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PythonAutoAttendance (Rhul Auto Attendance)

Lectures are pointless, but they annoy me if my attendance is low, so this bot goes brrr and looks like im a very good student.

How to run this?

  1. Create an environment with the following: Within a new file called .env

  2. Install Poetry, the package manager for python

  3. Install the required libraries: Selenium and pyotp

  4. Make sure that Firefox is installed in your system

  5. Once the environment variables are set, run the script using the command "poetry run python src/"

  6. Troubleshoot: If you have any issues running the script, please make sure that you have the latest version of Firefox and Selenium installed on your machine.

  7. Note: Dont bother with lectures.

To formally run this script, use a server like digital ocean and run cronejobs, per hour or something.

To run this script on a personal computer, you can set up a crontab to run the script every hour past the hour, from 9am to 6pm. An example command for this would be:

30 9-18 * * 1-5 cd /PATH/auto_attendance/  && /usr/bin/python3.9 src/ >> /PATH/auto_attendance/Cron.log 2>&1

This command will run the script every hour from 9am to 6pm, every day.

Using a server like DigitalOcean can be useful for running the script continuously, even when your personal computer is turned off. However, if you are not familiar with setting up and managing a server, it may be best to stick to running the script on your personal computer with a crontab. It is also important to note that using this script may violate your University or college's policies, so use it at your own risk. [But I assume you dont care so meh what ever].


RHUL auto attendance







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