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What is Load Testing

  • Load testing is a type of performance testing
  • The testing determines a system's performance according to real-life conditions
  • It confirms if the prsent infrastructure is enough to run the application
  • Checks how much load a system can handle
  • Helps to indenfity the maximum operating capacity of any applications
  • The test idenfities the number of usrs that can work on an application coccurrenly

Different Tools for Load Tesing

  • Apache JMeter
  • WebLoad
  • LoadUI
  • LoadRunner
  • LeoLoad
  • LoadNinja

What is JMeter

  • Apache JMeter
  • Opensource & free of charge
  • Used to test load testing functional behavior and measing performance
  • Test applications and other functions
  • (How it works) It can simulate 1000 - 10000 users accessing the website concurrently

Typical Use Cases for JMeter

Name of Use Case Example Use Description Important Notes
Performance Testing Testing static and dynamic resources JMeter tests both static resources (JavaScript, HTML) and dynamic resources (JSP, Servlets, AJAX). It helps identify the maximum number of concurrent users your website can handle. Test results can be influenced by system resources (CPU, RAM) and network conditions.
Load Testing Simulating multiple user access JMeter simulates multiple user access to Web services concurrently, helping identify capacity limits and potential bottlenecks. System resources and network conditions should be considered when interpreting test results.
Stress Testing Finding the maximum load the web server can handle Stress Testing is used to find the maximum load the web server can handle. When the load goes beyond the limit, the web server starts responding slowly and produces errors. Stress testing helps identify the breaking point of your system.
Server Performance Analysis Analyzing server performance under high traffic JMeter is used to identify whether the web application under test can manage high traffic. It also analyzes a server’s overall performance when it is under a lot of strain. Server performance analysis can help optimize your system for better performance.
Non-HTTP Testing Testing databases or message queues JMeter can test endpoints that aren't HTTP-based, such as databases or message queues. JMeter can be used for a variety of testing scenarios, not just HTTP-based applications.

Why Use JMeter for Load Testing

  • Free or charge
  • Performance testing of applications
  • Platform independent (Java based)
  • Customizable
  • Recording and playback
  • Community support

JMeter Installation

(on MacOS X)

$brew install jmeter

JMeter GUI Simple Load Test

JMeter-Thread-Group.png JMeter-Listener-Test-Result.png

JMeter Commandlines

$ jmeter -n -t LoadTestLocalhost.jmx -l Loading.csv

Generate JMeter Reports

$jmeter -n -t BingLoadTestLocalhostWithVariables.jmx -l BingLoadTestLocalhostWithVariables2.csv -e -o JMeterDashboard/

HTTP(s) Load Testing Basic with JMeter


HTTP Requests Load Test with JMeter


JMeter-HTTP-01.png JMeter-HTTP-02.png

Jmeter API Testing

We the the following API{lat}&lon={lon}&appid={API key}


We need to register and to get a free API. Once we have an API, set a location (lat, lon) = -33.98728,151.0931381, which is a location in Connells Point, New South Wales 2221, Australia.

The API call for the location is

Here, we have:

  • protocol: https
  • Hostname:
  • Path: /data/2.5/weather
  • First parameter name, first parameter value: lat, -33.98728
  • Second parameter name, second parameter value: lon, 151.0931381
  • Third parameter name, third parameter value: appid, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX5f8a2 (My API key at Open Weather Map)

Apply the values into JMeter settings and run

JMeter-API-Testing-01.png JMeter-API-Testing-02.png

Jmeter Database Testing

JMeter-JDBC-testing-01.png JMeter-JDBC-testing-02.png

JMeter Variables, Random Number, Functions


JMeter Logic Controllers


Generate JMeter jmx with ChatGPT

The prompt

Write a jmx file for JMeter version 5.6 load test.

JMX file name: LoadTestLocalhost.jmx (in XML format)

Define JMeter variables

  • protocol: http
  • servername: localhost
  • target URL port: 8000
  • main website: /
  • blog post 80: "?p=80"
  • blog page 2: "page_id=2"

Target website:

Target URLs


  • Threads
  • Number of threads: 100
  • Ramp-up period (seconds): 2
  • Loop Count: 10

JMeter Useful Resources



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