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PEP xxx: Modify the C API to hide implementation details


  • Hide implementation details from the C API to be able to optimize CPython and make PyPy more efficient.
  • The expectation is that most C extensions don't rely directly on CPython internals and so will remain compatible.
  • Continue to support old unmodified C extensions by continuing to provide the fully compatible "regular" CPython runtime.
  • Provide a new optimized CPython runtime using the same CPython code base: faster but can only import C extensions which don't use implementation details. Since both CPython runtimes share the same code base, features implemented in CPython will be available in both runtimes.
  • Stable ABI: Only build a C extension once and use it on multiple Python runtimes and different versions of the same runtime.
  • Better advertise alternative Python runtimes and better communicate on the differences between the Python language and the Python implementation (especially CPython).

Note: Cython and cffi should be preferred to write new C extensions. This PEP is about existing C extensions which cannot be rewritten with Cython.


To remain competitive in term of performance with other programming languages like Go or Rust, Python has to become more efficient.

Make Python (at least) two times faster

The C API leaks too many implementation details which prevent optimizing CPython. See Optimize CPython.

PyPy's support for Python's C API (pycext) is slow because it has to emulate CPython internals like memory layout and reference counting. The emulation causes memory overhead, memory copies, conversions, etc. See Inside cpyext: Why emulating CPython C API is so Hard (Sept 2018) by Antonio Cuni.

While this PEP may make CPython a little bit slower in the short term, the long-term goal is to make "Python" at least two times faster. This goal is not hypothetical: PyPy is already 4.2x faster than CPython and is fully compatible. C extensions are the bottleneck of PyPy. This PEP proposes a migration plan to move towards opaque C API which would make PyPy faster.

Separate the Python language and the CPython runtime (promote alternative runtimes)

The Python language should be better separated from its runtime. It's common to say "Python" when referring to "CPython". Even in this PEP :-)

Because the CPython runtime remains the reference implementation, many people believe that the Python language itself has design flaws which prevent it from being efficient. PyPy proved that this is a false assumption: on average, PyPy runs Python code 4.2 times faster than CPython.

One solution for separating the language from the implementation is to promote the usage of alternative runtimes: not only provide the regular CPython, but also PyPy, optimized CPython which is only compatible with C extensions using the limited C API, CPython compiled in debug mode to ease debugging issues in C extensions, RustPython, etc.

To make alternative runtimes viable, they should be competitive in term of features and performance. Currently, C extension modules remain the bottleneck for PyPy.

Most C extensions don't rely directly on CPython internals

While the C API is still tightly coupled to CPython internals, in practice most C extensions don't rely directly on CPython internals.

The expectation is that these C extensions will remain compatible with an "opaque" C API and only a minority of C extensions will have to be modified.

Moreover, more and more C extensions are implemented in Cython or cffi. Updating Cython and cffi to be compatible with the opaque C API will make all these C extensions without having to modify the source code of each extension.

Stable ABI

The idea is to build a C extension only once: the built binary will be usable on multiple Python runtimes and different versions of the same runtime (stable ABI).

The idea is not new but is an extension of the PEP 384: Defining a Stable ABI implemented in CPython 3.4 with its "limited C API". The limited API is not used by default and is not widely used: PyQt is one of the only few known users.

The idea here is that the default C API becomes the limited C API and so all C extensions will benefit of advantages of a stable ABI.

Flaws of the C API

Borrowed references

A borrowed reference is a pointer which doesn't “hold” a reference. If the object is destroyed, the borrowed reference becomes a dangling pointer, pointing to freed memory which might be reused by a new object. Borrowed references can lead to bugs and crashes when misused. An example of a CPython bug caused by this is bpo-25750: crash in type_getattro().

Borrowed references are a problem whenever there is no reference to borrow: they assume that a referenced object already exists (and thus has a positive reference count).

Tagged pointers are an example of this problem: since there is no concrete PyObject* to represent the integer, it cannot easily be manipulated.

