ssterm is a simple console-based serial port terminal featuring painless serial port configuration, no dependencies outside of a standard Python 2 or 3 installation, and a variety of useful formatting options:
- output modes
- raw
- hexadecimal
- hexadecimal/ASCII split
- input modes
- raw
- hexadecimal
- transmit newline remapping (e.g. system newline -> CRLF)
- receive newline remapping (e.g. CRLF -> system newline)
- character color coding
- local character echo
With pip:
pip install ssterm
With file:
wget -O ssterm
chmod +x ssterm
Usage: ./ssterm [options] <serial port device>
ssterm - simple serial-port terminal
Serial Port Options:
-b, --baudrate <rate> Specify baudrate: e.g. 9600, 115200, etc.
-d, --databits <number> Specify number of data bits: 5, 6, 7, 8
-p, --parity <type> Specify parity: none, odd, even
-t, --stopbits <number> Specify number of stop bits: 1, 2
-f, --flow-control <type> Specify flow control: none, rtscts, xonxoff
Output Formatting Options:
-o, --output <mode> Specify output mode
raw raw (default)
split hex./ASCII split
splitfull hex./ASCII split with full lines
hex hex.
hexnl hex. with newlines
--rx-nl <substitution> Enable substitution of the specified newline
for the system's newline upon reception
cr, lf, crlf, crorlf
-c, --color <list> Specify comma-delimited list of characters in
ASCII or hex. to color code: A,$,0x0d,0x0a,...
Input Formatting Options:
-i, --input <mode> Specify input mode
raw raw (default)
hex hex. interpretation
--tx-nl <substitution> Enable substitution of the system's newline
for the specified newline upon transmission
none, cr, lf, crlf
-e, --echo Enable local character echo
-h, --help Display this usage/help
-v, --version Display the program's version
Quit Escape Character: Ctrl-]
Default Options:
baudrate: 115200 | databits: 8 | parity: none | stopbits: 1 | flowctrl: none
output mode: raw | rx newline: raw | color code: none
input mode: raw | tx newline: raw | local echo: off
ssterm opens the specified serial port with the default settings of 115200
baudrate, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control. These serial
port settings can be configured with the -b, --baudrate
, -d, --databits
-p, --parity
, -t, --stopbits
, and -f, --flow-control
Ctrl-] is ssterm's quit escape character.
The -o, --output
option selects the output mode. In the default raw
mode, received characters are written directly to standard output. In hex
output mode, received characters are printed as hexadecimal bytes. In hexnl
output mode, received characters are printed as hexadecimal bytes, but newlines
are also interpreted and produce line breaks in the output. In split
mode, received characters are printed in both hexadecimal and ASCII in two
columns, like hexdump's canonical output. splitfull
output mode functions
like split
mode, except that it only prints full lines, whereas split
redraws partial lines as additional bytes are received.
The --rx-nl
receive newline substitution option enables substituting the
specified newline for the system newline before printing. For example, --rx-nl crlf
will substitute any CRLF sequence received for the system's newline (e.g.
LF on Linux) before printing. Receive newline substitution is disabled by
The -c, --color
option enables color coding the specified comma-delimited
list of characters. The list can contain ASCII characters (e.g. a,$,A,...
as well as hexadecimal bytes (e.g. 0x0a,0xff,...
). Up to seven distinct
colors are assigned sequentially to the specified characters, in the order of:
(Foreground/Background) Black/Red, Black/Green, Black/Yellow, White/Blue,
White/Magenta, Black/Cyan, Black/White.
The -i, --input
option selects the input mode. In the default raw
mode, all input characters and control signals are written directly to the
serial port. In the hex
input mode, consecutive hexadecimal pairs are
converted to bytes and written to the serial port. For example, all four
sequences aa 55 ee ff
, 0xaa 0x55 0xee 0xff
, AA,55,EE,FF
, aa55eeff
write the same four bytes (0xaa, 0x55, 0xee, 0xff) to the serial port in the
input mode.
The --tx-nl
transmit newline substitution option enables substituting the
system newline for the specified newline before transmission. For example,
--tx-nl crlf
will substitute the system's newline for a CRLF sequence before
it is written to the serial port. Transmit newline substitution is disabled by
The -e, --echo
option enables local character echo. Local character echo is
disabled by default.
