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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 25, 2019. It is now read-only.

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229 lines (168 loc) · 8.5 KB

File metadata and controls

229 lines (168 loc) · 8.5 KB

Grant of License

By contributing material to this repository ("Contribution"), you hereby agree to license your Contribution under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY 3.0), and to include the appropriate copyright notice required by the license.

You represent that that you are legally entitled to grant the above license. If your employer(s) has rights to the intellectual property that you create that includes your Contributions, you represent that you have received permission to make Contributions on behalf of that employer and that your employer has waived such rights for your Contributions to W3C.


All content from this repository is provided as is, and W3C makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or title; nor that the contents of this repository are suitable for any purpose.

Build tool

This website is Jekyll. This transforms the source content into a set of static HTML pages which can then be served using any webserver.

Deployment in Production

The production copy of this website is located at domain. It is hosted on GitHub. In order to build the static copy of the website, a travis script is run on each commit to the master branch. This performs the build steps and pushes the result to a second repository containing only the output HTML and other assets.

Testing Changes Locally

Building the tests locally requires Ruby and Ruby Gems. These are installed by default on many systems; if they are not present on your system they can be installed using your package manager or via the installers downloadable on their websites.

If it not already installed the bundler program should then be installed using

$ gem install bundler

The dependencies can then be installed using the bundle command:

$ bundle install

If you are running Xcode 5.1 or over and get the following error when installing,

clang: error: unknown argument: '-multiply_definedsuppress' [-Wunused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future]

this is a known issue and you will need to install jekyll with the following command. (You may need to do this from a superuser shell.)

$ ARCHFLAGS=-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future gem install github-pages

This will also install rake, a make-like tool that defines a number of targets corresponding to useful operations. To start a local server use rake serve

$ rake serve

Once this has finished building, navigate your browser to http://localhost:4000 to see the site.

Modifications to the source code get automatically picked-up and displayed on page refresh.

Documentation format

Documentation should be written using Markdown. It will be transformed into HTML during the build process.

To ease online review, lines should be no longer than 80 characters. This is greatly simplified by using reference style links placed at the bottom of the page. For example (lifted off John Gruber's Markdown Syntax guide):

This is [an example][eg] reference-style link.


Then, anywhere in the document (usually at the end), you define your link
label like this, on a line by itself:


Favor named referenced over indexed ones, as those make refactoring much simpler.

As an added benefit, this syntax makes keeping links up to date a lot easier as they are all placed together at the bottom of the page.

Blog post format

Blog post should be written using either HTML or Markdown. In Jekyll, blog posts are just regular text files which get treated differently when following a few simple conventions (mainly file names and directory structure) as described in the online documentation.

All blog posts must be located in the _posts directory and must use the post template (which should be specified in the YAML front-matter).

Blog posts can be of three different types. Regular, in depth posts should use the post type, shorter posts, the quickpost type, and newsletter posts… the newsletter type. Types are added using YAML front-matter.

Note that posts of type post will have data pulled from the people database located in the site-wide config file in order to populate their "about the author section".

Also noteworthy is the ability to signal when posts have been cross-posted elsewhere. This can be done using the x-post property in the YAML front-matter.

Event page format

Event pages should be written in HTML. A lot of the content is automatically generated from data placed in the YAML front-matter. This includes:

  • name of the city (city, and localized_city fields),
  • date of the event (date, and localized_date fields),
  • title of the page (optional title field),
  • list of event sponsors (sponsors field),
  • list of event speakers (speakers field), and
  • list of event experts (experts field).

Setting the language of the page (lang field) can help automatically localize some of the above.

There are good examples of how to author this YAML front-matter in the page for the Seattle event.

The sponsors, speakers and experts field simply pull data out of the site-wide config file (a poor man's db) which they run through templates to produce markup. So for example:

lang: zho
speakers: [Rebecca Hauck]

will automatically create the following HTML markup:

<div class="speakers">
  <h2 id="speakers">专家</h2>
  <div class="media col-md-4">
    <img class="media-object thumbnail pull-left" width="48" height="48"
      src="/assets/experts/rhauck.jpg" alt="Picture of Rebecca Hauck">
    <h4 class="media-heading">Rebecca Hauck</h4>
       <p>Adobe, CSS Working Group</p>

Note that while sponsors get automatically added to the end of the events page, speakers and experts need to be included via an include tag at the desired location. E.g.:

<p>Some content goes here:</p>

{% include events/speakers.html %}

<p>All talks will be given in English.</p>

{% include events/experts.html %}

Should you need to modify or add a speaker, expert or sponsor, please do so in the config file. The format is YAML of which JSON is a subset. Note that speakers and experts share the same people entry.

File names

File names should be lowercased, hyphenated and use the .md extension for Markdown-formated content (e.g.: The build step will change these to review-process.html and use it as URL.

Contribution workflow

Contributions should follow the standard open source GitHub workflow (fork the repository, work off topic-branches, send atomic commits as pull requests, and get them reviewed by a peer).

Generally, contributing to a doc will imply:

  1. commenting on the issue to announce you're planning to work on it,
  2. looking at existing docs to find related content,
  3. using an online service to convert that content to Markdown,
  4. copyediting it,
  5. adding YAML front-matter, and
  6. sending a pull request.

Thanks for your help!