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Uses flask and python

For SWAGGER UI I used flask-restx.

The requirements for using this project are

APScheduler==3.6.3 --> for scheduling deliveries
Flask==1.1.2 --> Main framework
Flask-Bcrypt==0.7.1 --> generating and checking password
Flask-Cors==3.0.9 --> Enabling the CORS policy
Flask-JWT-Extended==3.24.1 --> For JWT tokens
Flask-Mail==0.9.1 --> For sending Emails
flask-restx==0.2.0 --> SWAGGER UI
Flask-SQLAlchemy==2.4.4 --> For database URI
gunicorn==20.0.4 --> For deploying in heroku
psycopg2==2.8.5 --> Supported for POSTGRESql
python-dotenv==0.14.0 --> Loading .env & .flaskenv files
pytz==2020.1 --> Converting timezones
twilio==6.45.1 --> For SMS and Whatsapp messages

You can install all the modules above shown using pip.

To open the swagger ui, go to the url shown below

The above url redirects to SWAGGER UI of EKATRA-BACKEND

All responses will have in the form of

  "message": "Description of what happened for eg:- success"

For Authorization header in SWAGGER UI I have built the authorizations in my

authorizations = {
    'Authorization': {
        'type': 'apiKey',
        'in': 'header',
        'name': 'Authorization'

Here Authorization is the name of that particular Authorization of type apikey which will be located in header.

After you can check file where I have imported all the modules, including flask and flask restx

This is how I have initialized my app in file

# Initialize app
app = Flask(__name__)

# Enable the CORS policy
cors = CORS(app, resources={

# Initializing the API
api = Api(app, version='2.0', title='ekatra-backend', description='UserDetails',authorizations=authorizations,
          security='Authorization', errors=errors, prefix='/api')

# Here Authorization is that which is defined above and I have given the type of security as the name of the 
# authorization as menctioned above

Before going further Let's check how the API's I have designed and what all the stuff I have done.

Authentication and Authorization & forgot/reset password

For Authentication and authorization I used the JWT tokens using flask-jwt-extended module.

Registration of User (Signup)

Defination POST /auth/signup


  • name: User name
  • email: Email of user should be unique
  • contact: contact number of user
  • password: user password

Json format

  "name": "name",
  "email": "",
  "contact": "9999999999",
  "password": "password"

In in resources folder

class Signup(Resource):
    def post(self):
        body = request.get_json() # get body in response
        if body is None:
            raise SchemaValidationError
        user_name = body.get('name')
        user_email = body.get('email')
        user_contact = body.get('contact')
        user_password = body.get('password')
        if User.query.filter_by(email=user_email).first(): 
            # First to checks that user with that email is present in database 
            # If the user is exists, then it gives you EmailAlreadyExistsError
            raise EmailAlreadyExistsError  
        # If user not present it creates a new user with email, API creates the new user.
        user = User(name=user_name, email=user_email, contact=user_contact, password=user_password, is_admin=False)
        user.created_date =
        return {'message':"Success", 'id':str(}, 200


  • 200 OK on success
  • 400 BAD REQUEST if any fields are missing


Defination POST /auth/login


  • email: Email of the user
  • password: User should enter correct password


  "email": "",
  "password": "password"

In in resources folder.

class Login(Resource):
    def post(self):
        body = request.get_json()
        if body is None:
            raise SchemaValidationError
        email = body.get('email')
        password = body.get('password')
        user = User.query.filter_by(email=body.get('email')).first()
        # first checks the user is present in database. If not present 
        # Gives you user not exists error
        if not user:
            raise UserNotExistsError
        # If user is present,  check the password in body with password stored in database
        # If the password not matched, gives you Badrequest error
        if not user.check_password(password=password):
            raise BadRequest('Either email or password is incorrect')
        # If the password matches with password in database, we have to create token
        # using create access token with identity as `` and return to response body.
        id =
        expires = dt.timedelta(days=config.EXPIRY_END_DAYS)
        access_token = create_access_token(identity=str(id), expires_delta=expires)
        user.token = access_token
            return {'message': 'success', 'token':access_token}, 200


  • 200 OK on success
  • 400 BAD REQUEST if any fields are missing or if the password is incorrect

Forgot password

Defination POST /auth/forgot


  • email: Email of the user


  "email": ""


