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Supaflag (Feature Flag functionality for Supabase)

Made with Supabase

Supaflag is a simple open source solution for feature management based on Supabase that let you test your code with real production data, reducing the risk of negatively impacting your users' experience.

Getting Started with Supaflag

1. Setting Up

Add v1.0_supaflag.sql to your Supabase migration (see Supabase Migration Docs) or just execute v1.0_supaflag.sql in Supabase SQL Editor with admin role.

2. Creating your first feature flag

Use Subabase Table Editor:

Supabase Table Editor

or call create_feature_flag function in Supabase SQL Editor with postgres role:

select create_feature_flag( 'new_feature',
                            'new feature description',

Will create new enabled public (see Public Policy) global (see Rollout Strategy) feature flag with name new_feature.

3. Getting the actual feature flag status

Call is_feature_flag_enabled function with any role.

select is_feature_flag_enabled('new_feature');

4. Using in your client

Call is_feature_flag_enabled function using rpc.

const { flag, error } = await supabase.rpc('is_feature_flag_enabled',
  {flag_name: 'new_feature'}

5. Deleting the flag after rollout a feature to all users

Use Supabase Table Editor or call delete_feature_flag function in Supabase SQL Editor with admin role.

select delete_feature_flag('new_feature');


Rollout strategy

Rollout strategies let you activate a feature only for a specified users. Different strategies use different parameters.

Default - global.



A simple strategy means that this flag active for everyone.


For every is_feature_flag_enabled call will return a random state based on the rollout percentage.


Used to guarantee consistency (to be sticky on user id) for a gradual rollout. The same user id and the same rollout percentage should give predictable results.

If user is anon the behavior would be false.


Used to guarantee consistency (to be sticky on session id) for a gradual rollout. The same session id and the same rollout percentage should give predictable results.

If user is anon the behavior would be false.


This strategy allows you to specify a list of user ids that you want to expose the new feature for. Active for user ids linked with a feature flag. Use add_users_to_user_ids_feature_flag function to add user ids to linked users or just insert (flag_id, user_id) into feature_flag_user_ids.

Rollout percentage

The percentage you want to activate the feature flag for. Works only with random, stickiness_user_id and stickiness_session_id strategies.

Default - 100 (rollout to all users).


Public policy

Public policy allows you to make feature flags available only to authenticated users. See Supabase Roles.

Default - false (visible only for authenticated).




Used to storing feature flags.


Name Description Data Type Nullable Default
id Feature flag unique id uuid not uuid_generate_v4()
name Feature flag unique name varchar(255) not -
description Feature flag description text yes -
value Feature flag state (on/off) boolean not false
strategy Feature flag rollout strategy feature_flag_strategy_type not 'global'
percentage Feature flag rollout percentage smallint not 100
public Feature flag public policy boolean not false
created_at Feature flag creation date timestamp with time zone not now()


Used to storing links between feature flags and user ids for user_ids strategy.


Name Description Data Type Nullable Default
flag_id Feature flag unique id uuid not -
user_id Activated user id uuid not -



Used to getting an actual feature flag value.


  • flag_name - a name of the feature flag; required;


  • true/false when returned the actual feature flag value;
  • exception 'feature flag not found' when a flag does not exist or you do not have permission to read it;
  • exception 'the feature flag strategy not implemented yet' when added new strategy type and has not implemented logic for it yet;

create_feature_flag(flag_name, value, description, strategy, percentage, public)

Used to creating a new feature flag.


  • flag_name - a name of new feature flag; required;
  • value - a feature flag state (on/off);
  • description - a description of new feature flag;
  • strategy - a rollout strategy of new feature flag; see Rollout Strategy;
  • percentage - a rollout percentage of new feature flag;
  • public - a public policy of new feature flag; see Public Policy;


  • feature_flag row when feature flag created;
  • exception 'feature flag name is null' when flag name is not passed;
  • exception 'feature flag already exists' when flag name already used;
  • exception 'new row violates row-level security policy' when you do not have permission to create a feature flag;

add_users_to_user_ids_feature_flag(flag_name, user_ids)

Used to adding users to feature flags with the user_ids strategy.


  • flag_name - a name of the feature flag; required;
  • user_ids - an array of user ids who who should be added to the flag;


  • void - when user ids added;
  • exception 'feature flag not found' when a flag does not exist or you do not have permission to modify it;
  • exception 'feature flag strategy not user_ids' when the flag has no user_ids strategy.
  • exception 'new row violates row-level security policy' when you do not have permission to add users to the feature flag;


Used to deleting old feature flags.


  • flag_name - a name the feature flag; required;


  • void when flag deleted (if you have do not have permisson operation will ingoring);

Search path specification

By default, search_path = public specified for each finction. If you want to use a diffferent schema for the feature flags, then specify this schema in search_path param for each finction.


If you need to rollback the feature flag functionality, add v1.0_supaflag_rollback.sql to your Supabase migration. See Supabase Migration Docs or just execute v1.0_supaflag_rollback.sql in Supabase SQL Editor with admin role.


  • Add scripted tests for stickness strategies;
  • Add are_feature_flags_enabled for getting a set of feature flags;
  • Add the ability to combine feature flags;
  • Add grouping for feature flags;
  • Add group id for stickiness strategies;
  • Add user-agent stickiness rollout strategy;
  • Add benchmarking for is_feature_flag_enabled() function;