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stores data in both mysql and rrd now
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reorganized file structure a bit
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vrillusions committed Mar 9, 2007
1 parent 8f66896 commit a65e679
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Showing 7 changed files with 214 additions and 36 deletions.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions
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#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Initialize a RRD database
This will create the initial rrd database using settings you have defined
This should only be run the first time you setup everything
@todo more error checks

import sys
from inc import temp05
from inc.RRD import *

rrd = RRD(temp05.rrdfile)

# you need to manually type the names in here they should be in the same
# order as they are read from the console. The name cannot have spaces
values = (
('basement', 'GAUGE', 'U', 'U'),
('todds_room', 'GAUGE', 'U', 'U'),
('outside', 'GAUGE', 'U', 'U'),

rrd.create_rrd(60, values)
108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions inc/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2005, Corey Goldberg
# is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

@author: Corey Goldberg
@copyright: (C) 2005 Corey Goldberg
@license: GNU General Public License (GPL)

import os

class RRD:

"""Data access layer that provides a wrapper for RRDtool.
RRDtool is a data logging and graphing application. RRD (Round Robin Database) is a system
to store and display time-series data. It stores the data in a very compact way that will
not expand over time.
@ivar rrd_name: Name (and path) of the RRD

def __init__(self, rrd_name):
@param rrd_name: Name (and path) of the RRD
self.rrd_name = rrd_name

def create_rrd(self, interval, data_sources):
"""Create a new RRD.
If an RRD of the same name already exists, it will be replaced with the new one.
@param interval: Interval in seconds that data will be fed into the RRD
@param data_sources: Nested sequence (e.g. List of tuples) of data sources (DS) to store in the RRD.
Each data source is passed in as: (name, type, min_value, max_value). If you try to update
a data source with a value that is not within its accepted range, it will be ignored.
min_value and max_value can be replaced with a 'U' to accept unlimited values.
interval = str(interval)
interval_mins = float(interval) / 60
# heartbeat defines the maximum number of seconds that may pass between two updates of this
# data source before the value of the data source is assumed to be *UNKNOWN*.
heartbeat = str(int(interval) * 2)

# unpack the tuples from the list and build the string of data sources used to create the RRD
ds_string = ''
for ds_name, ds_type, ds_min, ds_max in data_sources:
ds_string = ''.join((ds_string, ' DS:', str(ds_name), ':', str(ds_type), ':', heartbeat, ':', str(ds_min), ':', str(ds_max)))

# build the command line to send to RRDtool
cmd_create = ''.join((
'rrdtool create ', self.rrd_name, ' --step ', interval, ds_string,
' RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:', str(int(4000 / interval_mins)),
' RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:', str(int(30 / interval_mins)), ':800',
' RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:', str(int(120 / interval_mins)), ':800',
' RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:', str(int(1440 / interval_mins)), ':800',

# execute the command as a subprocess and return file objects (child_stdin, child_stdout_and_stderr)
cmd = os.popen4(cmd_create)
# read contents of the file object (child_stdout_and_stderr) until EOF
cmd_output = cmd[1].read()
# close the handles
for fd in cmd: fd.close()
# check if anything comes back (the only output would be stderr)
if len(cmd_output) > 0:
raise RRDException, "Unable to create RRD: " + cmd_output

def update(self, *values):
"""Update the RRD with a new set of values.
Updates must supply a set of values that match the number of data sources (DS) containted in the RRD.
(i.e. You can not update an RRD with 1 value when the RRD contains 2 DS's)
@param values: Values to be inserted into the RRD (arbitrary number of scalar arguments)
# we need the values in a colon delimited list to add to our command line
# so we take the list of values, convert them to strings and append a colon to each,
# join the list into a string, and chop the last character to remove the trailing colon
values_args = ''.join([str(value) + ":" for value in values])[:-1]
# build the command line to send to RRDtool
cmd_update = ''.join(('rrdtool update ', self.rrd_name, ' N:',)) + values_args
# execute the command as a subprocess and return file objects (child_stdin, child_stdout_and_stderr)
cmd = os.popen4(cmd_update)
# read contents of the file object (child_stdout_and_stderr) until EOF
cmd_output = cmd[1].read()
# close the handles
for fd in cmd: fd.close()
# check if anything comes back (the only output would be stderr)
if len(cmd_output) > 0:
raise RRDException, "Unable to update the RRD: " + cmd_output