  • 200 OK on success
  • 400 BAD REQUEST if any fields are missing
  • 404 NOT FOUND if the email is not found in database

Response body

  "message": "success",
  "token": "<token generated for reset password>"

for 200 OK

###Reset password Defination POST /auth/reset<token>


  • new-password: Enter the new password here
  • confirm-password: retype the same password


  "new-password": "password",
  "conform-password": "retype the password"


  • 200 OK on success
  • 400 BAD REQUEST if password and confirm-password fields not matched

Response body

for 200 OK

  "message": "password reset success",
  "token": "<token generated for reset password>"

Course related API's

Create course

Defination POST /course/ #Headers -H Authorization:Bearer <JWTtoken>


  • name: Course name
  • author: Author of the course
  • description: Description of the course
  • days: List of the days in course Here questions may be None if that day has no particular questions.

for days fields, the Arguments are shown below.

  • day: The day number for the course.
  • text: The content of that particular day
  • questions: List of the questions for the particular day, Here questions may be None if that day has no particular questions.

for questions fields, the Arguments are shown below

  • question: The question for that day in that particular course
  • type: The type of the question
  • correct_answer: correct answer for that question.

Below shown is basic model for creating course.

  "name": "coursename", 
  "author": "courseauthor",
  "description": "description",
  "days": [
         "day": "day num (readonly)",
         "text": "day-content",
         "questions": [
              "question": "question",
              "type": "question type",
              "correct-answer": "correct-answer"

In the day field (readonly) means no need to add content to that field while creating the course.


  • 200 OK on success
  • 400 BAD REQUEST If any field is missing

Response body

for 200 OK

  "message": "success"

Retrieve course

Defination GET /course/ #Headers -H Authorization:Bearer <JWTtoken>


  • 200 OK on success
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Python", 
      "author": "Ekatra",
      "description": "description",
      "days": [
             "day": 1,
             "text": "Introduction",
             "questions": []
             "day": 2,
             "text": "print hello world",
             "questions": [
                  "question": "What is print statement?",
                  "type": "Q/A",
                  "correct-answer": "Python statement displays the variable or any character."
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Javascript", 
      "author": "Ekatra",
      "description": "description",
      "days": [
             "day": 1,
             "text": "Introduction",
             "questions": []
             "day": 2,
             "text": "print hello world",
             "questions": [
                  "question": "What is print statement?",
                  "type": "Q/A",
                  "correct-answer": "Python statement displays the variable or any character."
  • 404 NOT FOUND If courses is not found in database
  "message": "Courses not found!!"

Get course

Defination GET /course/<int:id> #Headers -H Authorization:Bearer <JWTtoken>


  • 200 OK on success
   "id": 1,
   "name": "Python", 
   "author": "Ekatra",
   "description": "description",
   "days": [
         "day": 1,
         "text": "Introduction",
         "questions": []
         "day": 2,
         "text": "print hello world",
         "questions": [
              "question": "What is print statement?",
              "type": "Q/A",
              "correct-answer": "Python statement displays the variable or any character."
  • 404 NOT FOUND If the course of id not found in database.
  "message": "Course Not found!!"

Update Course

Definitation PUT /course/<int:id> #Headers -H Authorization:Bearer <JWTtoken>

You can add days and questions for the course with id.


  • days: List of the days in course Here questions may be None if that day has no particular questions.

for days fields, the Arguments are shown below.

  • day: The day number for the course.
  • text: The content of that particular day
  • questions: List of the questions for the particular day, Here questions may be None if that day has no particular questions.

for questions fields, the Arguments are shown below

  • question: The question for that day in that particular course
  • type: The type of the question
  • correct_answer: correct answer for that question.

Below shown is basic model for Update Course

  "days": [
      "day": "day num (readonly)",
      "text": "string",
      "questions": [
          "question": "string",
          "type": "string",
          "correct_answer": "string"


  • 200 OK on success
  "message": "success"
  • 404 NOT FOUND If the course is not found in database
  "message": "Course not found!!"

Deleting Course

Definitation DELETE /course/<int:id> #Headers -H Authorization:Bearer <JWTtoken>


  • 200 OK on success
  "message": "success"
  • 404 NOT FOUND If the course is not found in database.
  "message": "Course Not found"

Deleting Day

Definitation DELETE /course/<int:c_id>/<int:day> #Headers -H Authorization:Bearer <JWTtoken>


  • c_id means course id.
  • day means day number.


