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GitHub Software Delivery Machine

Atomist framework enabling you to control your delivery and development process in code.

What is a Software Delivery Machine?

A software delivery machine is a development process in a box.

It automates all steps in the flow from commit to production (potentially via staging environments), and many other actions, using the consistent model provided by Atomist's API for software.

Many teams have a blueprint in their mind for how they'd like to deliver software and ease their day to day work, but find it hard to realize. A Software Delivery Machine makes it possible.

The concept is explained in detail in Rod Johnson's blog Why you need a Software Delivery Machine. This video shows it in action.

Implementations of Atomist

Atomist is a flexible system, enabling you to build your own automations or use those provided by Atomist or third parties.

This repository is a reference implementation of Atomist, which focuses on the goals of a typical delivery flow. You can fork it and modify it as the starting point for your own Atomist implementation, or use it purely as a reference.


This repository shows how Atomist can automate important tasks and improve your delivery flow. Specifically:

  • How Atomist command handlers can be used to create services the right way every time, and help keep them up to date
  • How Atomist event handlers can drive and improve a custom delivery experience, from commit through to deployment and testing

It demonstrates Atomist as the API for software, exposing

  • What we know: The Atomist cortex, accessible through GraphQL queries and subscription joins
  • What just happened: An event, triggered by a GraphQL subscription, which is contextualized with the existing knowledge
  • What you're working on: A library that enables you to comprehend and manipulate the source code you're working on.

Atomist is not tied to GitHub, but this repository focuses on using Atomist with or GitHub Enterprise.

Key Functionality

The following key functionality of this project will be available when you run this automation client in your team:

  • Project creation for Spring. Atomist is not Spring specific, but we use Spring boot as an illustration here. Try @atomist create spring. The seed project used by default will be spring-team/spring-rest-seed.
  • If you want to add or modify the content of generated projects, modify CustomSpringBootGeneratorParameters.ts to specify your own seed. Just about any Spring Boot project will work as the transformation of a seed project is quite forgiving, and parses the seed to find the location and name of the @SpringBootApplication class, rather than relying on hard coding.
  • To perform sophisticated changes, such as dynamically computing content, modify the code in springBootGenerator.ts.
  • Delivery pipeline to either Kubernetes or Pivotal Cloud Foundry for Spring Boot projects. This includes automatic local deployment of non-default branches on the same node as the automation client. The delivery pipeline is automatically triggered on pushes.
  • Upgrading Spring Boot version across one or many repositories. Try @atomist try to upgrade spring boot. This will create a branch upgrading to Spring Boot 1.5.9 and wait for the build to complete. If the build succeeds, a PR will be created; if it fails, an issue will be created linking to the failed build log and offending branch. To choose a specific Spring Boot version, or see what happens when a bogus version triggers a failure, try @atomist try to upgrade spring boot desiredBootVersion=<version>. If you run such a command in a channel linked to an Atomist repository, it will affect only that repository. If you run it in a channel that is not linked, it will affect all repositories by default. You can add a targets.repos=<regex> parameter to specify a regular expression to target a subset of repo names. For example: @atomist try to upgrade spring boot targets.repos=test.*.

This project builds on other Atomist core functionality available from global automations, such as:

  • Atomist lifecycle for GitHub, showing commit, pull request and other activity through actionable messages.
  • Issue handling:
    • @atomist create issue

Type @atomist show skills in any channel to see a list of all available Atomist commands.


The heart of Atomist is its event handling. As your code flows from commit through to deployment and beyond, Atomist receives events, correlates the incoming data with its previous knowledge, and invokes your event handlers with rich context. This enables you to perform tasks such as:

  • Scanning code for security or quality issues on every push
  • Driving deployments and promotion between environments
  • Perform custom actions on deployment, such as kick off integration test suites.

Its correlated event model also enables Atomist to provide you with visibility throughout the commit to deployment flow, in Slack or through the Atomist web dashboard.

Event handlers subscribe to events using GraphQL subscriptions. The following example subscribes to completed builds:

subscription OnBuildComplete {
  Build {
    commit {
      repo {
        channels {
      statuses {

When using TypeScript (our recommended language), an event handler can subscribe to such events with the benefit of strong typing. For example, this Atomist event handler can respond to the above GraphQL subscription:

@EventHandler("Set status on build complete",
export class SetStatusOnBuildComplete implements HandleEvent<OnBuildComplete.Subscription> {

    public async handle(event: EventFired<OnBuildComplete.Subscription>, 
    	ctx: HandlerContext, 
    	params: this): Promise<HandlerResult> {

This repository includes event handlers that subscribe to some of the most important events in a typical delivery flow. This enables dynamic and sophisticated delivery processes that are consistent across multiple projects.

