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B2C Store Theme



Follow this Developer Docs Guide to setup Toolbelt and have access to CLI commands.


Follow the steps required to setup vtex.edition-store@3.x detailed in this Developer Docs Guide


Peer Dependencies

Install theme peer dependencies and accept all terms of use/service:

vtex install \
    vtex.wish-list@1.x \ \
    vtex.location-availability@0.x \
    vtex.shopper-location@0.x \


Follow the steps detailed in the section Implementing the VTEX Intelligent Search of the Prerequisites for Store Framework development guide.

Go to: STORE SETUPSearchIntegration settings (https://{{account}} and click "Start Integration"

Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 08.31.00

Wait until all the steps are completed.

Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 08.32.31

Reviews and Ratings

Go to PRODUCTSCatalogReviews (https://{{account}};

Click "Reviews Settings →" in the top right conrner.

Screen Shot 2021-02-25 at 10.12.49

Check "Display stars in product-rating-summary if there are no reviews"

Uncheck "Display total reviews number on product-rating-summary block"

Click "Save"

Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 10.15.38

You should see a toast message saing: "Your data was submitted successfully."

Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 10.21.00