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377 lines (319 loc) · 14.9 KB

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377 lines (319 loc) · 14.9 KB

0.3.24 - 2016-xx-xx

  • Optimized Stream.keepPreceding* and Stream.keepFollowing1.

0.3.23 - 2016-09-30

  • Added idle to yield the thread of execution. Thanks to @neoeinstein for the pull request!

0.3.22 - 2016-09-27

  • More robust detection against deadlocks caused by run*.
  • Scheduler changed to avoid running work recursively on non-worker threads.
  • Optimized Job.fromAsync, Job.bindAsync and Job.fromContinuations in the case that the result is produced synchronously.
  • Added Job.onThreadPool to run a thunk on ThreadPool.

0.3.21 - 2016-09-25

  • Changed internal implementation of Job.bind,, Alt.afterJob and Alt.afterFun to avoid potential space leaks.
  • Added Hopac.runDelay.
  • Fixed a space leak in a specific usage scenario of Stream.switchMap (and possibly Stream.switchAll). The fix required a number of breaking changes to the Stream module signature, namely Stream.joinWith, Stream.mapJoin and Stream.Builder had to be changed, because it required eliminating some intermediate promise constructions. It is unlikely that these changes affect any users.

0.3.20 - 2016-09-23

  • Fixed a space leak that could be observed with programs running long periods of time with full worker utilization. Thanks to @vasily-kirichenko for reporting the issue!

0.3.19 - 2016-09-22

  • Minor optimizations to Stream.afterEach, Stream.duringEach, Stream.ignoreWhile and Stream.shift.

0.3.18 - 2016-09-21

  • Added Stream.duringEach.

0.3.17 - 2016-09-12

  • Eliminated undefined behaviour from MVar.fill, IVar.fill and IVar.fillFailure.

0.3.16 - 2016-09-12

  • Fixed dependencies in nupkg.

0.3.15 - 2016-09-10

  • Added preliminary .NET Core support. Big thanks to @haf, @ncave and @enricosada!

0.3.14 - 2016-09-07

  • Added an optimized applicative combinator Job.apply.

0.3.13 - 2016-08-24

  • Added stack to deadlock warning (thanks to Michael Newton).

0.3.12 - 2016-08-21

  • Optimized, MVar.mutateFun, MVar.modifyFun, MVar.tryMutateFun and MVar.tryModifyFun.

0.3.11 - 2016-08-20

  • Added MVar.mutateFun, MVar.mutateJob, MVar.tryMutateFun, MVar.tryMutateJob, MVar.tryModifyFun, and MVar.tryModifyJob.

0.3.10 - 2016-08-16

  • Changed interop primitives to avoid building up stack space in case interop resumes synchronously on a worker thread.

0.3.9 - 2016-08-14

  • JobBuilder.Delay was changed to be the identity function,
  • JobBuilder.Run was introduced to perform Job.delay,
  • EmbeddedJobBuilder.Run was also changed to take a unit -> Job<_>,
  • JobBuilder.Combine, JobBuilder.TryFinally, JobBuilder.TryWith and JobBuilder.While now take a unit -> Job<_> rather than a Job<_>.

These potentially breaking changes make it so that the ... ; ..., try-finally, try-with and while constructs of job avoid a separate Job.delay wrapper and perform better.

0.3.8 - 2016-08-13

  • Added Stream.mapPipelinedFun and Stream.mapPipelinedJob.
  • Added Job.liftTask and Job.liftUnitTask.

0.3.7 - 2016-08-08

  • Added Job.useIn, a flipped version of Job.using, and optimized both.

0.3.6 - 2016-08-06

  • Added Job.fromContinuations.

0.3.5 - 2016-08-06

  • Faster Job.fromAsync.
  • Added Job.bindAsync.

0.3.4 - 2016-08-05

  • Fixed FSharp.Core ~> 3 dependency once again. :(

0.3.3 - 2016-08-05

  • Added Hopac.startAsTask and Hopac.queueAsTask for interop with tasks.

