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Library for recording browser-based animations.

Builds heavily on d3. Recording of animations is performed using library puppeteer of Node.js, ffmpeg, and some trickery dealing with d3-transitions and internal timer of the browser (inspired by examples in here and here).

Used mainly for my own projects. That is, some parts of the program can be sloppily written. Usage at one's own risk!

Copyright (c) 2020 NoobQuant/Ville Voutilainen.



  • d3 v5.15.1. Stored under src/dependencies/d3.
  • d3-xyzoom v1.5.0. Stored under src/dependencies/d3-xyzoom.


Have following installed on your computer:

How to use:

  • Create project folder, e.g. /projects/my_project or somewhere outside the repo.
  • For a new scene, copy a template src/template.hrml, move it project folder and rename file, e.g. <my_scene.html>.
  • Specify js-import paths in scene file. Paths are relative to scene file path. If project folder is located in path /projects/my_project, then paths are already correctly specified.
  • Set up local server on a drive with access to project folder.
  • Code the scene. Examples given in folder mwes/. Inspect in browser that everything works.
  • Once done, make use document.URL.includes('my_scene') to hack browser internal timer (file name is included for sure in the document URL).
  • In record.ps1, specify paths
    • pathToAnimaLib: Full path to animlib repo on local drive.
    • pathToVids: Full path to local folder where recorded videos are put.
    • pathToPuppeteer: Full path path to node.js modules local folder node_modules/puppeteer. Puppeteer is used form this folder.
    • seconds: How many secons to record.
    • projectPathLocalHost: localhost URL to scene file.
    • outputVidName: Name for output video.
  • Restart localhost connection to be sure.
  • Set paths record.ps1. Run record.ps1 e.g. in PowerShell ISE.


Documentation forthcoming. Run jsdoc -c jsdoc.json.