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Either download the stable client from or request the access rights at the official tws-api repo and pull directly from git.

Set the path TWS_API_LIB_PATH environment variable to tws-api/source/cppclient/client directory and install rib package normally.




rib tws client implements an interceptor pattern by processing inbound and outbound messages with a set of in-/out-handlers. Each handler receives the message and returns an optionally modifies message. If a handler returns NULL, the message is not passed to the next handler.

The convention is that handlers start with hlr_ prefix and builder functions which produce handler functions start with bld_ prefix. There are a few of them defined in the core package.


Inbound messages travel on the inbound pipeline and are handled by inHandlers. Usually these are messages received from the TWS client, but can also be messages sent by the handlers themselves. For example, hlr_save_history handler will send an informative event to the inbound pipeline whenever data is saved to the disk. This is preferred to simple printing to stdout because downstream handlers can decide what to do with the message - log to stdout, to a file etc.

Each inbound message the following components:

id: unique incremented id for current R session (produced by rib)
ts: time stamp
ix: index of the event within a TWS message. Usually 1 because one event is normally sent in one message.
event: name of the event
val: value of the event which is event specific
[inmsg strlist]
 $ id   :"18"
 $ ts   : POSIXct, format: "2022-06-19 17:38:04.97273"
 $ ix   :1
 $ event:"historicalData"
 $ val  :List of 3
  ..$ event:"historicalData"
  ..$ reqId:1655660265
  ..$ bar  :List of 8
  .. ..$ time  :"1655414100"
  .. ..$ high  :1.0549
  .. ..$ low   :1.0546
  .. ..$ open  :1.0546
  .. ..$ close :1.0549
  .. ..$ wap   :NA
  .. ..$ volume:NA
  .. ..$ count :NA

## historicalDataEnd
[inmsg strlist]
 $ id   :"1482"
 $ ts   : POSIXct, format: "2022-06-19 18:16:49.35881"
 $ ix   :1426
 $ event:"historicalDataEnd"
 $ val  :List of 4
  ..$ event       :"historicalDataEnd"
  ..$ reqId       :1655660265
  ..$ startDateStr:"20220618  20:18:29"
  ..$ endDateStr  :"20220619  20:18:29"

Outbound messages have similar structure:

[outmsg strlist]
 $ ts   : POSIXct, format: "2022-06-23 09:13:06.580041"
 $ event:"reqAccountSummary"
 $ val  :List of 3
  ..$ tags :"AccountType" "NetLiquidation" "TotalCashValue" "SettledCash" "AccruedCash" "BuyingPower" "EquityWithLoanValue" "PreviousEquityWithLoanValue" "GrossPositionValue" "ReqTEquity" "ReqTMargin" "SMA" "InitMarginReq" "MaintMarginReq" "AvailableFunds" "ExcessLiquidity" "Cushion" "FullInitMarginReq" "FullMaintMarginReq" "FullAvailableFunds" ...
  ..$ group:"All"
  ..$ reqId:1655974441

Simple constructors for inbound and outbound messages are exported functions inmsg and outmsg.


tws <- tws(port = "gwpaper",
           inHandlers =
             c("hlr_track_requests",      # remove requess from tws$requests on xyzEnd events
               "hlr_process_callbacks",   # adds callback functionality
               "hlr_record_stdout_val"    # record messages to stdout
           outHandlers =
             c("hlr_track_requests",      # add requests to tws$requests environment


contract <- twsCurrency(localSymbol = "EUR.USD")


Historical Data

hlr_save_history <-
  bld_save_history(contract_fields = c(symbol = "localSymbol"),
                   req_fields = c(wts = "whatToShow", bar = "barSize"),
                   partition = "parquet")

tws <- tws(port = "twspaper",
           inHandlers = "hlr_record_stdout_val",
           outHandlers = "hlr_record_stdout_val")

tws$reqHistoricalData(twsCurrency(localSymbol = "EUR.USD"),
                      duration = "3 D",
                      endDateTime = ymd_hms("2021-01-27 00:00:00", tz = "UTC"),
                      whatToShow = "BID",
                      barSize = "1 min")

reqHistoricalData is a internally rationed by TWS operation. rib provides an extension reqHistoricalDataBatched that iterates over smaller time windows.

rib also provides a simple handler for saving received data to disk. It can save data in rds or parquet format . For the latter, arrow package must be available. You can use arrow::dataset functionality on the resulting data directory.