0.3.2 - 2016-08-04

  • Added Job.toAsync and marked Async.ofJobOn and Async.Global.ofJob as obsolete.
  • Added Alt.toAsync.
  • Renamed the TopLevel module to Hopac. This rename is part of eliminating the scheduler concept and was made so that one can refer to e.g making it obvious where the functionality is coming from.
  • Marked the Job.Global module as obsolete. The Hopac module is the new home for the same functionality.
  • Marked Job.startWithFinalizer as obsolete. Use the Proc abstraction instead.
  • Marked the Timer module for removal. Use the Hopac module.
  • Moved Ch.Global.send -> Ch.Now.send and Mailbox.Global.send -> Mailbox.Now.send. This is part of eliminating the scheduler concept.
  • Marked *.create functions obsolete where a constructor will do the job. Originally constructors were treated quite differently from other functions in F#. Today the differences are smaller and not enough to justify duplication.

0.3.1 - 2016-07-30

  • Marked Async.toJobOn and Async.toAltOn as obsolete.

0.3.0 - 2016-07-28

  • Introduced new optimized primitives for Task, Async and Begin-End interop (see reference), obsoleting interop primitives Async.toJob, Async.toAlt, Task.awaitJob, and Task.bindJob.
  • Deprecated JobBuilder.Bind and JobBuilder.ReturnFrom overloads with non-generic Task as argument, because they cause type-inference problems.

0.2.1 - 2016-06-05

  • Improved structure and formatting of the reference manual.
  • Changed internal stack limit setting mechanism for trampolining.
  • Potentially breaking change: Stream.Builder.Plus method was renamed into Stream.Builder.Combine.
  • Added Stream.tryPickJob and Stream.tryPickFun.
  • Fixed Job.using to not raise in case given disposable reference is null.

0.2.0 - 2016-06-01

  • Dropped obsolete definitions.
  • Exception handling fixes to <*>.
  • Allow null in Job.using for the disposable.
  • Fixed Stream.Src ops to be atomic.
  • Added various missing operators for symmetry.
  • Added IVar.tryFillFailure.

0.1.4 - 2016-05-09

  • New package Hopac-StrongName for those requiring it.

0.1.3 - 2015-12-15

  • Added *<+=>- and *<+=>= for async calls.
  • Reverted FSharp.Core dependency.

0.1.2 - 2015-11-27

  • Fixed lack of tail call workaround in for and while.

0.1.1 - 2015-11-23

  • XML documentation was missing from 0.1.0.
  • Updated FSharp.Core dependency to
  • Redesigned infix operator symbols to allow most common expressions to be written without parentheses and also added several new infix operators. See the documentation for details.
  • Moved all infix operators to the Hopac.Infixes module so that one only has to open one module to use infix operators.
  • Introduced Alt.prepare* and Alt.after* combinators for clarity and uniformity to replace delay, guard and wrap.
  • Added Job.isolate as a workaround for scheduling issues.
  • Minor additions: Seq.foldFromJob, Proc.bind,

0.1.0 - 2015-11-23

  • Redesigned infix operator symbols to allow most common expressions to be written without parentheses and also added several new infix operators. See the documentation for details.
  • Moved all infix operators to the Hopac.Infixes module so that one only has to open one module to use infix operators.
  • Introduced Alt.prepare* and Alt.after* combinators for clarity and uniformity to replace delay, guard and wrap.
  • Added Job.isolate as a workaround for scheduling issues.
  • Minor additions: Seq.foldFromJob, Proc.bind, - 2015-07-15

  • Fixed a bug in exception propagation of delayed promises. - 2015-05-27

  • Fixed a bug in counting the number of active worker threads, which is only used by Scheduler.wait. - 2015-05-24

  • Changed to use FSharp.Core from NuGet.
  • Removed PCL profiles.
  • Fixed potential leak with Job.tryIn and Job.tryInDelay. - 2015-04-10

