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Layout is a DSL for Auto Layout

Swift Package Manager Twitter: @vt_codes

The DSL allows you to replace this:

label.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false

        equalTo: button.bottomAnchor,
        constant: 10
        equalTo: button.leadingAnchor
        lessThanOrEqualTo: view.widthAnchor,
        constant: -35
        equalToConstant: button.leadingAnchor

with this:

label.layout {
    $ == button.bottomAnchor + 10
    $0.leading == button.leadingAnchor
    $0.width <= view.widthAnchor - 35
    $0.height == 40


To install Layout, use the Swift Package Manager by declaring Layout as a dependency in your Package.swift file:

.package(url: "", from: "0.2.0")

For more information, see the Swift Package Manager documentation.


Call the layout function on your UIView instance with a closure in which you declare the constraints between the different attributes of your views:

Quick Start

import Layout

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    lazy var box = UIView()

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        self.view.addSubview(box) = .red {
            $0.centerX == self.view.centerXAnchor
            $0.centerY == self.view.centerYAnchor
            $0.height == 80
            $0.width == 80

Multiple configuration steps

Layout includes a convenience API that extends UIView by executing a closure after adding a given view as a subview, like this:

self.view.add(box, then: {
    $0.layout {
        $0.centerX == self.view.centerXAnchor
        $0.centerY == self.view.centerYAnchor
        $0.height == 80
        $0.width == 80

Please Note:

Every view on the left hand side of an equality (==) or inequality (>=, <=) operator, Layout will automatically set its translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints property to false.

If the view is not controlled by you – for example if it belongs to a Apple-provided UIViewController class – you should take appropriate care when declaring its constraints.

Supported attributes

Layout supports the following iOS attributes:

  • top
  • bottom
  • leading
  • right
  • trailing
  • left
  • centerX
  • centerY
  • width
  • height

Xcode Previews

As of version 0.3.0, Layout now includes some abstractions to get the most out of Xcode’s SwiftUI-powered Previews feature. We can now quickly preview what a UIView or UIViewController will look like when rendered in both light and dark mode, using a single PreviewProvider:

For UIView, use previewAsComponent()

import UIKit
import SwiftUI
import Layout

class SampleView: UIView {
    // UI code goes here

// The code below is all you need for Xcode to render the Preview
@available(iOS 13, *)
struct SampleViewPreview: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

For UIViewController, use .previewAsScreen()

import UIKit
import SwiftUI
import Layout

class SampleViewController: UIViewController {
    // Controller code goes here

// The code below is all you need for Xcode to render the Preview
@available(iOS 13, *)
struct SampleViewPreview: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        SampleViewController().previewAsScreen(on: [

Layout also ships with a preview primitive, .asPreview(), which works for both UIView UIViewController. This gives us more control over how we want to preview our components. For example, we we can use the systemBackground API on UIColor to mimic what our component will look like when displayed in dark mode (even if its environment will still remain in light mode):

struct TableViewCellPreview: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        TableViewCell(style: .subtitle, reuseIdentifier: "Cell")
            .environment(\.sizeCategory, .accessibilityLarge)

It is recommended to wrap the preview in a DEBUG compiler directive. Doing this will prevent us from accidentally using this type in our production code - the compiler would throw an error when we build our app for release if we did.


Layout is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.