This issue complicates optimizations like PyPy's list strategies: if a list contains only small integers, it is stored as a compact C array of longs. The equivalent of PyObject is only created when an item is accessed. (Most of the time the object is optimized away by the JIT, but this is another story.) This makes it hard to support the C API function PyList_GetItem(), which should return a reference borrowed from the list, but the list contains no concrete PyObject that it could lend a reference to! PyPy's current solution is very bad: the first time PyList_GetItem() is called, the whole list is de-optimized (converted to a list of PyObject*). See cpyext get_list_storage().

See also the Specialized list use case, which is the same optimization applied to CPython. Like in PyPy, this optimization is incompatible with borrowed references since the runtime cannot guess when the temporary object should be destroyed.

If PyList_GetItem() returned a strong reference, the PyObject* could just be allocated on the fly and destroyed when the user decrements its reference count. Basically, by putting borrowed references in the API, we are making it impossible to change the underlying data structure.

Functions stealing strong references

There are functions which steal strong references, for example PyModule_AddObject() and PySet_Discard(). Stealing references is an issue similar to borrowed references.


Some functions of the C API return a pointer to an array of PyObject*:

  • PySequence_Fast_ITEMS()
  • PyTuple_GET_ITEM() is sometimes abused to get an array of all of the tuple's contents: PyObject **items = &PyTuple_GET_ITEM(0);

In effect, these functions return an array of borrowed references: like with PyList_GetItem(), all callers of PySequence_Fast_ITEMS() assume the sequence holds references to its elements.

Leaking structure members

PyObject, PyTypeObject, PyThreadState, etc. structures are currently public: C extensions can directly read and modify the structure members.

For example, the Py_INCREF() macro directly increases PyObject.ob_refcnt, without any abstraction. Hopefully, Py_INCREF() implementation can be modified without affecting the API.

Change the C API

This PEP doesn't define an exhaustive list of all C API changes, but define some guidelines of bad patterns which should be avoided in the C API to prevent leaking implementation details.

Separate header files of limited and internal C API

In Python 3.6, all headers (.h files) were directly in the Include/ directory.

In Python 3.7, work started to move the internal C API into a new subdirectory, Include/internal/. The work continued in Python 3.8 and 3.9. The internal C API is only partially exported: some functions are only declared with extern and so cannot be used outside CPython (with compilers supporting -fvisibility=hidden, see above), whereas some functions are exported with PyAPI_FUNC() to make them usable in C extensions. Debuggers and profilers are typical users of the internal C API to inspect Python internals without calling functions (to inspect a coredump for example).

Python 3.9 is now built with -fvisibility=hidden (supported by GCC and clang): symbols which are not declared with PyAPI_FUNC() or PyAPI_DATA() are no longer exported by the dynamic library (libpython).

Another change is to separate the limited C API from the "CPython" C API: Python 3.8 has a new Include/cpython/ sub-directory. It should not be used directly, but it is used automatically from the public headers when the Py_LIMITED_API macro is not defined.

Backward compatibility: fully backward compatible.

Status: basically completed in Python 3.9.

Changes without API changes and with minor performance overhead

  • Replace macros with static inline functions. Work started in 3.8 and made good progress in Python 3.9.
  • Modify macros to avoid directly accessing structures fields.

For example, the Hide implementation detail of trashcan macros commit modifies Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN_CONDITION() macro to call a new _PyTrash_begin() function rather than accessing directly PyThreadState.trash_delete_nesting field.

Backward compatibility: fully backward compatible.

Status: good progress in Python 3.9.

Changes without API changes but with performance overhead

Replace macros or inline functions with regular functions. Work started in 3.9 on a limited set of functions.

Converting macros to function calls can have a small overhead on performances.

For example, Py_INCREF() macro modifies directly PyObject.ob_refcnt: this macro would become an alias to the opaque Py_IncRef() function.