  • 200 OK on success
  "message": "success"
  • 404 NOT FOUND for both if course or day not found in database.

- If course not found

  "message": "Course not found!!"

- else Day is not found in course with c_id.

  "message": "Day not found!!"

Updating Day

**Definition PUT /course/<int:c_id>/<int:day> #Headers -H Authorization:Bearer <JWTtoken>


  • c_id means course id.
  • day means day number.


  • day: The day number for the course.
  • text: The content of that particular day
  • questions: List of the questions for the particular day, Here questions may be None if that day has no particular questions.

for questions fields, the Arguments are shown below

  • question: The question for that day in that particular course
  • type: The type of the question
  • correct_answer: correct answer for that question.

Below shown is basic model for Updating Day

  "day": "day num (readonly)",
  "text": "string",
  "questions": [
      "question": "string",
      "type": "string",
      "correct_answer": "string"


  • 200 OK on success
  "message": "success"
  • 404 NOT FOUND for both if course or day not found in database.

- If course not found

  "message": "Course not found!!"

- else Day is not found in course with c_id.

  "message": "Day not found!!"

Deleting the question

Definition DELETE /course/<int:c_id>/<int:day>/<int:q_id> #Headers -H Authorization:Bearer <JWTtoken>


  • c_id means course id.
  • day means day number.
  • q_id means question id.


  • 200 OK on success
  "message": "success"
  • 404 NOT FOUND for both if course or day not found in database.

- If course not found

  "message": "Course not found!!"

- else Day is not found in course with c_id.

  "message": "Day not found!!"

- If question of q_id not found.

  "message": "Question not found!!"

Updating Question

Definition PUT /course/<int:c_id>/<int:day>/<int:q_id> #Headers -H Authorization:Bearer <JWTtoken>


  • question: The question for that day in that particular course
  • type: The type of the question
  • correct_answer: correct answer for that question.

Below shown is basic model for Updating Question

  "question": "string",
  "type": "string",
  "correct_answer": "string"


  • 200 OK on success
  "message": "success"
  • 404 NOT FOUND for both if course or day not found in database.

- If course not found

  "message": "Course not found!!"

- else Day is not found in course with c_id.

  "message": "Day not found!!"

- If question of q_id not found.

  "message": "Question not found!!"

Groups related API's

Create Group

Definition POST /group/ #Headers -H Authorization:Bearer <JWTtoken>


  • name: Name of the group
  • description: group description
  • students: List of all the students in group

for students field in group Arguments are:

  • name: student's name
  • number: student contact number with it's country code
  • channel: student's subscribed any channel. channel may be sms or whatsapp.
  • timezone: student's residing timezone
  • country_code: (Optional) student's mobile country code.

Below shown is the json format for creating group

  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "students": [
      "name": "name",
      "number": "+91999999999",
      "channel": "channelname",
      "is_subscribed": true,
      "timezone": "UTC",
      "country_code": "+1"


  • 200 OK on success
  "message": "success"
  • 400 BAD REQUEST If any field is missing
  "message": "Some field is missing!!"

Retrieve groups

Definition GET /group/ #Headers -H Authorization:Bearer <JWTtoken>


  • 200 OK on success
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Group1",
      "description": "group1",
      "students": [
          "name": "Tejas",
          "number": "+919380169981",
          "channel": "whatsapp",
          "is_subscribed": true,
          "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
          "country_code": "+91"
          "name": "Amit",
          "number": "+919113029491",
          "channel": "sms",
          "is_subscribed": true,
          "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
          "country_code": "+91"
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Group2",
      "description": "group2",
      "students": [
          "name": "Tejas",
          "number": "+919380169981",
          "channel": "whatsapp",
          "is_subscribed": true,
          "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
          "country_code": "+91"
          "name": "Amit",
          "number": "+919113029491",
          "channel": "sms",
          "is_subscribed": true,
          "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
          "country_code": "+91"
          "name": "Sreevastav",
          "number": "+916360157821",
          "channel": "sms",
          "is_subscribed": true,
          "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
          "country_code": "+91"
  • 404 NOT FOUND If group is not found
  "message": "Groups not found!!"