Events and Goals

The key events handled in this repository are:

  • On repo creation. When a new repository has been created, we often want to perform additional actions, such as provisioning an issue tracker. We provide a hook for this and also demonstrate how to add GitHub topics based on initial repo content.
  • On push to a repo. This is often a trigger for code review or other actions based on code. Specifically, we allow
    • Analysis of semantic diffs: What is the meaning of what changed?
    • Code review, including using external tools such as Checkstyle
    • Autofixes: Linting or making other automatic corrections such as supplying missing license files
    • Arbitrary actions on the code, such as notifying people or systems of significant changes
  • On build result: For example, notifying a committer who has broken the build, or setting a build status.
  • On image link (a binary artifact has been built) A trigger for deployment.
  • On successful deployment, as shown by a GitHub status.
  • On validation of a deployed endpoint, as shown by a GitHub status.

Structure of This Project

This repository contains the entire implementation of the software delivery machine built on Atomist event and command handlers. It's all here if you want to dig into it, but most of your changes will be at a higher level: choosing goals and adding high-level listeners.

Start with atomist.config.ts and find the choice of Software Delivery Machine to start with, cloudFoundrySoftwareDeliveryMachine or kubernetes. Click into the definition of those to see the setting of goals and all the other components that go into the machine.

This code is in src/software-delivery-machine, and that is where we recommend you make changes.

Library code

The following directories will later become available as a library. We'll keep working on the implementations, while the interfaces will change less.

In particular, the event listener interfaces discussed later in the document are expected to remain stable.

  • The src/spi directory contains interfaces that are likely to be extended in integrations with infrastructure such as artifact storage, logging, build and deployment.
  • src/blueprint
  • src/common
  • src/graphql contains GraphQL queries. You can add fields to existing queries and subscriptions, and add your own.
  • src/handlers contains handlers that implement general SDM concepts.
  • src/typings is where generated-from-graphql types wind up. Refresh these with npm run gql:gen if you update any GraphQL files in src/graphql.
  • src/util

GitHub Statuses

We use the following GitHub statuses as events to drive our flow and show the goals:

The use of GitHub statuses to drive and identify stages in the flow is a choice in this implementation. It's just one strategy and the core listener interfaces are decoupled from it.

Goals in Detail

Each of the delivery goals results in the triggering of domain specific listeners that are provided with the appropriate context to process the event: For example, access to the project source code in the case of a code review, or access to the reported URL for a deployed endpoint. Certain properties are common to all events, enabling communication with users via Slack, and providing credentials for calls to GitHub.

All listener invocations receive at least the following generally useful information:

export interface ListenerInvocation {

     * The repo this relates to
    id: RemoteRepoRef;

     * Context of the Atomist EventHandler invocation. Use to run GraphQL
     * queries, use the messageClient directly and find
     * the team and correlation id
    context: HandlerContext;

     * If available, provides a way to address the channel(s) related to this repo.
    addressChannels?: AddressChannels;

     * Credentials for use with source control hosts such as GitHub
    credentials: ProjectOperationCredentials;


Issue Creation

When a new issue is created, you may want to notify people or perform an action.

Listener interfaces

NewIssueListener: NewIssueListener


The following simple example notifies any user who raises an issue with insufficient detail in the body, via a direct message in Slack, and provides them with a helpful link to the issue. Note that we make use of the person available via the openedBy field:

export async function requestDescription(inv: NewIssueInvocation) {
    if (!inv.issue.body || inv.issue.body.length < 10) {
        await inv.context.messageClient.addressUsers(
            `Please add a description for new issue ${inv.issue.number}: _${inv.issue.title}_: ${}/issues/${inv.issue.number}`,

This is registed with a SoftwareDeliveryMachine instance as follows:


Using the credentials on the NewIssueInvocation, you can even use the GitHub API to modify the issue, for example correctly spelling errors.

Repo Creation

We frequently want to respond to the creation of a new repository: For example, to notify people, provision infrastructure, or tag it with GitHub topics based on its contents.