class RRDException(Exception): pass
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
__all__ = ['temp05']
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions inc/
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"""Custom functions and initial config settings"""

import sys

# database settings
dbHost = "localhost"
dbUser = "temp05admin"
dbPasswd = "m13ZnbR0qIdDJMu0"
dbName = "temp05"

# the number of sensors you have
sensorCount = 3

# the logfile to write to, setting to /dev/null effectively disables it
logfile = 'log.txt'

# the path and filename of rrd database
rrdfile = 'temp05.rrd'

# --- end configuration ---
fsock = open(logfile, 'w')
sys.stdout = fsock

def registerSerial(db, serial, num):
"""Registers the serial number in the db if not set already
todo: should write this to a variable so it's not polling the database as much
cursor = db.cursor()

# see if it's already in there
cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sensors WHERE id = %s", (serial));
recordCount = cursor.fetchone()
#print "the count:", recordCount[0]
if recordCount[0] == 0:
#they are not in there, register them
#print " Sensor now registered in database, creating now"
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO sensors (id, number_ref) VALUES (%s, %s)", (serial, int(num)))
# todo: error handling
File renamed without changes.
14 changes: 0 additions & 14 deletions

This file was deleted.

63 changes: 41 additions & 22 deletions
@@ -1,44 +1,52 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# TEMP05 Reader
# This listens on the serial port and will place sensor information into a database
# this requires the pySerial and MySQLdb packages
# this should background it properly
# python &
# write to log file (can't print if the process is backgrounded)
# write the temperature data to the sensors table as well (since I can't figure out how
# to get it from the readings table
"""TEMP05 Reader
This listens on the serial port and will place sensor information into a database
this requires the pySerial and MySQLdb packages
this should background it properly
python &
write to log file (can't print if the process is backgrounded)
write the temperature data to the sensors table as well (since I can't figure out how
to get it from the readings table

# load everything we need
import temp05 # custom functions
import sys
from inc import temp05, RRD # custom functions and vars
import serial
import MySQLdb
import time
import string

if string.find(sys.argv[0], 'pydoc') <> -1:
"""if this is called from pydoc, just print a message and exit since pydoc
will hang if it runs"""
print "This file does not support pydoc, please open the file file to view comments"
sys.exit("Unsupported command")

# ----------------
# Setup Everything
# ----------------
sensorCount = 3 # the number of sensors you have (used in lowering db overhead)
# Serial
ser = serial.Serial() # defaults to 9600 8,N,1
ser.port = 0 # set to first port
dbHost = "localhost"
dbUser = "temp05admin"
dbPasswd = "m13ZnbR0qIdDJMu0"
dbName = "temp05"
db = MySQLdb.connect(host=dbHost, user=dbUser, passwd=dbPasswd, db=dbName)
db = MySQLdb.connect(host=temp05.dbHost, user=temp05.dbUser,
passwd=temp05.dbPasswd, db=temp05.dbName)
dbCursor = db.cursor()
rrd = RRD.RRD(temp05.rrdfile)

# open port
#print "Using port:", ser.portstr
count = 1
while True:
"""Start infinite loop that processes serial content"""
line = ser.readline()
line = line.strip()
if line[0:6] == "Sensor":
Expand All @@ -49,18 +57,29 @@
num = line[8:10]
serial = line[11:27]
temperature = line[29:-1] # don't want the F or C at the end, but you then have to remember which it is
#print "Sensor", num, "with serial", serial, "has the temperature", temperature
print "Sensor", num, "with serial", serial, "has the temperature", temperature
temp05.registerSerial(db, serial, num)

# there must be an easier way to do this
if num == '01':
tempValue1 = temperature
elif num == '02':
tempValue2 = temperature
elif num == '03':
tempValue3 = temperature

# insert temperature
dbCursor.execute("INSERT INTO readings (sensor_id, temperature) VALUES (%s, %s)", (serial, float(temperature)))
dbCursor.execute("UPDATE sensors SET latest_temperature = %s, latest_reading_at = NOW() WHERE id = %s", (float(temperature), serial))

# commit after one round of sensor readings
if count >= sensorCount:
if count >= temp05.sensorCount:
dbCursor = db.cursor()

# update rrd
rrd.update(tempValue1, tempValue2, tempValue3)
count = 1
count = count + 1
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