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Tobie Langel edited this page Feb 9, 2016 · 5 revisions

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Issue#72 summary table

  1. API style
Choices Pros Cons
subscribe() style
(Current style)
- Possible to disable by 'unsubscribe'.
- Can save CPU, memory consumption?
- 'Subscribe' is not common style.
No good reputation for developers.
(Suggested from Generic Sensor API, DOM events, etc.)
- Common style. Developers are familiar to this. - Unsubscribe using either EventTarget.removeEventListeners() or setting eventhandler (e.g. onchange to null)
- Multiple callback supported using EventTarget.addEventListeners()
  1. Interface grouping (encapsulation)
Choices Pros Cons
Current style
(e.g. Fuel.subscribe())
- Possible to get group of values by one get()/subscribe().
- Easy to use when only coarse values are needed.
- Not possible to get()/subscibe() by only one attribute.
- Not possible to set different interval/threshold to attributes
Separated style.
(e.g. something like Fuel.level.subscirbe())
- Possible to get()/subscribe() by only one attribute.
- Possible to set different interval/threshold to each attribute
- Need to set get()/subscribe() for each attributes one by one.
  1. Constructor or not
Choices Pros Cons
Current style
(e.g. navigator.vehicle.door.subscribe())
- Simple and at least usable. - Not modern. Not flexible.
- Global name space pollution?
Using Constructor
(e.g. var door = new Vehicle.Door() )
- Modern style.
- Flexible to use.
- Memory consumption?
  1. Other topics
Choices Pros Cons
- -
- -
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