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@vstakhov vstakhov tagged this 01 Mar 13:50
- Allow to save comments and macros when parsing UCL documents
- C++ API
- Python bindings (by Eitan Adler)
- Add msgpack support for parser and emitter
- Add Canonical S-expressions parser for libucl
- CLI interface for parsing and validation (by Maxim Ignatenko)
- Implement include with priority
- Add 'nested' functionality to .include macro (by Allan Jude)
- Allow searching an array of paths for includes (by Allan Jude)
- Add new .load macro (by Allan Jude)
- Implement .inherit macro (#100)
- Add merge strategies
- Add schema validation to lua API
- Add support for external references to schema validation
- Add coveralls integration to libucl
- Implement tests for 80% of libucl code lines
- Fix tonns of minor and major bugs
- Improve documentation
- Rework function names to the common conventions (old names are preserved for backwards compatibility)
- Add Coverity scan integration
- Add fuzz tests
Assets 2