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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 26, 2022. It is now read-only.


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⚠️ Deprecation

The app has been deprecated in favour of


Utility to claim and transfer your Kusama/Polkadot validator rewards.

How it works

The tool uses a configuration file to request pending payout claims and optionally send the rewards to different accounts.

You can start by cloning the repo and installiing the dependencies, NodeJS and Yarn are required:

$ git clone
$ cd polkadot-payouts
$ yarn

Then you should create a configuration file, you can start by copying a sample provided with the repo and customizing it:

$ cp config/main.sample.yaml config/main.yaml

Now you can customize config/main.yaml, see the following configurations about how to do it. Once you are done you can run the tool with:

$ yarn start

Helm Chart

A helm chart for a deployment on Kubernetes could be found here


  • Claim for a third party
  • Check Only for missing claims
  • Claim, each for himslef
  • Transfer to a destination wallet what you have just claimed

Configuration - Claim for a third party

This is a typical configuration file to use the "Claim for a third party" feature:

# config/main.yaml
logLevel: info
wsEndpoint: "wss://"
    filePath: /path/to/validator-000/keystore
    passwordPath: /path/to/validator-000/keystore/password
  - alias: validator-000
    validatorAddress: "<validator-000-stash-address>"
  - alias: validator-001
    validatorAddress: "<validator-001-stash-address>"  

You should define the RPC endpoint to use in the wsEndpoint field.


This block is composed by three elements:

  • The Claimer Keystore: it includes the information about the claimer account keystore, in particular the paths to the keystore file and the password file.
  • ParallelExecution: it is an optional field. If enabled, the requests will be handled in a parallel fashion. Don't increase the degree of parallelism field too much if you don't want to run out of memory or to be filtered out from the substrate node you are connected with.
  • An array of elements/targets that describe each of the reward claims to perform. It should include information on the addresses of the validators you are willing to take care of

About - Keystore Password File

The password file should not contain any trailing new line charaters, therefore you could use this command to be sure to create a properly formatted password file: echo -n "yourPassword" > yourFileName

Optional - Grace Period

This is an optional parameter you can add to configure a grace period limitation you wish to introduce: it will prevent a claim to be triggered if the validator rewards is not "old" enough eras from the current one.
For example, in Kusama this is equivalent to a grace period of 4 days:

# config/main.yaml
logLevel: info
wsEndpoint: "wss://"
  enabled: true
  eras: 16
    filePath: /path/to/validator-000/keystore
    passwordPath: /path/to/validator-000/keystore/password
  - alias: validator-000
    validatorAddress: "<validator-000-stash-address>"
  - alias: validator-001
    validatorAddress: "<validator-001-stash-address>"  

Configuration - Check Only for missing claims

This is a typical configuration file to use the "Check Only for missing claims" feature:

# config/main.yaml
logLevel: info
wsEndpoint: "wss://"
- alias: validator-000
  validatorAddress: "<validator-000-stash-address>"
- alias: validator-001
  validatorAddress: "<validator-001-stash-address>" 

You should define the RPC endpoint to use in the wsEndpoint field.

Configuration - Claim, each for himslef, and transfer to a destination wallet

This is a typical configuration file to use the "Claim for yourself and transfer to destination wallet" feature:

# config/main.yaml
logLevel: info
wsEndpoint: "wss://"
minimumSenderBalance: 100000000000 # bellow this value transfers are not sent by the tool
- alias: validator-000
    filePath: /path/to/validator-000/keystore
    passwordPath: /path/to/validator-000/keystore/password
- alias: validator-001
    filePath: /path/to/validator-001/keystore
    passwordPath: /path/to/validator-001/keystore/password
- sender:
    alias: validator-000
      filePath: /path/to/validator-000/keystore
      passwordPath: /path/to/validator-000/keystore/password
    alias: validator-rewards
    address: "<validator-rewards-address>"
    remaining: 10000000000000 # leave this much in the sender, send the rest
- sender:
    alias: validator-001
      filePath: /path/to/validator-001/keystore
      passwordPath: /path/to/validator-001/keystore/password
    alias: validator-rewards
    address: "<validator-rewards-address>"
    desired: 10000000000000 # send desired - current_receiver_balance, if current_receiver_balance >= desired noop

You should define the RPC endpoint to use in the wsEndpoint field. There are two main blocks, one for claims and other for transactions.


This block is an array of elements that describe each of the reward claims to perform. They should include the information about the validator stash keystore, in particular the paths of the keystore file and the password file. You take special care to make these files only accessible by the user running the tool.


Each of the transaction elements should have information about the sender and the receciver. For the sender, the keystore information is enough. For the receiver you need to specify the address and a potential restriction in the transaction. The restriction can have two different fields:

  • remaining: leave this much in the sender, send the rest
  • desired: send desired minus the receiver current balance, so that at the end the reeiver balance matches the desired value. If the balance of the receiver is greater than the desired vallue then no action is taken.