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Rspec tags support

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@dylanratcliffe dylanratcliffe released this 10 Nov 17:53
· 62 commits to master since this release

New Features

Rspec tags support

Tags created in the onceover config file are now propagated to rspec tags and the --tags option now affects both tags created in the onceover config file, but also any other rspec tags on any other tests that you might have put in your /spec folder.


manifest option now works

The manifest option was previously not respected. WARNING: This could cause tests to break if you were previously relying on your site.pp not being read and parsed. If you are using site.pp to do classification based on facts or hostnames, and those facts or hostnames are included in your factsets, it will likely result in onceover testing two roles at a time instead of one and therefore breaking. I recommend that if you are affected by this you don't include whatever fact you use i.e. $facts['role'] in your factset. Onceover creates a variable for what it is testing called $onceover_class at global scope which might help if you were previously relying on a $role fact or similar. Alternately specifying a manifest directory that doesn't exist will also reset to the previous (technically incorrect) behaviour. This can be done permanently in the onceover.yaml file
