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Angular Intercom

Intercom wrapper for Angular


Reference script

<script src="ng-intercom.min.js"></script>

Inject vtex.intercom

angular.module 'yourApp', ['vtex.intercom']

Fill intercomConfig

This object should contain at least your Intercom application credentials (app_id) and main user data, such as name, email, age, etc.

.config (intercomConfig) ->
    intercomConfig.app_id = 'bs8us8hw'
    intercomConfig.user = window.vtex.topbar.utils.user # `Object`

    # e.g.: Custom widget/button that pops Intercom conversation modal:
    # intercomConfig.widget =
    #	activator: '#vtex-intercom-widget'
    # See Intercom docs for more
Send all user data you want by extending intercomUserData as well

This is mainly for extra user data, such as environment of access and all other info your user object lacks. Feel free to send whatever back to your Intercom.

.value 'intercomUserData',
    'Environment': vtex.topbar.topbar.environment.match(/beta|stable/)[0] ? 'stable'

Directive and binding

Defaults and shortcuts:

  • intercom-event: Event name, be creative. ( String )
  • intercom-on: "click" ( this is what fires events to Intercom, e.g.: "hover", "mouseleave" )
  • intercom-metadata: Whatever extra info to send along


<button id="sign-up" class="btn btn-primary" value="Sign Up"
				intercom-event="Sign The Duck Up"></button>

API intercomService

trigger eventName, data

  • string eventName, Object data with any information you want to be registered within the event

updateUser data

  • Object data with new (full or partial) user data to be updated and send


Inside src you can find this module source code, written in CoffeeScript. To build the .js and uglify it, install npm dev-dependencies and run grunt:

(sudo) npm i

Don't forget to build after updating the version and before committing any changes, since it's version appears in minified files.