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  1. Install VirtualBox from and Vagrant from

  2. Git clone onto your machine (this will get you set up with cloud-init 0.7.9)

  3. Edit boxes.yaml to have Dev, LDAP and ZK VMs (also change provision fields)

  4. Create user-data.yaml files for Dev, LDAP and ZK (and clear meta-data file) Run vagrant up dev, you should now have a working Dev VM

  5. Include the following in /sbin/semanage port -a -t ldap_port_t -p tcp 22389 /sbin/semanage port -a -t ldap_port_t -p udp 22389

  6. Include the following in user-data-ldap.yaml packages:

    • openldap
    • openldap-clients
    • openldap-servers

    Afterwards, run vagrant up ldap

  7. Include the following in Vagrantfile: 'private_network', type:'dhcp'

  8. Install Git on Dev VM and git clone

  9. git submodule init (or git submodule update if already ran init) Run ./configure && make && sudo make install in skalibs, execline and s6 (in that order)

Any issues: Just read each of the INSTALL files for skalibs, execline and then s6

Next, run make rpm under treadmill-deploy/s6

Run sudo rpm --install skarnet- (should be in treadmill-deploy/s6/build/RPMS or something like that)

  1. Create local yum repo (elaborate on this, include links and actually add the rpms to the yum repo)

  2. Include the following in user-data-zk.yaml: packages:

    • [zookeeper, 3.4.12-5]
    • [skarnet,]
  3. On Dev machine run python -m SimpleHTTPServer (if python version is >= 3.0, then run python -m http.server), this will create a web server that you can access by typing in

  4. While server is running, run vagrant up zk You should now have a working Zookeeper VM

  5. Download pip and virtualenv Get Python>=3.4

    sudo yum install python36u python36u-libs python36u-devel python36u-pip (replace 36 with python version) sudo yum install python-kerberos krb5-devel

  6. Make a virtual environment (VENV) source VENV/bin/activate deactivate


  1. Created ldappwd.txt (only text is the password)

  2. mkdir test in /tmp

Command to create ldap server (w/ password from ldappwd.txt) TREADMILL_LDAP_SUFFIX='dc=ms,dc=com' treadmill admin install --cell - --profile vagrant --distro $HOME/VENV/ --install-dir /tmp/test openldap --env dev --owner vagrant --uri ldap://$HOSTNAME:22389 --first-time -p /usr/sbin/slappasswd -nT ldappwd.txt

(TREADMILL_LDAP_SUFFIX='dc=ms,dc=com' treadmill admin install --cell - --profile vagrant --distro /opt/treadmill/tm_venv/ --install-dir /tmp/test openldap --env dev --owner vagrant --uri ldap://$HOSTNAME:22389 --first-time -p /usr/sbin/slappasswd -nT $HOME/ldappwd.txt)

  1. Command to start ldap server (from VENV): /tmp/test/bin/

Sample ldapsearch: ldapsearch -H ldap://dev:22389/ -vvv -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=ms,dc=com" -y ldappwd.txt

(ldapsearch -H ldap://(INSERT_HOSTNAME_HERE):22389/ -vvv -x -D "cn=Manager,cn=config" -y ldappwd.txt -b cn=config)

INSTALLING TREADMILL ON DEV VM (must run terminal as administrator on Windows)

  1. Added to Vagrantfile (needed for Windows): config.vm.provider 'virtualbox' do |v| v.customize ['setextradata', :id, 'VBoxInternal2/SharedFoldersEnableSymlinksCreate/tm_venv', '1'] end

  2. In Vagrantfile, add srv.vm.synced_folder './build', '/opt/treadmill', id: 'tm_venv'

    Creating a synced folder to be accessed from dev and tm-infra VMs (as well as host machine)

  3. Create virtualenv (tm_venv) in Dev VM inside the shared folder (/opt/treadmill) (Must have python3)

    Follow this link to download Python3 on Centos

    (in .bashrc: alias python3="python3.6")

  4. Git clone treadmill repository from Morgan Stanley Github page (not in shared folder, put it in ~ or something)

    (sudo) git clone

  5. Enter tm_venv (source tm_venv/bin/activate) and download requirements for treadmill

    pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt

  6. Download treadmill (isn't going to work until requirements.txt stuff is downloaded)

    pip install /path/to/treadmill

    (pip install -e /path/to/treadmill/ including -e will make it point to the git repo)

  7. Possible errors:

    If wheel is not being created or gcc is failing: sudo yum install python36-devel (maybe just python3-devel)

    If permission denied during pip install (-e) /path/to/treadmill/: sudo chown -R $USER git (or whatever folder contains the cloned git repo)

    vagrant up won't allow folder to be shared folder to be mounted: Upgrade vagrant and virtualbox (if that fails maybe add to Vagrantfile, srv.vm.synced_folder ".", '/vagrant', disabled: true)

    If VirtualBox GuestAdditions is giving errors: yum update yum groupinstall "Development Tools" yum install kernel-devel

    Nothing else works(???): pip install --upgrade setuptools, pip, wheel


  1. vagrant plugin install vagrant-sshfs

  2. On host machine, sudo apt-get install openssh-server (if not already installed)

  3. Change all synced folders in Vagrantfile to be type sshfs (e.g. srv.vm.synced_folder './rpms', '/opt/rpms', type: "sshfs")

  4. Set config.vbguest.auto_update = false (to prevent VirtualBox Guest Additions from updating on vagrant up)


  1. Create /mnt/localrepo and copy over the skarnet rpm

  2. In user-data-tm-infra.yaml, add:

yum_repos: localrepo: baseurl: http://dev/ name: Treadmill RPMs enabled: true failovermethod: priority gpgcheck: false

TO DO (next week):

I want to make a yum localrepo (like in user-data-zk.yaml) so that I can install s6 rpm using cloud init

need to make a python web server (Python -m SimpleHTTPServer or something like that)

and then maybe use systemd-run

also maybe I need to modify to like cd into some directory and run python -m Server or whatever and then install right from there

Do I need to install vbguest additions?

Current status:

Can start an LDAP Server on boot (from tm-infra VM) using cloud init modules command (dependent on vagrant?)

In order to run, vagrant up, vagrant halt, vagrant up