema);

Enumeration types

If your OData service does not support enumeration without a Namespace, for proper code translation it is necessary to pass Namespace value to the method of creating a data context:

let context: OrderContext = OdataContext.create(OrderContext, 'http://localhost:5000/api', 'OdataToEntity.Test.Model');

In some cases, for the correct translation of enumeration types, it may be necessary to create an object OdataParser.

import { OdataParser } from 'ts2odata';
import schema from './schema.json';

let odataParser = new OdataParser(schema);
let context: OrderContext = OdataContext.create(OrderContext, 'http://localhost:5000/api', 'OdataToEntity.Test.Model', odataParser);

Babel plugin

TypeScript code:

let price = 2.1;
let orders = context.Orders.filter(o => o.Items.every(i => i.Price >= price), { price })
    .select(i => { return { orderYear: i.Date.getFullYear() } }).toArrayAsync();

Translated into:

let price = 2.1;
let orders = context.Orders.filter("Items/all(d:d/Price ge {price})", {


Typescript OData queries in a fluent way like linq.








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