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Concise type assertions like a<map<fn:s>>. Expressions are parsed just once: it generates functions and caches them. Supports the types of kind-of and has short aliases for most.

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const t = require('mini-type-assert')

class Example {
  constructor(age, mixed, words, store, opts = {}) {
    this.age = t(age, 'n', 'age')
    this.mixed = t(mixed, 'a<s|n>', 'mixed') = t(store, 'map<fn:re>', 'store')

    // Spaces are allowed
    this.words = t(words, 'a < /^[a-z]+$/ >', 'words')

    // Or use placeholders
    this.words = t(words, 'a<$>', 'words', /^[a-z]+$/)

    // Throw if a is defined and not a boolean
    const { a = false } = t(opts, 'o<bool>', 'opts')

// Instantiate maps with key-value pairs
const goodboy = new Map([ [function(){}, /a/] ])
const badboy = new Map([ ['not a function', /a/] ])

// Okay
new Example(27, [1, 'a'], ['beep'], goodboy, { a: true })

// Throws
new Example('bad', [null], ['BEEP'], badboy, { a: 0 })


If you like ES7 decorators, check out mini-type-decorator.

const t = require('mini-type-decorator')

@t('a<s>', ['n', (n) => n <= 10], 'o<b>')
class Example {
  constructor(tags, grade, flags = {}) {
    this.tags = tags

  say(what) {

t(value, assertion, name, ...placeholders)

The first three arguments are required. Throws if value does not pass assertion. Otherwise, returns value. The name will be used in the error message.


If assertion is a string or regular expression, it will be treated as a type expression (see below). If it's a function, it will receive the value and should return false if the value is invalid. A boolean assertion works like assert(assertion === true). If assertion is an array, each element must pass assertion. For example, to assert that an argument is a number and greater than two: t(arg, ['n', (v) => v > 2 ], 'arg').

type expressions

  • Aliases: a<s|f> is arr<str|fn> is array<string|function>. See the full list.
  • Member types: a<n> (an array of numbers). Note that the entire iterable (array, object, map, ..) will be traversed, so use it wisely.
  • Member key types: map<r:n> (a Map with regular expressions for keys and numbers for values). Again, traversed entirely. Key types are ignored for arrays (can only be numbers) and objects (can only be strings).
  • OR: n|s (a number or string)
  • Regular expressions:
    • /\d/ (a string containing at least one number)
    • a < /^x$/i > (an array containing "x" or "X" strings)
    • map < /^[a-z]+$/ : /^[a-z]+$/ > (a Map with lowercase strings for both keys and values)
  • Negation: !fn (anything but a function)
  • Whitespace: s | a is s|a. Except within regular expressions, spaces are ignored.
  • Operator precedence: s|a<n|b> (a string, or an array containing numbers or booleans)
  • Placeholders: t(1, '$|$', 'arg', 's', 'n') is the same as t(1, 's|n', 'arg')


With npm do:

npm install mini-type-assert --save


MIT © Vincent Weevers


Concise type assertions like a<map<fn:s>>







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