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What‘s this

  • Vanguard is a minimalist gateway service powered by bun
  • The configuration interface is built using react + umijs
  • Use SQLite / redis as a persistent storage solution

What functions are there

  • Support for multi-user login
  • Support for service provisioning
  • Support for Runtime Logging
  • Support for custom interceptors/checkers
  • Support access path black/white list
  • Support visit ip black/white list
  • More features and experience optimization continue to be improved...

How to use

Configure production environment variables

Configure in packages/backend/.env.production as required

# Service run port

# Front-end page path

# DB_TYPE=sqlite
# Database type, support sqlite and redis

# DBC=mydb.sqlite
# SQLite file path or redis database connection address
# If DB_TYPE is redis, the format is redis[s]://[[username][:password]@][host][:port][/db-number]

# Runtime Log Directory

Using Docker

  1. Clone this project
git clone
  1. Enter the project directory and build the image

    Note: redis is not included in the docker environment, if you choose redis,you can use a remote redis connection or install it manually outside the container and configure it in the environment variables

cd vanguard
docker build -t vanguard .
# docker build -t vanguard . --build-arg DB_TYPE=redis DBC=redis://
# docker build -t vanguard . --build-arg DB_TYPE=sqlite DBC=mydb.sqlite
  1. Run the image, docker container internal services use port 7087 by default, mapped outside the container port 8080
docker run -id --name=vanguard -p 8080:7087 vanguard

Do not use Docker

  1. Clone this project
git clone
  1. Enter the project directory, install the dependencies and start the service, which uses port 7087 by default

    Note: if you choose redis, redis needs to be installed and configured in advance, either using a remote redis connection or installed locally and configured in the environment variable

cd vanguard

npm run i
# The bun and project dependencies will be installed automatically. If the installation of the bun fails, you can install it manually using the following command:
# curl -fsSL | bash

bun serve

Visit the service path /_ and login account to access the configuration screen

(default user: admin, password: admin

Development Debugging

  1. Environmental Preparation

Install bun

curl -fsSL | bash

If you choose redis, install redis,if there is a remote redis available, you can use the remote connection

  1. Clone this project
git clone
  1. Enter the project directory, install the dependencies, and start the service

    The front-end project uses port 7086 by default, and the server uses port 7087 by default.

cd vanguard
bun run i
bun start

Visit the service path http://localhost:7086/_ or http://localhost:7087/_ to access the configuration

  1. Directory Structure
🛡︎ vanguard
 └ 📦 packages
    ├ 📂 backend
    | └ 📂 app
    |   ├ 🛢️ database
    |   ├ 📜 guard
    |   ├ 🛠️ utils
    |   ├ 📑 web
    |   └ index.ts
    ├ 📂 frontend
    | ├ 📜 .umirc.ts
    | └ 📂 src
    |   ├ 📜 assets
    |   ├ 📜 config
    |   ├ 📜 hooks
    |   ├ 📜 layout
    |   ├ 📜 pages
    |   ├ 📜 services
    |   ├ 📜 utils
    |   └ 📜 wrappers
    └ 📂 shared
        ├ 📜 models
        └ 📜 types