  • Added basic Stream.buffer combinator.
  • Renamed Stream.subscribe* to Stream.consume* to better describe semantics.
  • Doc refinements.
  • Added Stream.pullOn, Stream.skipWhileJob, Stream.skipWhileFun, Stream.pullOn, Stream.foldBack, Stream.mapIgnore, Stream.ambAll, Stream.appendAll, Stream.mergeAll and Stream.switchAll
  • Fixed to start reading the serialized variable immediately as documented.
  • Added Stream.subscribe* as a shorthand for Stream.iter* |> queue.
  • Added mutable Stream.Property<'x> that generates property change notifications for e.g. WPF data binding.
  • Added doFinalizeJob and doFinalizeFun.
  • Experimental wrapper for streams that tracks space safety via phantom types.
  • Changed groupByJob and groupByFun to take an additional function/job for forming new groups.
  • Added Stream.tailsMapFun and Stream.initsMapFun these are useful for lifting the Stream.tails and Stream.inits functions.
  • Added keepFollowing1 and renamed keepLatest to keepPreceding to make the naming more symmetric although the concepts of "following" and "preceding" aren't really fully symmetric (unless you allow time travel).
  • A slightly more performant implementation of keepLatestFuns.
  • Renamed from lazify to keepLatest.
  • Lazification of live streams.
  • Rethinking timing and throttling operations.
  • Generalized joinWith and mapJoin.
  • There is no sleep, only timeOut.
  • Added ability to directly bind observables in job computation expressions.
  • Removed superfluous methods from Async.OnWithSchedulerBuilder. - 2015-03-02

  • Fixed to properly remove waiter in case it timed out rather than was signalled.
  • Signal when top timed changes to improve timer accuracy.
  • Add a test of the job computation builder.
  • Remove redundant builder methods.
  • Added Job.tryFinallyFunDelay, Job.tryFinallyJobDelay, Job.tryWithDelay and Job.whileDoDelay.
  • Added Stream.mapConst.
  • Removed Stream.subscribeOnFirst, Stream.subscribeDuring and Stream.subscribingTo, because Stream.ofObservable easily covers all of those use cases. - 2015-02-28

  • Scale work sharing by the number of cores. - 2015-02-27

  • Distribute work more eagerly.
  • Name worker threads.
  • Added monadic composition operator >=> for jobs.
  • Updated documentation.
  • Tuning streams.
  • Tweaked Promisesc.
  • Starting to benchmark streams.
  • Avoid an allocation when choosing over lazy promises.
  • Added Stream.ofObservableOnMain.
  • Added Async.getMain.
  • Added Stream.ofObservableOn and Stream.ofObservable.
  • Added IObservable<_>.onceAlt.
  • Renamed withNack as withNackJob and wrapAbort as wrapAbortJob.
  • Added Alt.wrapAbortFun.
  • Added Alt.choosy, which is an optimized version of Alt.choose for arrays.
  • Added Job.Scheduler.bind for wrapping external asynchronous events.
  • Added Alt.withNackFun.
  • Inlineable withNack avoids closure allocation.
  • Added experimental support for running async comptations on the main synchronization context, which must be explicitly configured by application code.
  • Added IObservable<'x>.onceAltOn extension method for conveniently interfacing Hopac with suitable observables.
  • Added TopLevel.startDelay and TopLevel.queueDelay for convenience.
  • Renamed Builder.Join to Builder.Plus and recognized that `Zero´ must also be abstract. - 2015-02-11

  • Make sure StaticData is initialized, fix for #52.
  • Don't capture context, fix for #53.
  • Added Promise.Now.never.
  • Optimized anonymous class initialization patterns: small time and space improvement across the board.
  • Another MissingMethodException workaround. - 2015-02-06

