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Unit test utils for react components

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npm install react-integration-test-engine @testing-library/react --save-dev


yarn add react-integration-test-engine @testing-library/react --dev


Let's test a component. I'm using vitest, but you can use your favourite test framework

import type {
} from "react";

type Props = {
	callback: (foo: number, bar: string) => void;

function Component({
}: Props): ReactElement | null {
	const onClick = useCallback(() => {
		callback(1, "2");
	}, [callback]);

	return (
		<div className="my-wrapper">
			<button type="button" onClick={onClick}>
				Click me

At first, we have to define stubs for required props of the component

import { vi } from "vitest";

const defaultProps: Props = {
	callback: vi.fn(),

Then let's describe accsessors of rendered components. In this case, only button is needed. Let's call it "targetButton"

import { create, AccessorQueryType } from "react-integration-test-engine";

const render = create(Component, defaultProps, {
	queries: {
		button: {
			query: AccessorQueryType.Text,
			parameters: ["Click me"],

A boilerplate is ready. Let's write a test that checks for the correct render of the content of the button

import { expect, test } from "vitest";

test("should render children correctly", () => {
	const engine = render({});

	expect(engine.accessors.button.get().textContent).toBe("Click me");

A method get is used here, but you can use other methods. The full list:

  • getAll - returns all matched elements getAll: () => HTMLElement[];
  • get - returns a single matched element or throws if there are no matched elements or throws if there are more than one matched elements get: () => HTMLElement;
  • queryAll - returns all matched elements queryAll: () => HTMLElement[];
  • query - returns a single matched element or null if there are no matched elements or throws if there are more than one matched elements query: () => HTMLElement | null;
  • findAll - similar to getAll, but waits for matched elements findAll: () => Promise<HTMLElement[]>;
  • find - similar to get, but waits for matched elements find: () => Promise;

testing-library is used.

Then let's test a callback. There's an easy way to do it. Let's change definition a little

import { create, AccessorQueryType } from "react-integration-test-engine";

const render = create(Component, defaultProps, {
	queries: {
		button: {
			query: AccessorQueryType.Text,
			parameters: ["Click me"],
	// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	// ADDED `fireEvents` SECTION
	fireEvents: {
		buttonClick: ["button", "click"],

The first value of the tupple is the key of queries. The second value is the type of the event

Let's write a test for the callback:

import type { MouseEvent } from "react";
import { expect, test, vi } from "vitest";

test("should call callback correctly", () => {
	const callback = vi.fn();

	const engine = render({

	const event = {};


	expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1, "2");


Execution of complex actions

fireEvent is not enough for actions that required several user interactions, e.g. selecting of value from dropdown or date picker etc.

There is a property scenarios in the constuctor of engine. You can call the scenario with the run method of the engine.

Differences from events:

  1. Allow multiple interactions;

  2. Doesn't invoke act automatically;

  3. Can return something.

Let's write an example test with selecting the value of react-datepicker (version 4.21.0):

At first, let's write a component for testing:

import { type ReactElement, useState } from "react";
import ReactDatePicker from "react-datepicker";

function Component(): ReactElement {
	const [date, setDate] = useState<Date | null>(() => new Date(2023, 9, 20));

	return (
		<ReactDatePicker selected={date} onChange={setDate} />

Then let's define the engine constructor:

import {
} from "@testing-library/react";
import { AccessorQueryType, create } from "react-integration-test-engine";

const render = create(
		queries: {
			dateInput: {
				query: AccessorQueryType.QuerySelector,
				parameters: [".react-datepicker__input-container input"],

		scenarios: {
			changeDatepicker: [
				async (element, day: number) => {
					act(() => {

					const listbox = await screen.findByRole("listbox");

					const dayButton = within(listbox).getByText(`${day}`, {
						ignore: ".react-datepicker__day--outside-month",

					act(() => {;

Then let's write a test to change the date:

test("date change", async () => {
	const engine = render({});

	await"changeDatepicker", 1);


Complex data collection

Let's test a table.

import type { ReactElement, ReactNode } from "react";

type RowType = Readonly<{
	id: number;
	foo: ReactNode;
	bar: ReactNode;
	baz: ReactNode;

type Props = Readonly<{
	rows: readonly RowType[];

function Component({ rows }: Props): ReactElement {
	return (
				{{ id, foo, bar, baz }) => (
					<tr key={id}>

Suppose it's needed to make an array of the text contents of a certain row of the table. Let's write this scenario:

import { AccessorQueryType, create } from "react-integration-test-engine";

const defaultProps: Props = {
	rows: [],

const render = create(Component, defaultProps, {
	queries: {
		table: {
			query: AccessorQueryType.QuerySelector,
			parameters: ["table"],
	scenarios: {
		getRenderedRow: [
			(tableNode, index: number) => {
				const tableRow = tableNode.querySelector(`tr:nth-child(${index})`);

				if (!tableRow || !(tableRow instanceof HTMLElement)) {
					throw new Error("row is not rendered");

				return [...tableRow.childNodes].map((node) => node.textContent);

All that's left to do is run this scenario:

test("render rows", () => {
	const engine = render({
		rows: [
				id: 1,
				foo: "foo 1",
				bar: "bar 1",
				baz: "baz 1",
				id: 2,
				foo: "foo 2",
				bar: "bar 2",
				baz: "baz 2",

	expect("getRenderedRow", 1)).toEqual(["foo 1", "bar 1", "baz 1"]);
	expect("getRenderedRow", 2)).toEqual(["foo 2", "bar 2", "baz 2"]);


Integration test utils for react components







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