The batched collection logic will likely result in duplicated data due to slightly overlapping fetch windows. It's is the user's responsibility to de-duplicate the data.

tws <- rib::tws(port = "gwpaper",
                inHandlers = c(
                                     contract_fields = c(symbol = "localSymbol"),
                                     req_fields = c(wts = "whatToShow", bar = "barSize"),
                                     format = "parquet",
                                     partition = "hive"),
                    bld_recorder(exclude = "[hH]istoricalData"))),
                outHandlers =

tws$reqHistoricalDataBatched(twsCurrency(localSymbol = "EUR.USD"),
                             barSize = "1 min",
                             whatToShow = "BID",
                             startDateTime = "2022-01-01",
                             endDateTime = "2022-01-20")

Examples of partition argument to the bld_save_history builder:

# "none" - no partition, all the fields are stored part of the data in each row
20220623T10:34:09 -> save_history (N = 11300, file = "./history/2021-01-04 22:15:00..2021-01-14 20:19:00.parquet")
20220623T10:34:44 -> save_history (N = 11220, file = "./history/2021-01-11 22:15:00..2021-01-21 18:59:00.parquet")

# "fields" - all fields form a partion at ones (1-level hierarchy)
20220623T10:57:05 -> save_history (N = 16000, file = "./history/EUR.USD:BID:5secs/2021-12-30 23:46:40..2021-12-31 21:59:55.parquet")
20220623T10:57:59 -> save_history (N = 16000, file = "./history/EUR.USD:BID:5secs/2021-12-31 19:11:40..2022-01-03 17:39:55.parquet")

# "hive" - hive style partitioning with one level per field
20220623T11:04:07 -> save_history (N = 11380, file = "./history/symbol=EUR.USD/wts=BID/bar=1min/2021-12-28 22:15:00..2022-01-07 21:39:00.parquet")
20220623T11:04:55 -> save_history (N = 11300, file = "./history/symbol=EUR.USD/wts=BID/bar=1min/2022-01-04 22:15:00..2022-01-14 20:19:00.parquet")

Bot Development

Event Loop Considerations


Async Calls and Callbacks


tws Constructor


strenv and strenvdf Helper Collections


Differences from the Official tws-api C++ Client

Arguments of TWS Methods are not always consistent and even differ across different client implementations. rib package takes the liberty to streamline some of the inconsistencies and produce friendly data types automatically whenever it makes sense.

  • Ticker messages:

    • tickerId is converted to reqId for consistency with other events
    • ticker and tick field prefixes are removed. For example tickAttrib -> attrib, tickType -> type.
  • smartComponents returns a smartComponents list of named lists instead of the theMap map of tuples.

  • When TWS returns a list of structured objects, a data.frame is returned whenever makes sense (histogramData, softDollarTiers, familyCodes, mktDepthExchanges, smartComponents, newsProviders)

  • Streamline some parameter names for consistency, simplicity or readability: acctCode -> accountCode, reqMarketDataType->reqMktDataType, miscOptions -> options etc durationStr -> duration (string) barSizeSetting -> barSize (string)

  • Convert string values to apropriate R types:

    • updateAccountValue: convert values to numeric whenever makes sense
    • execDetails,orderStatus,comissionReport: whenever makes sense convert string fields to numeric and MAX_DOUBLE, MAX_INTEGER etc to NA
    • currentTime,realtimeBar, tickNews, historicalTicksBidAsk, etc.: time numeric argument is converted to POSIXct.

For Developers

I order to upgrade the package to the new version of TWS client the following steps are necessary:

  1. Add new entries to R/constants.R from

  2. Add new events to src/RWrapper.cpp within versioned ifelse pragmas

  3. Add new requests to R/client.R and src/rib.cpp accordingly

What Does not Work Yet

  • Some complex fields of the Order and ContractDetails such as TagValueList and OrderComboLegList are not yet parsed to R objects.
  • twsOrder: conditions and orderComboLegs fields not yet implemented

Alternative R Client Implementations

  • ibilli/rib - fully featured R-only implementation that strives to preserve official C++/Java client programming paradigm.
  • IBrokers - Original TWS client written entirely in R


R client for Interactive Brokers API






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