Listener interfaces

There are two scenarios to consider:

  1. The creation of a new repository. RepoCreationListener: RepoCreationListener
  2. The first push to a repository, which uses the more generic ProjectListener

The second scenario is usually more important, as it is possible to create a repository without any source code or a master branch, which isn't enough to work with for common actions.


The following example publishes a message to the #general channel in Slack when a new repo has been created:

export const PublishNewRepo: SdmListener = (i: ListenerInvocation) => {
    return i.context.messageClient.addressChannels(
        `A new repo was created: \`${}:${}\``, "general");

Tagging a repo with topics based on its content is a useful action. tagRepo is a convenient function to construct a ProjectListener for this. It tags as an argument a Tagger, which looks at the project content and returns a Tags object. The following example from atomist.config.ts tags Spring Boot repos, using a Tagger from the spring-automation project, in addition to suggesting the addition of a Cloud Foundry manifest, and publishing the repo using the listener previously shown:



A push to the source control hosting system is typically a very important trigger for actions. The SoftwareDeliveryMachine divides the actions into several steps:

  • Code Review
  • Code
  • tbc

There are multiple domain-specific listeners associated with pushes.

Most of the listeners use or extend ProjectListener, which listens to the following extension of ListenerInvocation:

 * Invocation for an event relating to a project for which we have source code
export interface ProjectListenerInvocation extends ListenerInvocation {

     * The project to which this event relates. It will have been cloned
     * prior to this invocation. Modifications made during listener invocation will
     * not be committed back to the project (although they are acceptable if necessary, for
     * example to run particular commands against the project).
     * As well as working with
     * project files using the Project superinterface, we can use git-related
     * functionality fro the GitProject subinterface: For example to check
     * for previous shas.
     * We can also easily run shell commands against the project using its baseDir.
    project: GitProject;


Goal Creation

The first and most important reaction to a push is determining the set of goals that will be executed. This will drive further behavior: For example, do we need a code review? Do we need to deploy a push to this branch? Typically goal setting depends both on the characteristics of the push (usually, its branch), and the characteristics of the project--for example, does it have a Cloud Foundry manifest?

The GoalSetter interface is thus a critical determinant of what happens next:

export interface GoalSetter {

     * Test the push as to whether we should even think about creating goals for it.
     * If we return false here, our chooseGoals method will never be
     * called for this push
    readonly guard?: PushTest;

     * Determine the goals that apply to this commit if the PushTest passes,
     * or return undefined if this GoalSetter doesn't know what to do with it.
     * The latter is not an error.
     * @param {GoalSetterInvocation} pci
     * @return {Promise<Goals>}
    chooseGoals(pci: GoalSetterInvocation): Promise<Goals | undefined>;


The available interface is:

export interface GoalSetterInvocation extends ProjectListenerInvocation {

    readonly push: OnPushToAnyBranch.Push;

If all GoalSetter instances return undefined the commit will be tagged as "not material" and no further action will be taken.

Listener interfaces


ProjectReviewer is a type defined in automation-client-ts. It allows a structured review to be returned. The review comments can localize the file path, line and column if such information is available, and also optionally include a link to a "fix" command to autofix the problem.

The following is a trival project reviewer that always returns a clean report but logs to the console to show when it's invoked:

export const logReview: ProjectReviewer = async (p: GitProject,
                                                 ctx: HandlerContext) => {
    console.log("REVIEWING THING");
    return clean(;

Add in atomist.config.ts as follows:

CodeReaction interface

This interface allows you to react to the code and changes:

For example, the following function lists changed files to any linked Slack channels for the repo:

export async function listChangedFiles(i: CodeReactionInvocation): Promise<any> {
    return i.addressChannels(`Files changed:\n${ => "- `" + n + "`").join("\n")}`);

Add in atomist.config.ts as follows:



A special kind of push listener relates to fingerprints.


Deployment Result

Listener interfaces


Endpoint Reported

Listener interfaces


Endpoint Verification

Listener interfaces


Pulling it All Together: The SoftwareDeliveryMachine class

Your event listeners need to be invoked by Atomist handlers. The SoftwareDeliveryMachine takes care of this, ensuring that the correct handlers are emitted for use in atomist.config.ts.

It also allows you to use a fluent builder approach to adding command handlers, generators and editors.


