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updated; editorial guidelines in english
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r12a committed Jul 17, 2015
1 parent 64b2b51 commit 35bc91c
Showing 1 changed file with 67 additions and 5 deletions.
72 changes: 67 additions & 5 deletions
@@ -1,13 +1,75 @@
**中文排版需求 Requirements for Chinese Text Layout**

[英文版 English(TBC)](
[中文版 Chinese](

本需求文档由[W3C 国际化工作组]([W3C HTML5中文兴趣组](共同发布和审阅。
This document is being developed by the Chinese Layout Task Force and the W3C Internationalization Working Group.


Feedback about the content of this document can be submitted via issues or a pull request in the GitHub repo. If those approaches are not possible or convenient, you are also welcome to send your comments to (for discussion in English), or (for discussion in Chinese).

Feedback about the content of this document can be submitted via issues or pull request in the GitHub repo. You are also welcome to send your comments to []([subscribe]( (for discussion in English), or []([subscribe]( and []([subscribe]( (for discussion in Chinese).

若对本文档有任何建议或反馈,欢迎通过GitHub提交issues或者pull request。同时也欢迎使用[]([订阅](与[]([订阅](进行关于本文档的中文讨论或[]([订阅](进行关于本文档的英文讨论。

This document is a colaboreration between the [W3C Internationalization Working Group]( and the [W3C HTML5 Chinese Interest Group](
Editorial guidelines:

Combining the English and Chinese text in one document makes it much easier to develop and maintain content in both languages in parallel. Note that the English version will be the authoritative version, since it is more widely accessible to developers around the world.

Creating or modifying content

When creating new content, you should always create markup for both Chinese and English versions.

<p data-lang="zh">这是中国的文字。</p>
<p data-lang="en">The same text in English.</p>

If you are able to create text in both English and Chinese, please do so. If you are only able to create text in one language, still create the dual structure in markup, but put the same text in both places. Then add class="translateme" to the text that needs translation.

<p data-lang="zh">这是中国的文字。</p>
<p data-lang="en" class="translateme">这是中国的文字。</p>

If you change existing text, and if that change requires a change in the parallel translation but you are unable to do so, add class="translateme" to the text that needs to be updated.

When text highlighted by the translateme class is updated, and matches the recent changes in the other language, the class should be removed.

Markup tips

Here are some tips on how to maintain the parallel language structure in markup. The principles in these example approaches should be extended to other markup as needed.

The chinese text should always come before the english text.

List elements need p elements inside them:
<p data-lang="zh">这是中国的文字。</p>
<p data-lang="en" class="translateme">这是中国的文字。</p>

Headings should use spans for en and zh versions, and there should be a line break between spans.
<h2><span data-lang="zh">中文标签头</span>
<span data-lang="en">My heading</span></h2>

Ids should go on section elements, not hx elements.
<section id="h_my_heading">
<h2><span data-lang="zh">中文标签头</span>
<span data-lang="en">My heading</span></h2>

Ids on dfn elements should start with xxdef, where xx is either en or zh.
<p data-lang="zh”>这个<dfn id="zhdef_term">词语</dfn>是一个技术用语。</p>
<p data-lang="en">The <dfn id="endef_term">term</dfn> is a technical word.</p>

Figcaptions should use spans for the different language versions.
Main figure content here.
<figcaption><span data-lang="zh">大写文字</span>
<span data-lang="en">My caption</span></figcaption>

Feedback about the content of this document can be submitted via issues or pull request in the GitHub repo. You are also welcome to send your comments to []([subscribe]( (for discussion in English), or []([subscribe]( and []([subscribe]( (for discussion in Chinese).
For additional ideas about markup and styling in Internationalization Activity documents, especially wrt inline markup conventions, see

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