It is possible that the regular CPython runtime keeps the Py_INCREF() macro which modifies directly PyObject.ob_refcnt to avoid any performance overhead. A tradeoff should be defined to limit differences between the regular and the new optimized CPython runtimes, without hurting too much performances of the regular CPython runtime.

Backward compatibility: fully backward compatible.

Status: not started. The performance overhead must be measured with benchmarks and this PEP should be accepted.

API and ABI incompatible changes

  • Make structures opaque: move them to the internal C API.
  • Remove functions from the public C API which are tied to CPython internals. Maybe begin by marking these functions as private (rename PyXXX to _PyXXX) or move them to the internal C API.
  • Ban statically allocated types (by making PyTypeObject opaque): enforce usage of PyType_FromSpec().

Examples of issues to make structures opaque:

Another example are Py_REFCNT() and Py_TYPE() macros which can currently be used l-value to modify an object reference count or type. Python 3.9 has new Py_SET_REFCNT() and Py_SET_TYPE() macros which should be used instead. Py_REFCNT() and Py_TYPE() macros should be converted to static inline functions to prevent their usage as l-value.

Backward compatibility: backward incompatible on purpose. Break the limited C API and the stable ABI, with the assumption that Most C extensions don't rely directly on CPython internals and so will remain compatible.

CPython-specific behavior

Some C functions and some Python functions have a behavior which is closely tied to the current CPython implementation.

is operator

The x is y operator is closed tied to how CPython allocates objects and to PyObject*.

For example, CPython uses singletons for numbers in [-5; 256] range:

>>> x=1; (x + 1) is 2
>>> x=1000; (x + 1) is 1001

Python 3.8 compiler now emits a SyntaxWarning when the right operand of the is and is not operators is a literal (ex: integer or string), but don't warn if it is None, True, False or Ellipsis singleton (bpo-34850). Example:

>>> x=1
>>> x is 1
<stdin>:1: SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?

CPython PyObject_RichCompareBool

CPython considers that two objects are identical if their memory address are equal: x is y in Python (IS_OP opcode) is implemented internally in C as left == right where left and right are PyObject * pointers.

The main function to implement comparison in CPython is PyObject_RichCompareBool(). This function considers that two objects are equal if the two PyObject* pointers are equal (if the two objects are "identical"). For example, PyObject_RichCompareBool(obj1, obj2, Py_EQ) doesn't call obj1.__eq__(obj2) if obj1 == obj2 where obj1 and obj2 are PyObject* pointers.

This behavior is an optimization to make Python more efficient.

For example, the dict lookup avoids __eq__() if two pointers are equal.

Another example are Not-a-Number (NaN) floating pointer numbers which are not equal to themselves:

>>> nan = float("nan")
>>> nan is nan
>>> nan == nan

The list.__contains__(obj) and list.index(obj) methods are implemented with PyObject_RichCompareBool() and so rely on objects identity:

>>> lst = [9, 7, nan]
>>> nan in lst
>>> lst.index(nan)
>>> lst[2] == nan

In CPython, x == y is implemented with PyObject_RichCompare() which don't make the assumption that identical objects are equal. That's why nan == nan or lst[2] == nan return False.

Issues for other Python implementations

The Python language doesn't require to be implemented with PyObject structure and use PyObject* pointers. PyPy doesn't use PyObject nor PyObject*. If CPython is modified to use Tagged Pointers, CPython would have the same issue.

Alternative Python implementations have to mimic CPython to reduce incompatibilities.

For example, PyPy mimics CPython behavior for the is operator with CPython small integer singletons:

>>>> x=1; (x + 1) is 2

It also mimics CPython PyObject_RichCompareBool(). Example with the Not-a-Number (NaN) float:

>>>> nan=float("nan")
>>>> nan == nan
>>>> lst = [9, 7, nan]
>>>> nan in lst
>>>> lst.index(nan)
>>>> lst[2] == nan

Better advertise alternative Python runtimes

Currently, PyPy and other "alternative" Python runtimes are not well advertised on the Python website. They are only listed as the last choice in the Download menu.

