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David Möller edited this page Aug 2, 2020 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the gamepad-vr-simulator wiki!

To include this gamepad based VR simulator to you project, please do the following:

  1. Add Unity XR interaction toolkit and set it up as described here:; You will not need any of plug-in providers as we don't use any HMD hardware
  2. Include the new input system via Unity's package manager (for the gamepad input).
  3. Add both scripts to your project. Add ControllerControlController to a new empty game object somewhere in the scene and reference the XR rig's main camera and base controllers. Add editor controller simulator to both, left and right, base controllers. Reference the XR rig components
  4. Run the project. Important note: You will have to manually re-enable the direct interactor scripts on the base controller. For some reason they are automatically deactivated. Enable script direct interactor after run.
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