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DCAT 2 Future Priority Work

Closed Apr 22, 2024 100% complete

This milestone contains issues that will not make the DCAT CR either due to lack of progress or because they imply further examples or 'primer' information that may be delivered in other ways.

The existence of this milestone for tracking purposes should not be read as a decision to continue work to a subsequent candidate recommendation beyond '2'. The aim…

This milestone contains issues that will not make the DCAT CR either due to lack of progress or because they imply further examples or 'primer' information that may be delivered in other ways.

The existence of this milestone for tracking purposes should not be read as a decision to continue work to a subsequent candidate recommendation beyond '2'. The aim is that it will track the "important" issues and requirements that represent potentially desirable features that might drive future work beyond the existing charter. Generally, these issues are those that the existing DCAT sub-group would address next, if time and resource had been available.

This milestone is closed.

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