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Debian package version of geekwork-x735-v2.5 scripts.


Unlike original scripts it has the following differences:

  • safe shutdown script is integrated as special systemd service and is activated automatically by default shutdown command.
  • FAN uses hardware PWM implementation.
  • FAN start/stop parameters can be adjusted via '/etc/geekworm/config.conf' configuration.


  1. Download package from github releases section or build package locally with package/ script.

  2. Copy and install package to raspberry pi:

    sudo dpkg -i geekworm-x735-v2.5_<package_version>_all.deb
    sudo apt-get install --fix-broken


sudo apt-get remove geekworm-x735-v2.5

Power consumption optimization

Fan script uses pigpiod, that consumes 4-6% of CPU in idle state. To reduce CPU usage you can disable alert functionality of pigpiod, as it isn't requires by fan scripts:

  1. Edit file /usr/lib/systemd/system/pigpiod.service to add -m -s 10 to daemon startup options:

    # ...
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/pigpiod -l -m -s 10
    # ...
  2. Reload systemd and restart service:

    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl restart pigpiod


If you need to check fan settings (minimal temperature to start fan, etc.), you need to edit /etc/geekworm/config.conf configuration file and restart fan service:

sudo systemctl restart geekworm-x735-fan