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Jonathan Jackson edited this page Oct 21, 2018 · 5 revisions

The W3Develops Project Management Repository of Knowledge

Welcome to the PMRoK Wiki!


The W3Develops Project Management Repository of Knowledge is a place for W3Develops project managers to share information and lessons learned with one another. While no one project management methodology is used within the W3Develops organization, the ones used are all rooted in an Agile and Lean way of directing and performing project work.

The information included here is free for you to share inside and outside your teams. However, as a W3Develops PM you have the responsibility of helping this site grow and mature by:

  • Ensuring that the information here is accurate. You are expected to either open an Issue for any errors or inconsistencies you find or, in the spirit of Agile development, fix it yourself.
  • Collaborating with your fellow PM's to identify areas of our project management practices and processes that need improvement and creating the content needed to fill any gaps.
  • Questioning the status quo. We should drive continuous improvement by reflecting on what we do, finding faster and better ways to manage our projects, and being open to new ways of doing things.

Issues & Questions

Issues and questions should be logged in the PMRoK Issue Log. This is important to ensure that issues and questions are addressed in a timely manner and so serve as both an ongoing reference as well as a historical record.

For information about how to open an issue see Gary Siu's answer to How do I open a issue on a GitHub repository in this wiki.