Typical usage with defaults (115200 8N1, no flow control):
$ ssterm /dev/ttyUSB0
Logging some data:
$ ssterm /dev/ttyUSB0 > nmea_data.txt
Viewing and logging some data, with the help of tee:
$ ssterm /dev/ttyUSB0 | tee nmea_data.txt
Piping some data to the serial port, substituting the system newline for CRLF on transmission:
$ cat data.txt | ssterm --tx-nl crlf /dev/ttyUSB0
Specific serial port settings (9600 baudrate, odd parity, 2 stop bits), and the default 8 data bits:
$ ssterm -b 9600 -p odd -t 2 /dev/ttyUSB0
Substitute the system newline for CRLF on transmission, substitute CRLF for system newline on reception:
$ ssterm --tx-nl crlf --rx-nl crlf /dev/ttyUSB0
Raw output mode:
$ ssterm /dev/ttyUSB0
Hexadecimal output mode:
$ ssterm -o hex /dev/ttyUSB0
24 47 50 47 47 41 2c 30 38 32 38 33 30 2e 38 32
31 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 30 2c 30 30 2c 2c 2c 4d 2c 30
2e 30 2c 4d 2c 2c 30 30 30 30 2a 35 43 0d 0a 24
47 50 47 53 41 2c 41 2c 31 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c
2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2a 31 45 0d 0a 24 47 50
52 4d 43 2c 30 38 32 38 33 30 2e 38 32 31 2c 56
2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 32 36 31 30 30 39 2c 2c 2a
32 39 0d 0a 24 47 50 47 47 41 2c 30 38 32 38 33
31 2e 38 31 34 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 30 2c 30 30 2c 2c
2c 4d 2c 30 2e 30 2c 4d 2c 2c 30 30 30 30 2a 35
42 0d 0a 24 47 50 47 53 41 2c 41 2c 31 2c 2c 2c
2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2a 31 45 0d
0a 24 47 50 52 4d 43 2c 30 38 32 38 33 31 2e 38
31 34 2c 56 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 2c 32 36 31 30 30
39 2c 2c 2a 32 45 0d 0a 24 47 50 47 47 41 2c 30
Split output mode:
$ ssterm -o split /dev/ttyUSB0
4c 6f 72 65 6d 20 69 70 73 75 6d 20 64 6f 6c 6f |Lorem ipsum dolo|
72 20 73 69 74 20 61 6d 65 74 2c 20 63 6f 6e 73 |r sit amet, cons|
65 63 74 65 74 75 72 20 61 64 69 70 69 73 69 63 |ectetur adipisic|
69 6e 67 20 65 6c 69 74 2c 20 73 65 64 20 64 6f |ing elit, sed do|
20 65 69 75 73 6d 6f 64 20 74 65 6d 70 6f 72 20 | eiusmod tempor |
69 6e 63 69 64 69 64 75 6e 74 20 75 74 20 6c 61 |incididunt ut la|
62 6f 72 65 20 65 74 20 64 6f 6c 6f 72 65 20 6d |bore et dolore m|
61 67 6e 61 20 61 6c 69 71 75 61 2e 0a 55 74 20 |agna aliqua..Ut |
65 6e 69 6d 20 61 64 20 6d 69 6e 69 6d 20 76 65 |enim ad minim ve|
6e 69 61 6d 2c 20 71 75 69 73 20 6e 6f 73 74 72 |niam, quis nostr|
75 64 20 65 78 65 72 63 69 74 61 74 69 6f 6e 20 |ud exercitation |
75 6c 6c 61 6d 63 6f 20 6c 61 62 6f 72 69 73 20 |ullamco laboris |
6e 69 73 69 20 75 74 20 61 6c 69 71 75 69 70 20 |nisi ut aliquip |
65 78 20 65 61 20 63 6f 6d 6d 6f 64 6f 20 63 6f |ex ea commodo co|
6e 73 65 71 75 61 74 2e 0a 44 75 69 73 20 61 75 |nsequat..Duis au|
74 65 20 69 72 75 72 65 20 64 6f 6c 6f 72 20 69 |te irure dolor i|
6e 20 72 65 70 72 65 68 65 6e 64 65 72 69 74 20 |n reprehenderit |
69 6e 20 76 6f 6c 75 70 74 61 74 65 20 76 65 6c |in voluptate vel|
69 74 20 65 73 73 65 |it esse |
Split output mode and character color coding:
$ ssterm -o split -c 0x0A,{,g,0xAE /dev/ttyUSB0
Hexadecimal with newline interpretation output mode and character color coding:
$ ssterm -o hexnl -c $,0x0a,0x0d /dev/ttyUSB0
ssterm is MIT licensed. See the included LICENSE