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Notes on the initial content of the recommended context

Ivan Herman edited this page Dec 11, 2019 · 4 revisions

Relationship to the RDFa initial context

Most of the terms from the initial context have been taken over from the RDFa initial context, but I believe some of the terms may be not be appropriate for the recommended context, so I did not incorporate them. They are listed in a separate file on the repository; the group should decide on whether it is indeed o.k. not to use them.

Vocabularies in the RDFa initial context that have not been added

  • "earl":"", "cnt":"", "ht":"", and "ptr":"":

    all these vocabularies defined for EARL which was never finalized as a Recommendation, and never got any traction outside of the W3C testing process.

  • "ctag":"":

    the URL goes to a 404…

  • "people":"":

    the URL goes to a 404…; in any case, it is an old, experimental vocabulary for describing people, and is probably deprecated in favor of and/or foaf

  • "gr":"":

    the Good Relations terms have been reproduced in; it is not clear whether the original namespace is still in use

  • "grddl":"":

    closely related to the (hardly ever used) GRDDL recommendation, probably of no use in a JSON environment

  • "ical":"":

    a vocabulary defined in an old project on calendars; I guess most of the terms have now been defined in (Event, attendee, etc.)

  • "rev":"":

    defined in RDF Review Vocabulary; I have never seen this in usage…

  • "rdfa": "":

    defined for some RDFa-related processing, probably irrelevant for JSON-LD data

  • "rif": "":

    defined for some RIF-related processing, probably irrelevant for JSON-LD data

  • "sd":"":

    defined for some SPARQL-related processing, probably irrelevant for JSON-LD data

  • "xml":"":

    the terms defined in this namespace (lang, id, base, etc) have a counterpart in JSON-LD and should not be used in this context…

  • "v":"":

    obsoleted by, goes to a 404…

  • "wdr":"" and "wdrs":"":

    both defined by the POWDER recommendation. Alas!, this recommendation has never been in use and, in any case, the vocabulary is bound to the processing of Powder…

Terms in the RDFa initial context that have not been added

  • "describedby":"":

    see the remark on POWDER above

  • "role":"":

    alas!, the role HTML attribute has been fully taken over by ARIA, which means that its old usage should probably be deprecated. Better not to promote it…

Term in the RDFa initial context that has been modified:

  • "license": {"@id" : "schema:license", "@type" : "@id"} (was mapped onto xhv:license, which is bound to (X)HTML…)

Terms from the context file that have been added:


There were a number of inconsistencies between the RDFa initial context and on the various Dublin Core prefixes. To reconcile, some of these have been duplicated, to keep the prefixes, too, yielding:

  • dc and dc11 both denoting
  • dct and dcterms both denoting
  • dctype denoting

Added terms

Based on earlier discussions, the following terms have been added to help the documentation of data:

  • "type":"@type"
  • "id":"@type"
  • "none":"@none"
  • "direction":"@direction",
  • `"language":"@language",
  • "label": "rdfs:label"
  • "comment": "rdfs:comment"
  • "isDefinedBy": {"@id" : "rdfs:isDefinedBy", "@type" : "@id"}
  • "seeAlso": {"@id" : "rdfs:seeAlso", "@type" : "@id"}
  • "HTML": "rdf:HTML"
  • "JSON": "rdf:JSON"