Once enough C extensions will be compatible with the limited C API, PyPy and other Python runtimes should be better advertised on the Python website and in the Python documentation, to no longer introduce them as as second-class citizen.

Obviously, CPython is likely to remain the most feature-complete implementation in mid-term, since new PEPs are first implemented in CPython. Limitations can be simply documented, and users should be free to make their own choice, depending on their use cases.

HPy project

The HPy project is a brand new C API. It is designed to ease migration from the current C API and to be efficient on PyPy. HPy hides all implementation details: it is based on "handles" so objects cannot be inspected with direct memory access: only opaque function calls are allowed. This abstraction has many benefits:

  • No more PyObject emulation needed: smaller memory footprint in PyPy cpyext, no more expensive conversions.
  • It is possible to have multiple handles pointing to the same object. It helps to better track the object lifetime and makes the PyPy implementation simpler. PyPy doesn't use reference counting but a tracing garbage collector. When the PyPy GC moves objects in memory, handles don't change! HPy uses an array mapping handle to objects: only this array has to be updated. It is way more efficient.
  • The Python runtime is free to modify deeply internals compared to CPython. Many optimizations become possible: see Optimize CPython section.
  • It is easy to add a debug wrapper to add checks before and after the function calls. For example, ensure that that GIL is held when calling CPython.

HPy is developed outside CPython, is implemented on top of the existing Python C API, and so can support old Python versions.

By default, binaries compiled in "universal" HPy ABI mode can be used on CPython and PyPy. HPy can also target CPython ABI which has the same performance than native C extensions. See HPy documentation of Target ABIs documentation.

The PEP moves the C API towards HPy design and API.

New optimized CPython runtime

Backward incompatible changes is such a pain for the whole Python community. To ease the migration (accelerate adoption of the new C API), one option is to provide not only one but two CPython runtimes:

  • Regular CPython: fully backward compatible, support direct access to structures like PyObject, etc.
  • New optimized CPython: incompatible, cannot import C extensions which don't use the limited C API, has new optimizations, limited to the C API.

Technically, both runtimes would have the same code base, to ease maintenance: CPython. The new optimized CPython would be a ./configure flag to build a different Python. On Windows, it would be a different project of the Visual Studio solution reusing pythoncore project, but define a macro to build enable optimization and change the C API.

The new optimized CPython runtime remains compatible with CPython 3.8 stable ABI.

CPython code base remains 30 years old. Many technical choices made 30 years ago are no longer relevant today. This PEP should ease the development of new Python implementation which would be even more efficient, like PyPy!

Cython and cffi

Cython and cffi should be preferred to write new C extensions. This PEP is about existing C extensions which cannot be rewritten with Cython.

Cython may be modified to add a new build mode where only the "limited C API" is used.

Use Cases

Optimize CPython

The new optimized runtime can implement new optimizations since it only supports C extension modules which don't access Python internals.

Tagged pointers

Tagged pointer.

Avoid PyObject for small objects

  • small integers,
  • short Latin-1 strings,
  • None and True/False singletons,
  • etc.

The content is stored directly in the pointer with a tag for the object type.

CPython memory allocator and libm malloc() use an alignment of at least 8 bytes which leaves the lower 3 bits of a pointer free to store 8 different tag values.

Tracing garbage collector

Experiment with a tracing garbage collector inside CPython. Keep reference counting for the C API using a mapping: object => reference counter.

Rewriting CPython with a tracing garbage collector is large project. It is out of the scope of this PEP. This PEP fix some blockers issues which prevent to start such project today.

One of the issue are functions of the C API which return a pointer like PyBytes_AsString(). Python doesn't know when the caller stops using the pointer, and so cannot move the object in memory (for a moving garbage collector). API like PyBuffer is better since it requires the caller to call PyBuffer_Release() when it is done.

See: Thomas Woulters's experiment: Switching from refcounting to libgc.