Get group

Definition GET /group/<int:id> #Headers -H Authorization:Bearer <JWTtoken>


  • id: is group id


  • 200 OK on success
  "id": 1,
  "name": "Group1",
  "description": "group1",
  "students": [
      "name": "Tejas",
      "number": "+919380169981",
      "channel": "whatsapp",
      "is_subscribed": true,
      "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
      "country_code": "+91"
      "name": "Amit",
      "number": "+919113029491",
      "channel": "sms",
      "is_subscribed": true,
      "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
      "country_code": "+91"
  • 404 NOT FOUND If group not found in database
  "message": "Group not found!!"

Update group

Definition PUT /group/<int:id> #Headers -H Authorization:Bearer <JWTtoken>


  • id: is group id

The input json format for updating group is same as the creation of group


  • 200 OK on success
  "message": "success"
  • 404 NOT FOUND If the group is not found in database
  "message": "Group of id not found"


Definition DELETE /group/<int:id> #Headers -H Authorization:Bearer <JWTtoken>


  • id: is group id


  • 200 OK on success
  "message": "success"
  • 404 NOT FOUND If the group is not found in database
  "message": "Group of id not found"

Removing student in group

**Definition DELETE /group/<int:g_id>/<int:s_id> #Headers -H Authorization:Bearer <JWTtoken>


  • g_id: is group id
  • s_id: is student id


  • 200 OK on success
  "message": "success"
  • 404 NOT FOUND If the group is not found in database
  "message": "Group of id not found"
  • 404 NOT FOUND If the sstudent is not found in database
  "message": "Student not found"

Updating student details

**Definition DELETE /group/<int:g_id>/<int:s_id> #Headers -H Authorization:Bearer <JWTtoken>


  • g_id: is group id
  • s_id: is student id


  • name: student's name
  • number: student contact number with it's country code
  • channel: student's subscribed any channel. channel may be sms or whatsapp.
  • timezone: student's residing timezone
  • country_code: (Optional) student's mobile country code.

Below shown is the json format for Updating student details


  • 200 OK on success
  "message": "success"
  • 404 NOT FOUND If the group is not found in database
  "message": "Group of id not found"
  • 404 NOT FOUND If the sstudent is not found in database
  "message": "Student not found"

Delivery Scheduling API's

Creating delivery

Definition POST /delivery/group/<int:g_id>/<int:c_id> #Headers -H Authorization:Bearer <JWTtoken>


  • g_id: is group id
  • c_id: is course id


  • schedule_at: schedules the course at particular date and at particular time

Below shown is json format input for Creating delivery schedule.

  "schedule_at": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"

Here YYYY-MM-DD in schedule_at field represents format for date For example, YYYY-MM-DD --> 2020-11-01

And HH:MM:SS in schedule_at field represents the time in 24 hours format For example, HH:MM:SS --> 16:15:00

So, we can consider the example for schedule_at field as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS --> 2020-11-01 16:15:00.


  • 200 OK on success
  "message": "success"

Here after creating the delivery, the status of the delivery will be SCHEDULED by default. You can PAUSE RESUME and STOP the deliveries using the API's which will be shown below

PAUSE, RESUME and STOP delivery

For PAUSE RESUME & STOP delivery the Definition will remains same

Definition PUT /delivery/<int:id> #Headers -H Authorization:Bearer <JWTtoken>


  • id: is delivery id

PAUSE pauses the delivery scheduled status: PAUSED RESUME resumes the delivery schedule status: SCHEDULED STOP terminates the scheduling delivery status: STOPPED


  • 200 OK on success
  "message": "success"

Retrieve Deliveries

Definition GET /retrieve-deliveries #Headers -H Authorization:Bearer <JWTtoken>


  • 200 OK on success
      "id": 1,
      "group_id": 3,
      "group_name": "group3",
      "course_id": 1,
      "course_name": "Python",
      "day_id": 2,
      "added_by": 1,
      "status": "SCHEDULED",
      "scheduled_time": "2020-11-01 16:40:00"
      "id": 2,
      "group_id": 1,
      "group_name": "group1",
      "course_id": 3,
      "course_name": "Javascript",
      "day_id": 2,
      "added_by": 1,
      "status": "PAUSED",
      "scheduled_time": "2020-11-01 16:40:00"
      "id": 1,
      "group_id": 10,
      "group_name": "group10",
      "course_id": 1,
      "course_name": "Python",
      "day_id": 2,
      "added_by": 1,
      "status": "STOPED",
      "scheduled_time": "2020-11-01 16:40:00"


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