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Quick Setup an openHAB Server

laughinggoose edited this page Dec 12, 2014 · 17 revisions

What you need

  1. You will need to install Java if not already installed.
  2. openhab-runtime-<version>.zip. This is the server. It can be found here like everything else following (Addons, Designer, ...).
  3. Any bindings you want to use e.g. knx-binding-<version>.jar or http-binding-<version>.jar
  4. OPTIONAL: You may want to download a tool to configure the items, sitemap and so on. If so, download openhab-designer-<your platform>-<version>.zip. This will give you syntax validation, content-assist and more on your configuration files.
  5. Configure the bindings, items, sitemap(s) and optionally add rules, scripts, transformations and persistences.

For detailed instruction please visit the installation page for Linux or Windows.

Then continue with the configuration.

In terms of any questions please refere to the google discussion group.

Have fun with openHAB!





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