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Igel 1.6.0

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@vshcherbyna vshcherbyna released this 26 May 12:26
· 104 commits to master since this release

What's new:

  • Re-write killer moves functionality and drop mate killers
  • Re-write move ordering and introduce counter move heuristics
  • Re-write LMR functionality: take into account 'improving' factor and prune more aggressively
  • Increase MAX_PLY to 128 from 64
  • Use tt moves in qsearch as a first move

Strength improvements over 1.5.1 in CCRL 40/40 time control:

Score of Igel 1.6.0 64 POPCNT vs Igel 1.5.1 64 POPCNT: 20 - 4 - 60  [0.595] 84
Elo difference: 67.00 +/- 38.62

Relative strength compared to division 6 engines in CCRL 40/4 time control:

Rank Name                          Elo     +/-   Games   Score   Draws
   0 Igel 1.6.0 64 POPCNT           91      22     770   62.8%   23.0%
   1 Francheska                     14      58     100   52.0%   28.0%
   2 Donna 4.1                     -14      60     100   48.0%   24.0%
   3 ECE-X3.5 64Bit                -24      59     100   46.5%   27.0%
   4 Minic 0.60                    -74      60     100   39.5%   27.0%
   5 WyldChess                    -100      62     100   36.0%   24.0%
   6 DanaSah 7.3                  -164      67     100   28.0%   20.0%
   7 K2 v.0.91                    -182      68     100   26.0%   20.0%
   8 Coiled 0.6 x64               -301     111      70   15.0%   10.0%

Relative strength compared to well-known open source engines in CCRL 40/4 time control:

With tablebases:

Score of Igel 1.6.0 64 POPCNT vs Cheng 4.39: 49 - 351 - 131  [0.216] 531
Elo difference: -224.32 +/- 28.72
Score of Igel 1.6.0 64 POPCNT vs Fruit 2.1: 67 - 30 - 35  [0.640] 132
Elo difference: 100.07 +/- 52.53

Without tablebases:

Score of Igel 1.6.0 64 POPCNT vs Cheng 4.39: 40 - 343 - 117  [0.197] 500
Elo difference: -244.10 +/- 30.51

Relative strength compared to well-known open source engines in CCRL 40/40 time control:

Score of Igel 1.6.0 64 POPCNT vs WyldChess: 22 - 14 - 14  [0.580] 50
Elo difference: 56.07 +/- 83.96

Relative strength compared to well-known open source engines in tc=40/10 time control:

Score of Igel 1.6.0 64 POPCNT vs Cheng 4.39: 190 - 2492 - 518  [0.140] 3200
Elo difference: -314.90 +/- 14.13