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Install Environment with Docker

Waldeyr Mendes Cordeiro da Silva edited this page Apr 2, 2019 · 1 revision

Have you installed docker in your computer?


Downloading the docker container with all environment


Running a docker with the ready environment

docker run -ti waldeyr/in_silico_metabolic_modeling_and_engineering:v1.0 bash

Optionally, you can map the docker simulation folder to your local computer

docker run -v $HOME/docker/shared:/home/docker/shared -ti waldeyr/in_silico_metabolic_modeling_and_engineering:v1.0 bash

Optionally, you can map the docker neo4j ports to your local computer

docker run -p 7474:7474 -v $HOME/docker/shared:/home/docker/shared -ti waldeyr/in_silico_metabolic_modeling_and_engineering:v1.0 bash

Neo4J browser runs in the port 7474 (default). So, you can access it from your browser http://localhost:7474 The neo4j authentication was disabled in the Docker container

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