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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Setup Requirements
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This Puppet 5.+ module installs and helps configure jolokia (jvm) agents.

Setup Requirements

Currently, this module expects you to provide a package for your platform which it then installs. We generally highly recommend this approach, because it makes life easier.


include jolokia

After this statement you should be able to extend your JVMs' JAVA_OPTS with


More more complex configurations can be put into a properties file. We provide a wrapper for that:

$props = {
  'host' => '*',
  'policyLocation' => 'file:///etc/jolokia/lolsecurity.xml',

jolokia::config { 'puppetserver':
  properties => $props + { 'port' => '7887' }
jolokia::config { 'puppetdb':
  properties => $props + { 'port' => '7889' }

We also provide a wrapper for creating policy files. However, currently it's restricted host-based authorization only:

jolokia::policy { 'lolsecurity':
  allowed_hosts => [ '', '::1' ]



This class is the main driver for the installation.

  String $jvm_agent_ensure = 'present',
  String $jvm_agent_name   = 'jolokia-jvm-agent',
  String $config_dir       = '/etc/jolokia',


This define allows creating arbitrary properties files for each application.

  String                 $app        = $title,
  Enum['file', 'absent'] $ensure     = 'file',
  Hash                   $properties = {},


This define allows policy files for host-based authorization Usually one per host should suffice, unless you require distinct authentication.

  String                 $app           = $title,
  Enum['file', 'absent'] $ensure        = 'file',
  Array[String]          $allowed_hosts = ['', '::1'],


  • currently we expect you to provide your own package(s)
  • policy configuration only creates host-based authorization
  • our documentation is sad


Running tests

This project contains tests for rspec-puppet.


gem install bundler
bundle install --path .vendor/
bundle exec rake test