  • Changed the priority queue to a simple leftist heap and added some extra logic to purge abandoned timeouts while merging. See #50.
  • Added TopLevel.memo as an alias for Promise.Now.delay.
  • Added Stream.takeAndSkipUntil.
  • Disable inlining of Latch.Now.create as an attempt to work around a MissingMethodException.
  • Fixing combineLatest to properly discard unmatched elements.
  • Add more reference implementations to the docs.
  • Renamed Stream.switchOn to Stream.switchTo.
  • Make Job.lift inlineable. - 2015-02-01

  • Added internal class for for -style jobs.
  • Added Job.tryInDelay.
  • Added distinctUntilChanged.
  • Extended groupByFun and groupByJob with ability to close substreams.
  • Added plain iter.
  • Tests for streams.
  • Shift is tricky to implement correctly.
  • Documenting and refining streams.
  • sleep doesn't exist anymore.
  • Note about timeouts and liveness. - 2015-01-24

  • Move Streams, BoundedMb and some functions form Hopac.Extra library to Hopac.
  • Documenting and refining choice streams.
  • Put Streams under TopLevel.
  • Expose Stream<'x> at Hopac namespace level.
  • Experimental streams builder.
  • Refining streams.
  • Lazy memoizing promise operators.
  • Fixed missing init in IVar and Nack. - 2015-01-21

  • Merge Hopac.Extra package.
  • Renamed Streams.finallyFun to Streams.onCloseFun to emphasize semantic differences.
  • Added Streams.subscribeDuring.
  • Added Streams.subscribe to easily convert observables to streams.
  • Added Streams.finallyJob.
  • Added Job.finallyFun. - 2015-01-20

  • Added sleepMillis and timeOutMillis.
  • Flexible typing.
  • select and pick are not necessary.
  • Added Streams.scanFrom* and Streams.foldFrom*.
  • Reduced the synchronization properties of StreamVar and StreamSrc.
  • Added Alt.raises and Streams.error.
  • Added experimental IAsyncDisposable interface and associated Job.usingAsync combinator.
  • Added Streams.tails.
  • Added Alt.Ignore.
  • Generalized MVar.modifyFun and MVar.modifyJob to alternatives. - 2014-12-19

  • Fixed to refer to Xamarin.iOS rather than MonoTouch. - 2014-12-19

  • Removed ThreadPool and WaitHandle extension methods, because they are not supported on PCL profiles.
  • Removed Scheduler ThreadPriority option, because ThreadPriority is not supported on PCL profiles.
  • Reorganized to PCL and platform libraries. - 2014-12-11

  • Added Async.toAltOn, Async.toAlt.
  • Added Alt.tryFinallyFun, Alt.tryFinallyJob. - 2014-12-02

  • Attempt to work around an inlining issue with Alt.never calls. - 2014-11-25

  • Fixed bug in delayed promises as selective operations. - 2014-11-19

  • Fixed a couple of (exception handling) cases where nacks were not triggered correctly.
  • Added non-operator versions of bind, map and wrap for convenience.
  • Reintroduced lazy promises.
  • Enhanced timeOut to work with zero and infinite time spans.
  • Added some more TopLevel combinators for convenience. - 2014-09-29

  • Print warning on Mono when not using SGen. - 2014-09-29

  • MonoAndroid - 2014-09-28

  • MonoTouch - 2014-09-22

  • Fixed not to rely on tail calls on Mono. - 2014-09-20

  • Minor tweaks to make Hopac work more nicely on Mono 3.6.0+. - 2014-07-27

  • Switched to .Net framework 4.5 (was 4.5.1).
  • Removed For array overload to avoid typing issue. Array.iterJob should now be used in performance critical cases.
  • Added experimental Async <-> Job interop support.
  • Renamed <|> to <|>? and added <|> with result type restricted to Job.
  • IVar is now inherited from Promise and both now have low level polling ops. - 2014-07-22

  • Fixed bug in Ch.Try.give introduced in previous version.