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Automatic Music Transcription

This repository is based on the repository prepared for the paper written by Kin Wai Cheuk, Yin-Jyun Luo, Emmanouil Benetosand Dorien Herremans

Setup environment

To run all experiments from this project you need to use Python3.8. Because it may be not supported natively on some platforms and linux distributions you can use conda version of python3.8. Unfortunately currently conda does not support some important audio analysis packages, that's why I recommend to setup environment using virtualenv:

  • check if your python version is 3.8 (it should start with 3.8):
    python3 --version
  • check version of virtualenv - in theory it shouldn't make big difference:
    virtualenv --version
  • setup environment using virtualenv:
    virtualenv -p python3.8 venv
  • source into environment and perform requirements installation using pip:
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Note - special version of pytorch needed for GPU support may be needed to be setup seperately, for example using following command:

pip install torch==1.12.0+cu116 torchvision==0.13.0+cu116 torchaudio==0.12.0 --extra-index-url

For details you can visit official pytorch site.

Additionally - to successfully perform dataset creation on your local machine you must use FluidSynth software for music synthesis. It is most commonly distributed under fluidsynth package and you need to install it manually on your operating system. To check if fluidsynth is installed correctly you can use following command:

fluidsynth --version

You must also download some music font for existing FluidSynth distribution and place it in your local home directory (~/.fluidsynth/default_sound_font.sf2). For this project I used FluidR3 soundfont.

Preparing datasets

Each dataset may have specific rules of creation and maintanance.

  • MAPS - is is the most popular dataset for automatic music transcription. Is embedded into this project in data directory. It is important to mention, that it is modified version (changed format of audio data) and data/MAPS is shared under non-comercial Creative Commons license. It is ready to use.
  • GuitarSet - it is dataset containing recording of guitar music and transcription in jams format.. To use it in project you need to download it. There is jupyter notebook called prepare_guitarset.ipynb located in data directory, which will help you with download, extraction and preparation of GuitarSet data to be used in the project. If you want to do it in one command you can use inside data directory:
    cd data
    Note: you may encounter warning about SoX library missing, but this shouldn't make any problems and you can safely ignore it.
  • SynthesizedInstruments - this dataset needs to be generated using methods for synthesized music creation. It is created by taking all transcriptions for MAPS and GuitarSet and making music from them using different synthesized instruments. Number of instruments is not limited. After choosing this dataset for training or evaluation the program will look for all instruments stored in directories starting with word synthesize* in data directory of dataaset_root_dir.
    WARNING! you need to have valid GuitarSet and MAPS dataset before generation of synthesized instruments!
    To generate synthesized datasets you need to run (it takes one argument - output directory) and manually modify list of instruments (inside script):
    python .
    It may take a while...
    Note: fluidsynth: panic: An error occurred while reading from stdin is normal error, data seems to be generated correctly and it sounds well.

Training the transcription model

The python script can be run using using the sacred syntax with.

python with train_on=<arg> spec=<arg> device=<arg> destination_dir=<arg> logdir=<arg> refresh=<arg> dataset_root_dir=<arg> model_type=<arg> pretrained_model_path=<arg>
  • train_on: the dataset to be trained on. Either MAPS or GuitarSet or SynthesizedInstruments
  • spec: the input spectrogram type. Either Mel or CQT (default CQT).
  • device: the device to be trained on. Either cpu or cuda:0
  • destination_dir: specify destination directory for all outputs for training using default description method (default destination directory is runs)
  • logdir: specify special name for log directory - overrides destination dir, use only when you want to manually specify deterministic (no date-dependent) output directory
  • refresh: specify if spectrograms needs to be refreshed for dataset. If set to True then preprocessed data will be used. It will slow down data preparation phase of training (default: False).
  • dataset_root_dir: use different directory as a base for datasets (data directory). Useful for different bases for synthesized instruments. Default value is current directory (./)
  • model_type: using this parameter model type may be changed. Default model for transcription is unet and it is the main part of this experiment. There is experimental support for resnet model, but it appears to not work very well for transcription.
  • pretrained_model_path: path to weight file (with .pt extension) containing pretrained model - transfers all weights from this model at the beginning of training.
  • other params: there are a lot of params used for model customization and possible variations. My recommendation is to leave it with default values. Most of them are not needed and will be removed in the future.

Evaluating the model and exporting the midi files

python with weight_file=<arg> device=<arg>
  • weight_file: path to file with .pt extension containing dictionary with model parameters. in directory containing this model eval directory will be created, containing results of evaluation.
  • dataset: which dataset to evaluate on, can be either MAPS or GuitarSet or SynthesizedInstruments.
  • dataset_root_dir: use different directory as a base for datasets (data directory). Useful for different bases for synthesized instruments.
  • device: the device to be trained on. Either cpu or cuda:0

To calculate average results for all evaluated models, after evaluation of all of them you should run script.


Environment and framework to perform automatic music transcription using deep neural networks.







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