Specialized list

Specialize lists of small integers: if a list only contains numbers which fit into a C int32_t, a Python list object could use a more efficient int32_t array to reduce the memory footprint (avoid PyObject overhead for these numbers).

Temporary PyObject objects would be created on demand for backward compatibility.

This optimization is less interesting if tagged pointers are implemented.

PyPy already implements this optimization.

O(1) bytearray to bytes conversion

Convert bytearray to bytes without memory copy.

Currently, bytearray is used to build a bytes string, but it's usually converted into a bytes object to respect an API. This conversion requires to allocate a new memory block and copy data (O(n) complexity).

It is possible to implement O(1) conversion if it would be possible to pass the ownership of the bytearray object to bytes.

That requires modifying the PyBytesObject structure to support multiple storages (support storing content into a separate memory block).

Fork and "Copy-on-Read" problem

Solve the "Copy on read" problem with fork: store reference counter outside PyObject.

Currently, when a Python object is accessed, its ob_refcnt member is incremented temporarily to hold a "strong reference" to it (ensure that it cannot be destroyed while we use it). Many operating system implement fork() using copy-on-write ("CoW"). A memory page (ex: 4 KB) is only copied when a process (parent or child) modifies it. After Python is forked, modifying ob_refcnt copies the memory page, even if the object is only accessed in "read only mode".

Dismissing Python Garbage Collection at Instagram (Jan 2017) by Instagram Engineering.

Instagram contributed gc.freeze() to Python 3.7 which works around the issue.

One solution for that would be to store reference counters outside PyObject. For example, in a separated hash table (pointer to reference counter). Changing PyObject structures requires that C extensions don't access them directly.

Debug runtime and remove debug checks in release mode

If the C extensions are no longer tied to CPython internals, it becomes possible to switch to a Python runtime built in debug mode to enable runtime debug checks to ease debugging C extensions.

If using such a debug runtime becomes harder, indirectly it means that runtime debug checks can be removed from the release build. CPython code base is still full of runtime checks calling PyErr_BadInternalCall() on failure. Removing such checks in release mode can make Python more efficient.


ujson is 3x faster on PyPy when using HPy instead of the Python C API. See HPy kick-off sprint report (December 2019).

This PEP should help to make PyPy cpyext more efficient, or at least ease the migration of C extensions to HPy.


GraalPython is a Python 3 implementation built on GraalVM ("Universal VM for a polyglot world"). It is interested in supporting HPy. See Leysin 2020 Sprint Report. It would also benefit of this PEP.

RustPython, Rust-CPython and PyO3

Rust-CPython is interested in supporting HPy. See Leysin 2020 Sprint Report.

RustPython and PyO3 would also benefit of this PEP.


  • PyO3: Rust bindings for the Python (CPython) interpreter
  • rust-cpython: Rust <-> Python (CPython) bindings
  • RustPython: A Python Interpreter written in Rust

Rejected Ideas

Drop the C API

One proposed alternative to a new better C API is to drop the C API at all. The reasoning is that since existing solutions are already available, complete and reliable, like Cython and cffi.

What about the long tail of C extensions on PyPI which still use the C API? Would a Python without these C extensions would remain relevant?

Lots of project do not use those solution, and the C API is part of Python success. For example, there would be no numpy without the C API.

It doesn't sound like a workable solution.

Bet on HPy, leave the C API unchanged

The HPy project is developed outside CPython and so doesn't cause any backward incompatibility in CPython. HPy API was designed with efficiency in mind.

The problem is the long tail of C extensions on PyPI which are written with the C API and will not be converted soon or will never be converted to HPy. The transition from Python 2 to Python 3 showed that migrations are very slow and never fully complete.

The PEP also rely on the assumption that Most C extensions don't rely directly on CPython internals and so will remain compatible with the new opaque C API.

The concept of HPy is not new: CPython has a limited C API which provides a stable ABI since Python 3.4, see PEP 384: Defining a Stable ABI. Since it is an opt-in option, most users simply use the default C API.

Prior Art


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