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Luke Warlow edited this page Jun 27, 2024 · 30 revisions

Here we list the open source projects we know of that already integrate with Trusted Types. We also link to the respective code commits to guide future integrations.


Project Version Policy name Notes Links
Angular 12.1.1 angular, angular#unsafe-bypass, angular#unsafe-jit, angular#bundler docs, whitepaper
Angular Components angular#components PR
Closure library goog#html, goog#base, goog#base#devonly#eval Policy name configurable with --define goog.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY_NAME=foo Commits
CodeMirror n/a (no violating code) PR
DOMPurify 2.0.0 dompurify with optional suffix Use RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE config setting PR
emscripten emscripten#workerPolicy1, emscripten#workerPolicy2, emscripten#workerPolicy3 Use TRUSTED_TYPES=1 setting PR
FAST User-created Pass a policy through DOM.setHTMLPolicy from @microsoft/fast-element Documentation
Highcharts 9.3.2 highcharts Changelog
jQuery 4.0.0 n/a (no violating code) jQuery accepts Trusted Types objects in functions that modify HTML (e.g. .html()) Issue
Karma 4.4.0 karma PR
Karma-jasmine-html-reporter 1.4.2 karma-jasmine-html-reporter PR
lit-html 1.3.0 lit-html
Polymer polymer-html-literal Issue
Safe Pug templates
safevalues google#safe
Visual Studio Code / Monaco Editor Issue
webpack 5.37.0 Defined in output.uniqueName Use output.trustedTypes config option.
  • TypeScript type annotations via DefinitelyTyped. Use via npm install --save @types/trusted-types

In progress

Using Trusted Types in your projects? Let us know!

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