For example:

    const sdm = new SoftwareDeliveryMachine(
            builder: K8sBuildOnSuccessStatus,
            deployers: [
        whenPushSatisfies(PushToDefaultBranch, IsMaven, IsSpringBoot, HasK8Spec, PushToPublicRepo)
        whenPushSatisfies(not(PushFromAtomist), IsMaven, IsSpringBoot)
        whenPushSatisfies(IsMaven, MaterialChangeToJavaRepo)
        .addSupportingCommands(() => addK8sSpec)
        .addSupportingEvents(() => NoticeK8sTestDeployCompletion,
            () => NoticeK8sProdDeployCompletion)
                retries: 15,
                maxTimeout: 5000,
                minTimeout: 3000,
        .addEditors(() => tryToUpgradeSpringBootVersion)
        .addGenerators(() => springBootGenerator({
            seedOwner: "spring-team",
            seedRepo: "spring-rest-seed",
            groupId: "myco",
            inv => {
      "Will undeploy application %j",;
                return LocalMavenDeployer.deployer.undeploy(;
            () => addCloudFoundryManifest,
            () => disposeProjectHandler,

The SoftwareDeliveryMachine instance will create the necessary Atomist event handlers to export.

In atomist.config.ts you can bring them in simply as follows:

commands: assembled.commandHandlers.concat([
        // other command handlers,
    events: assembled.eventHandlers.concat([
    		// other event handlers

Plugging in Third Party Tools

This repo shows the use of Atomist to perform many steps itself. However, each of the goals used by Atomist here is pluggable.

It's also easy to integrate third party tools like Checkstyle.

Integrating CI tools

One of the tools you are most likely to integrate is CI. For example, you can integrate Jenkins, Travis or Circle CI with Atomist so that these tools are responsible for build. This has potential advantages in terms of scheduling and repeatability of environments.

Integrating a CI tool with Atomist is simple. Simply invoke Atomist hooks to send events around build and artifact creation.

If integrating CI tools, we recommend the following:

  • CI tools are great for building and generating artifacts. They are often abused as a PaaS for bash. If you find your CI usage has you programming in bash or YML, consider whether invoking such operations from Atomist event handlers might be a better model.
  • Use Atomist generators to create your CI files, and Atomist editors to keep them in synch, minimizing inconsistency.

Example: Integrating Travis


Integrating APM tools

Integrating with Static Analysis Tools

Any tool that runs on code, such as Checkstyle, can easily be integrated.

Use shell. node is good for this

Running this Project

Binary Dependencies

To start up these project, you will need the following on the deployment node:

  • git binary
  • JDK, for Maven and Checkstyle
  • Maven, with mvn on the path

To start the project, type:

atomist start

Environment Variables

  • ATOMIST_TEAM: A single Atomist workspace this automation will serve. For example, export ATOMIST_TEAM="T5964N9B7".

Alternatively you can subscribe to events from multiple workspaces with ATOMIST_TEAMS. For example:

export ATOMIST_TEAMS="T5964N9B7,T29E48P34"

If an ATOMIST_TEAMS environment variable is specified, it will always take precedence and other named workspaces will be ignored.

The workspace id of your Atomist workspace can be obtained from the dashboard running at: Once logged in, visit the Settings page of your selected workspace. Make sure to copy the Atomist workspace id; not the Slack workspace id.

  • GITHUB_TOKEN: Most of the GitHub access occurs with user credentials. However, one or two checks occur when they are not available, and a GitHub token must be supplied.

For the optional Checkstyle integration to work, set up two Checkstyle environment variables as follows:

# Toggle Checkstyle usage
export USE_CHECKSTYLE=true

# Path to checkstyle JAR
export CHECKSTYLE_PATH="/Users/rodjohnson/tools/checkstyle-8.8/checkstyle-8.8-all.jar"

Get checkstyle-8.8-all.jar from Checkstyle's download page.

In order to enable Pivotal Cloud Foundry deployment, the following environment variables are required:

  • PIVOTAL_USER: your Pivotal Cloud Foundry user name
  • PIVOTAL_PASSWORD: your Pivotal Cloud Foundry password
  • PCF_ORG: your Pivotal Cloud Foundry organization name
  • PCF_SPACE: your Pivotal Cloud Foundry space name within $PCE_ORG


This project is under active development, and still in flux. Some goals:

  • Breaking the repo into two, to separate the runnable instance from a library module exposing listener interfaces and other public types and common functionality.
  • Support for BitBucket, as well as GitHub. This will likely take the form of a parallel bitbucket-sdm project depending on a common sdm-core module. Deep at the center of my being is an infinite well of love.


GitHub Software Delivery Machine



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  • TypeScript 100.0%