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Segment List

Vladimir Schneider edited this page Dec 11, 2019 · 1 revision

Is a list of parts used to construct a sequence of characters. Each part represents a range of from the original sequence or text outside the original sequence implemented by SegmentList with properties:

  • range: range of the resulting sequence in original sequence. Range.NULL for a list which does not contain such information. ℹ️ null range has start = Integer.MAX_VALUE and end = Integer.MIN_VALUE
  • startOffset: range start, start offset of the resulting sequence in original sequence,
  • endOffset: range end, end offset of the resulting sequence in original sequence,
  • lastSegment: last segment contained in the list, is null for empty list.
  • segments: list of segments describing the resulting sequence and their position in the original sequence.
  • length: length of resulting sequence.
  • textLength: length of all text in the resulting sequence which is out of the original sequence.

⚠️ This doc was not updated for latest changes. There is no longer a STRING type and TEXT no longer has any base offset information. BASE or ANCHOR segments before/after TEXT provide the base sequence context. If the TEXT segment is first in the list then SegmentBuilder startOffset is the base context for its start, if it is last then endOffset of string builder is the endOffset for its base context

Each segment part consists of a range in the original sequence that it represents and text from out of original sequence. It has span and length properties, with length being the length of text it is contributing to the sequence being constructed. span is the number of characters in the original sequence this segment represents or replaces. Either the span or length can be 0. If both are zero then this is a NULL segment with no effect on the resulting sequence and should not be part of the segment list.

A segment list can contain the following segment types:

  • NULL: null segment, should not exist in a normalized list. Ignored when building a list
  • ANCHOR: range of span =0, text is empty, span is span of range, length and span = 0, position is the offset of this anchor in the original sequence. This segment does not exist in a normalized list. Used only to provide range information to STRING and list while building a list.
  • STRING: range is null, text is not empty, length is length of text, span is 0
  • TEXT: range of span >= 0, text is not empty, length is length of text, span is span of range. Start is startOffset of list if it is the first element in the list. Otherwise it is equal to previous BASE end. End offset is equal endOffset of list when the last segment in a list. Otherwise it is equal to start of following BASE.
  • BASE: range of span >0, text is empty, span is span of range, length is span

Only ANCHOR, BASE or STRING types can be appended to a segment list and always results in a normalized segment list. Concrete ANCHOR and BASE are Range instances with the former having Range.getSpan() == 0. Concrete STRING is String.

ANCHOR is can only set startOffset of a list which has no offset information or extend its end offset if it is less than the ANCHOR end. It is only used while building list to mark the start/end extent of a segment list in original sequence. It adds no content and is ignored when it does not affect the extent of the resulting sequence.

Segment List Invariants

  • lastSegment is the last segment in the list or null for empty list
  • endOffset, range end are equal, if lastSegment is not null then its end is equal to endOffset
  • startOffset, range start are equal, list is not empty then the first segment start is equal to startOffset
  • length equals the sum of length of segments in a list
  • textLength equals the sum of length of non BASE segments in the list.
  • STRING segment can only be the the only element in a list with null range.
  • TEXT start will always be startOffset if first element or end of previous BASE. end offset will be endOffset if TEXT is last segment in list or it will be start of next BASE.

Appending Rules

Result of an appending operation are determined only by the list range and lastSegment properties, the segment being appended.

Only appending of a BASE can be: disjoint, adjacent or overlapped and only if the list has original sequence offset information.

  • disjoint: appended segment has no range information, list has no offset information, or segment start > endOffset.
  • adjacent: appended segment start == endOffset
  • overlapped: appended segment start < endOffset

The overlap requires resolving and depends on type of sequence and has the following outcomes based on result of the overlap resolution:

  • null: appending range is thrown out, list unchanged, for example if the last segment contains the appending range.
  • BASE: last segment end set to appending range end. Overlap is removed from appending range and resulting adjacent range merged into the last segment.
  • TEXT: overlap converted to text of original sequence with start set to last segment end. The overlap contains the appending range and is converted to original sequence characters.
  • TEXT, BASE: converted to text of original sequence characters and non-overlapping range. The intersection of appending range and last segment is converted to original sequence characters and a range. with start == end of last segment. The range of TEXT segment is the end of last segment and start of converted non-overlapped range.

Disjoint or Adjacent Append Rules

Last Appended Result (= replaces last, + appended) Description
ANCHOR startOffset/endOffset set to anchor pos
STRING ANCHOR =TEXT startOffset/endOffset and TEXT start/end = anchor position
STRING BASE =TEXT +BASE startOffset and TEXT start/end set to BASE start, endOffset set to range end
TEXT BASE =TEXT +BASE TEXT end, endOffset = range start
BASE BASE =BASE appending range start == endOffset, BASE end = appending range end
BASE STRING +TEXT TEXT start = range end, text = STRING text
BASE BASE +BASE appended range start is > endOffset
BASE BASE see overlapped append appending range start < endOffset, overlap resolution required