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libwww 5.4.1 release

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@jkbzh jkbzh released this 05 Jan 18:01
· 10 commits to master since this release

This was the last release of libwww, but it never get packaged. I updated the autoconf tools and expat to do so. The code is the same as it was at the time of the last development for 5.4.1.

You can also find the packaged tar and zip files for this release as well as older ones at . Installation, bootstraping, changelogs, and additional information is available from

This version compiles and runs well under Debian jessie. It wasn't tested under Windows or other flavors of linux.

Note that there is a potential security issue with the cache and its use of libc's "tempnam" function. This is a known issue of libc and requires changes in libwww's code to use mkstemp or a similar function instead.

libwww is not maintained anymore by W3C. It was donated to the community around 2004.
