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Releases: vukani-dev/improvement-roll

Version 1.3.0

27 Sep 18:50
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Adding global logger for debugging.
Reworked how time works to a minutes based structure for tasks.
Added community category page where you can share categories with other users.

First off, export all categories to ensure you wont lose anything!

With version 1.3 there is a change from time to minutes. Rolling is governed by that and the new timeRange variable set in advanced settings (which is default to 2).
This makes category creation more flexible as you no longer need to adhear to the strict time ranges that were there before.

However, if you have categories with tasks that are still using time there may be some unforseen effects from updating to v1.3+.
In general this is what you can do to roll those older categories over:

  • In the app edit the category's tasks. Each task will have a blank input for minutes. Set the appropriate minutes for each task and save the category
  • You can also export your categories, edit the time attribute to minutes, set the appropriate minutes, Reset the data on the app (found in adv settings), and import them back into the app.

Version 1.2

23 May 11:30
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Adds the ability to import and export categories.
Supported files are JSON, YAML, and TOML.
JSON supports import/export of multiple categories

Version 1.1

15 Apr 23:12
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This version adds a dark mode toggle in the options screen.
Also restyling the Category Selection, Create/Edit Category, Roll Result, and Options pages to fit with both modes.

Version 1.0

06 Apr 19:34
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Initial version on the app with correct permissions (none needed)